
Everett's Journal - The Grand Opening

Sunday, April 11

Last night was our grand opening and I've gotta say, we rocked it! Lacy said she hoped for 300 people and I'm pretty sure we had at least 350! There are tons of positive reviews up online now. I'm so glad people like my food!

The real highlight of the night was meeting THE Delilah Lee Jones! Well, maybe not actually meeting her. I was so nervous and excited, I acted like a fool. Told her it was a "plonor" (pleasure + honor) to meet her. Yeah, I kind of just wanted to die when I said that. But she was totally nice about it!

The better moment was when she called me back out after she ate. Delilah Lee Freaking Jones liked my food! She said she'd be back! And gave me a hug! Twice! So pretty much I can die a happy man now.

I had no idea that Lacy was friends with Delilah, but they chatted for a while and seemed very chummy. Lacy said there was a story there. I'll have to weasel it out of her, because I'm dying to know how they met!

Being head chef with my own staff is so satisfying. I was so afraid that I'd muck it up somehow, but things went really smoothly. I know it was only the first night, but I'm hopeful that it will continue. I've got a great boss and a great staff! I feel very optimistic about the future of Lovebird Café!

We're all taking today off. Lacy insists that we can't pull 7-day weeks and we don't have the staff for multiple shifts. Apparently some of the staff like to go to church, so Sundays will be our day off. I'm not complaining. Running a kitchen is harder and more exhausting than I expected. I feel the tiniest, teeniest sliver of sympathy for Natal. But not much. I don't care how stressed I get or how popular our restaurant gets, I will NOT turn into a tyrant like him! I want to be the kind of leader that younger and less experienced chefs can look up to, can turn to for advice, and can respect.