
Love you to Luna

#revenge#,#suspense#,#werewolf love#,#crazy love triangle#. She had neatly ironed her clothes the night before and now is the time to suit up. She took a very quick bath, rubbed her favorite strawberry flavored lotion and then took her clothes from the closet. It was a three pieces clothing,a nude blazer with black trousers and then an inner black colored top. She applied a light makeup after wearing her clothes,tied her hair backwards,grabbed her shoulder bag and quietly left the house. As She walked along the route to the bus station she remembered how happy her mother was when she broke the news of her employment to her. At least now her mother would stop working as a cook. She checked the time on her phone,it was 6:30am. She would get to work on time if she increased her pace so she hopped on her feet playfully as she went but suddenly stopped when someone stood in front of her. It was Luther, the crazy vampire that wouldn't let her be. She had known Luther ever since she moved to the neighborhood when she was little. She tried to stay away from him as much as she could because they were enemies by nature not only that she disliked him as well. " Hey pretty " He said try to touch her cheek. To Adolpha vampires smelled like rotten egg so she hated coming in close contact with one,dirty ones like Luther were worse,she felt like throwing up . She moved backwards to prevent him from touching her. 'Why would I meet such a nincompoop on my first day of work' She thought cursing under her breath at the same time. " I will be waiting patiently for your reply baby" He said smiling sheepishly. " I thought I already gave you my reply. I'm not interested in marrying you!,what part of that don't you understand?" Luther's eyeballs were on fire as soon as she said that. He moved close to her, took her by the hand and dragged her to a secluded area pinning her to a wall. " This is such a silent place and I can snap your neck within a second without anyone noticing you're gone" He said smirking evilly like a psychopath. Adolpha knew she wouldn't dare to scream at this point because he would kill her if she does. He closed his eyes sniffed her neck and licked it " You smell so good,one wouldn't know you're a crawling beast. Smelling your blood makes me crave for breakfast as well". He tried lifting his face up to her lips when ..........

opeyemi_oyeladun · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

The girl Adolpha

Chapter 1

Adolpha eventually got up from bed after several attempts by her mother to wake her that morning. She would be going for an interview once again today,it was the fifth one she would be attending this month alone. She had no choice than to look for a well paying job to assist her mother in fending for the family. Her mother and siblings had become her responsibility ever since her father died of a mysterious illness years ago.

Her father used to be a tribal chief while he was alive but after his mysterious death Her,her mother along with her siblings were banished after a false accusation was laid on them by her greedy uncles . Their houses were confiscated and so they were forced to relocate to the city. The city life hadn't been easy,they begged for alms on the street for a couple of months before they were able to raise the money used to rent the small studio apartment they live in .

Her mum supported her and her two siblings' education by becoming a cook for a rich household in Saint Anthony. Adolpha's family originated from those they call 'the shape shifters' which were also known as the werewolves,it wasn't uncommon to find such mystical creature amongst humans,disguised as humans themselves even their sworn enemies the vampires also roam about the city disguised as humans but the vampires causes havoc in the city unlike the werewolves who stay quietly and lurk in the dark.

When Adolpha's family initially relocated to the city about fifteen years ago,her mother taught her and her siblings to blend in with the humans even though she knows they can't shape shift until they are eighteen years of age,nevertheless they have to learn the ways of humans early in order to adapt well when they finally complete the werewolf growth cycle .

Adolpha's mother, Lupita was originally from the Convel tribe of the werewolves;those were the lineage of the great warriors while her late husband was from the Convri tribe which was the lineage of the king wolves. They rule and dominate other tribes, they were known as the royal bloods.

The convels had special powers to predict the future which is accurate most time. However because of a sin their ancestors committed way back in time,only the chosen ones had the ability to predict the future, for years the present tribe mother had been the only one with the ability.

The presence of that magical ability in the convel tribe made the convris and every other tribe such as the 'convos' which were the tribe of the river wolves desire to be joined by the great white wolf with any convel maiden or men. The greatest one among the convels is the tribe mother,she's also called the great seer.

Years back in the ancient time these tribes came together in a particular settlement to live together in harmony and were headed by the king wolf tribe,the convris. The convels were second in command because the ability of the chosen one helped in attacking their enemies first. All together the Convris,the Convels and the Convos were called the 'Sovereign tribe'. Other tribes like the Fennals and Acuwulfs who refused to live together with the sovereign tribe went to live in isolation.

The good relationship within the sovereign tribe went on for years until Adolpha's uncle,Ferris decided to marry from the family of their sworn enemy 'the vampire'. He confiscated her father's properties and then placed the whole tribe under his control. Years after his deeds his beloved wife brought in her other vampires friends and families and they took over, killing everyone that came in their way. She became a tyrant.

Adolpha's mother got to learn all these years after she left for the city with her children and they everything was calm until Adolpha turned eighteen, she thought they would be exposed to the world and got scared but she was smart enough to take Adolpha to a forest far away so she could transform.

Every werewolf complete their growth cycle at the age of eighteen but few days before their eighteenth birthday they would fall ill and experience series of excruciating pain which could be compared with their bodies tearing apart and then stitched back into place,however this goes on for 7 days.

On the next full moon, by midnight they shape shift and go into the forest to hunt for food. Lupita taught adolpha and her siblings to feed on animals and human food,although human food isn't as satisfying as eating a whole antelope fresh.

Sometimes they would go on without food for a moon having consumed just an antelope each." Human food is crap" Ylva ,Adolpha's immediate sister would say. They eat human food only for disguise.

"Adolpha!" Lupita called out. She made it a duty to always remind every member of the family to meditate for some minutes before leaving home just to help control their temperaments. Werewolves are known to have bad temperaments and could be dangerous if they get so angry among humans,they can shape shift. The shape shift is majorly due to the adrenaline rush into their brain.

Adolpha made her way down the stairs,sat down with everyone else to meditate,she knows her Mother wouldn't let her leave the house if she doesn't do it,also time was on her side for this interview anyway so she agreed.

After about ten minutes of meditation they all greeted one another with a French kiss,it was a known custom among the convel tribe to greet one another with a French kiss.

She went back into her room to start getting ready for the day's interview. When she was done she took a final look at the mirror to see the beautiful fair skinned lady with full brown hair and hazel colored eyes in front of her.

" I can do it" She said as she slammed the door behind her.