
Everett's Journal - The Bad News

Wednesday, June 30

I got some bad news today. Apparently the interview I did with Charlotte Taste didn't come out in this issue. Jeff, Lacy's stupid ex-fiance, managed to get his ugly mug in this week's issue instead. Not only that, but he convinced the magazine to not even run my interview, which was a really low blow.

Thank goodness for Lacy. When I first met her, I honestly had no idea how someone so scattered could run a successful restaurant. But now, I have no clue how we'd survive without her! She's the definition of dedicated. I'm pretty sure she puts in more hours than anyone else. And she's on top of things. I don't think I've ever had to push her or remind her more than once about something I needed before she took care of it.

She came up with the perfect plan to put jerkwad Jeff back in his place. Mr. Edmundson, thankfully, didn't buy Jeff's garbage and refused to do his interview.

Instead, Lacy is going to meet with Mr. Edmundson next week and do a bit of an expose about Jeff and how he ditched the restaurant before it even opened. That, paired with his casting shade on my interview will make him look like a jealous prig. Which he is.

After they run Lacy's tell-all, they'll do my article (finally). And it will probably get a lot of attention now.

So I guess I should be thanking Jeff. His childish behavior is really just giving us some free press. And with Lacy fighting like a boss, it's all going to come out making us look really good and making him look awful.

In other news, Kara will be moving next week. It's been so good having her close enough to spend time with. She's come to the restaurant with me a few times and I've been sneaking her leftovers every few nights to help make ends meet. I know how tough that can be when you're a college student.

I'll miss her a lot. Hopefully she'll come back and visit often. She got a really good internship in Georgia that she'll keep through the fall semester. It will give her credits and experience, so I can't complain too much.

Dad called this week. He's still very much Dad. I'm not sure what I did to convince him that I'm destined to be a homeless, jobless loser, but man, is he stuck on that.

When I mentioned the article to him, he just scoffed and told me that a culinary magazine is nothing. "Even I could get an article in one of those rags," he said. I know he thinks cooking is a joke, but I kind of thought that, if I waited long enough, he would come around. Clearly I was just delusional.

On the positive side, he won't be disappointed that my article didn't come out, since he wasn't planning on reading it anyway. What a plus.