
loved by my ceo

Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and the accomodations

Jessica_Cruise19 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter Three

Annalise Smith

His stare was cold and piercing. It was the stare of a wild animal just waiting to pounce. Seeing him from that distance, I realized just how tall he was. He loomed over the woman standing nearby. He must have been at least six three. I don't know how much time passed with us just staring into each other's eyes. It might have stopped for all I cared. My bewildered stupor was broken by a man who walked into me on his way somewhere. With all that staring I had grown rigid and numb at the same time, so I just wheeled around on one foot and toppled to the ground.

"You okay?" The man asked, appearing suddenly at my side.

"If not for the fact that I saw it wasn't you who walked into him, I would have thought bumping into people was your way of picking up guys". He said grabbing me by the elbow, and lifted me up effortlessly. He was so strong it seemed I didn't weigh a pound. I gathered my wits and the alchol made me braver.

"You've been watching me the whole evening, haven't you? I asked fiercely. I might be paranoid sometimes, but when I have a bunch it's rarely wrong.

The man smirked

"I watch the club", he replied. "I supervise the staff, check on the guests, and looking for women in need of a wall or a crane". I found his response amusing and discomforting in equal parts.

"In that case, thank you for being my crane. Have a good night". I sent him a prorocative gaze and headed towards the girls. When he stayed behind I sighed with relief. At least I didn't look like a complete idiot and had been able to speak like a normal person.

"See you around", I heard him say. Scarlett, Layla and I spent the rest of the evening wandering around clubs, only returning to our apartment when the sun was rising.

I woke up woke up with a terrible headache. Oh right ... Alchol I adore champagne, but the hangover's are the worst. With the last minute strength I could must, I crawled out of bed and reached the bathroom. I rummaged through my toiletry bag and found my painkillers, taking three and returning straight to bed. When it came to a few hours, I showered, and jumped into a sweat pants. Someone asked me the other day to describe my fashion style for casual wear using one word.I chose to describe it as 'laid back' because that's what I seek. I want a look that is simple, comfortable and easy to jump into and out of.

A few days later I went for three interviews, I went to a coffee shop, an apartment and an office. I decided on going to a coffee shop for the first interview because it was a public place and to be honest I really wanted coffee that morning. It was a great place to feel relaxed and at home which I believe translated into a better interview. I felt a lot more comfortable asking different questions, and the interviewer felt more comfortable with sharing information that might be considered more personal. The only complaint I would have with the coffee shop was the audio recording quality since it was a little bit noisy. The second interview was at the apartment of the lawyer. It was one of the first times I met him so I was a little worried at first going into his home alone but he had a nice dog and was super friendly.

The home-like atmosphere made it a lot more comfortable on both ends to talk and share information that might otherwise been held back. The audio quality was great considering it was a lot more quiet of a place.