
Lovecraft Country Tales of Dark Cities and Mysteries of Shadows

They are a collection of stories about kings, queens, witches, sorcerers, nocturnal singers, at a time when the people, in a state that encompasses a series of cold cities that were founded when the great migrations began, the navigations, amid the colonizations. In addition to a series of tales from fictional worlds from a series of cities where there is horror, mysteries, suspense, crimes, detective stories, supernatural scenes, which surround the world of Lovecraft County. Stories of love, pleasure, seduction, tales of pain, love and pleasure, where alternative worlds reign, crimes, where the mafia and darkness reign. When the counties of Lovecraft County were founded, when the great navigations emerged between the colonizations of the Americas, monsters, vampires, demons and werewolves came with humans. Demons and supernatural beings arrived in the Americas, over 600 years ago, in this alternative reality, the great navigations took place and were financed by the great magicians and demons, expanding their territory towards the rest of the world, creating bases and headquarters for the cities. From the moments of time when everything changed going on for eons forward, when we show tales of days of futures and kingdoms past, to tales of dark cities and dark kingdoms about fantasy and present day cities. The beginning of the expansion took place in search of fleeing the persecutions, during a troubled period of the Middle Ages, when countless cities taken and ruled by monsters and humans, from cursed cities, to the fights for monsters, coexisting with humans and demons, in cities of darkness and kingdoms that become new democracies in present times. Great mystical families, wizards and humans, long ago began to dwell in the great city of shadows, founding Lovecraft's state. Come to the world of Lovecraft County, embark on diverse stories from dark fairy tales to modern stories of diabolical plots, conspiracies and stories of love, desires and passion, alternate wo

Sasina Zariel Emerodo · Eastern
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26 Chs


Through the lands of the Silencer Realm, three heroes wandered. The first was a warrior, a fierce and skilled fighter who had honed his skills in battle. The second was an archer, known as the Blood Souls of Crows , who was feared for her deadly accuracy and accuracy with a bow. The third was a sorcerer, a master of magic and the arcane, who used powerful spells to defeat his enemies.

When the heroes arrived at the city of the Silencer Realm, each of them quickly heard of the evil that had gripped the city. Each of them met with several citizens, who informed them about the hellish creatures that lurked in the depths of the monastery and the mysterious disappearance of King Leonidas and his companions.

One such citizen was Deckard Cain, a wise old man who had lived in the city for many years. Each of them told the heroes about the ancient evil that had been sealed away in the depths of the monastery and warned them of the dangers that lay ahead.

The heroes also met a boy named Wirt , who had lost a leg and now wore a peg leg. Despite his disability, Wirt was a resourceful and cunning individual, who began selling contraband goods in the city. Each of them gave the heroes valuable information about the city and the evil that has taken hold of it.

With the help of Deckard Cain and Wirt , the heroes set out on their journey into the depths of the monastery. Each of them knew the path ahead would be perilous, but they were determined to defeat evil and save the city from the terror that gripped it.

There are some trading points in the city of The Kingdom of the Silencers, so each of the champions meets several citizens of the city, who inform him of the evil that dwells in the depths of the one that was taken, in the mind of each one of them monastery, like the wise old Deckard Cain, who gives a lot of important information, and the young Wirt , a boy who lost a leg and uses a wooden leg, and who is in hiding selling contraband goods.

As each of the champions explored the city of the Silencer Realm, they each came across various commercial spots where citizens sold their goods and services. It was here that he met several people who had valuable information about the evil that inhabited the depths of the monastery.

One such person was Deckard Cain, a wise old man who had lived in the city for many years. Each of them studied the ancient texts and knew a lot about the evil that had been sealed away in the depths of the monastery. Each of them shared their knowledge with the hero, giving him important information about the dangers that awaited him.

In which each of the champions also met a boy named Wirt , who had lost a leg and now wore a peg leg. Despite his disability, Wirt was a resourceful and cunning individual who began selling contraband goods in the city. Each of them provided each of the champions with valuable information about the city and the evil that had taken hold of it.

With the help of Deckard Cain and Wirt , each of the champions managed to gather information about the evil that lurked in the depths of the monastery, and the missing King Leonidas, his companions and his son. In which each of the champions knew they had to be careful and well prepared for the journey that lay ahead. Each of them knew it would be a dangerous and difficult task, but they were determined to defeat evil and save the city from the terror that gripped it.

history and tales of champions decides to help those people and goes alone to the monastery to go down its catacombs, right at the entrance there is a man about to die, who says that the Archbishop betrayed the expedition, and instead of leading it to find the beginning, he took the king and his men to death in a place where there was a creature known as "The Butcher". Before dying, the man makes a last request to the hero, asks that his death be avenged, and so each of the champions finally enters the place, it is extremely dark, there is a lot of blood and it doesn't take long for the creatures to start appearing on all sides, the difficulty is immense, but in which each of the champions continues downhill, but sometimes each of them has to return to the city, through magical portals or secret shortcuts that lead to some point in the city. Where each of the champions continues down and faces hundreds of hellish creatures, and soon comes to a much worse...

The hero, moved by the plight of the townspeople and the fate of King Leonidas and his companions, decided to act. Each of them knew that he was the only one who could end the terror that gripped the city.

Each of them made their way to the monastery and descended into the catacombs, determined to find and defeat the evil that lurked within. But upon entering the catacombs, he found a man lying on the ground, dying. The man revealed to each of them that the archbishop had betrayed King Leonidas and his men, leading them to their death at the hands of a creature known as "The Butcher". The dying man begged each of the champions to avenge his death and then each of the champions made a promise to bring justice to the fallen.

In which each of the champions ventured into the catacombs, facing countless hellish creatures along the way. The catacombs were dark and filled with blood, making it difficult for champions to navigate. But each of them continued, using secret portals and shortcuts to return to the city when necessary.

In which each of the champions faced hundreds of hellish creatures, each more terrifying than the last, but were determined to achieve their goal. Each of them knew that the final battle would be the hardest and most dangerous of all.

Finally, after much struggle and perseverance, each of the champions reached the lair of the "Butcher", the creature responsible for the death of King Leonidas and his men. The battle was fierce, but in which each of the champions emerged victorious, having defeated evil and avenging the death of the fallen.

With the city saved and the evil defeated, each of the champions returned to the surface, acclaimed as each of the champions by the people of the Silencer Realm. And King Leonidas, his companions and his son were finally found, and his death was avenged. The champions ' deeds would be remembered for generations as a tale of courage and bravery in the face of darkness and evil.

history and tales about From the shadows in which each of the champions can hear a voice saying "Ah, fresh meat" and soon the creature known as "The Reaper" appears and begins to attack violently, it is much stronger than any other creature that in that each of the champions faced in the one that was taken, in the mind of each one of them places and causes a lot of damage, but ends up being defeated, and in which each of the champions continues their journey, encountering various types of monsters, some stronger than others , but what stands out the most is the so-called "King Esqucada one of them " who is none other than King Leonidas himself, reborn in hatred, each of them is very strong, but ends up being destroyed in combat.

History and Tales of Champions, after defeating "The Butcher", continues his journey deeper into the catacombs. As each of them goes deeper, each of them begins to hear a voice coming from the shadows, "Ah, fresh meat", and soon, a new and more formidable creature appears before each of them. This creature was known as "The Reaper ", a being of immense power and strength.

In which each of the champions engaged in battle with "The Reaper " and despite the creature's ferocity and strength, each of the champions emerged victorious. But the journey was far from over. In which each of the champions encountered various other monsters, some stronger than others, but none as challenging as "The Reaper ".

In which each of the champions soon came face to face with "King Esqucada one of their own ", a powerful and terrifying creature unlike any other that each of them had encountered before. But upon engaging in combat with the creature, each of them realized that "King Esqucada one of them " was none other than King Leonidas himself, reborn in hatred and driven by a desire for revenge.

The battle was fierce and intense, but in which each of the champions managed to overcome the " Esqucada King one of them " and put an end to his reign of terror. With "King Esqucada one of them " defeated, each of the champions managed to finally bring peace to the people of the Kingdom of Silencers and avenge the death of King Leonidas and his men.

So it happened in a high period of great progress of the kingdom, where King Leonidas reigned, when each of them was cursed long ago, by the power of his enemy in an ancient war, in which each of them won, but not it was like this, in the middle of the battlefield, in his final act, when he killed a beast that invaded his kingdom, which culminated in the end of the battle, in which this beast was nothing more than the son of a king and his queen witch.

In the midst of ages of destruction and death, the kingdom has long been taken over by monsters, this culminated in a great destruction and in the midst of wars, between the corruption and decay of the kingdom, in which this spread to several kingdoms that were hit by the influence of monsters and monsters as each of them began to isolate the kingdom.

Due to the great dangers of the kingdom that began to harm other neighboring kingdoms due to the fact that they began to have monster attacks, at that time they formed a meeting between the borders of the forgotten kingdoms, as it was called, then, there in the middle of a castle by inviting some of your allies.