
Love you seven times

Feng Xiaoyi is the fairy princess who fell in love with a handsome boy she saved. When war came, Feng Xiaoyi got to know that Lu Yi, the boy she saved was a devil and only met her because he wanted to infiltrate their kingdom. Feng Xiaoyi was torn because love and betrayal. Lu Yi infiltrate the fairy kingdom as a spy but fell in love with the fairy princess. It was a forbidden love but he couldn't stop it. Which choice will Feng Xiaoyi choose, to forgive or to revenge. Read to find out.

adeola_ajagbe · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 36 Bai Shu

Where did the red sword come from, Jingyue asked still her eyes on the sword.

Mine, Xiaoyi said and took her seat.

Thanks for protecting me yesterday, Jingqiu bowed slightly with a smile when Lu Yi appeared.

It's nothing. We promised to be a team and it's everyone's duty to watch out for one another, Lu Yi said in a calm tone and everyone settled down.

Is Taotie dead, Xiaoyi asked but Jingyue just sneered while others kept quiet.

I fainted even before he knocked me out, how would I know, Jingyue said shamelessly.

Yes, we didn't know about your weak constitution, sorry for disturbing you, Xiaoyi said before turning to others.

Maybe but his body was not found. Also there was a new circulating around that a man arrived at Lin Cave yesterday night, do you think we need to check it out, Youyue said and everyone affirmed except Jingyue.

You are really trying your possible best to get everyone killed right, Jingyue said and eyed Youyue bashfully.

Taotie is dead. That's our business, Jingyue said while everyone just looked on.

Let go now and get everything done and dusted, Xiaoyi said ignoring Jingyue's comment.

All except Jingyue stood up to leave and Youyue quickly grabbed her.

They soon arrived at the cave which was quite desolate.

No one is here, let's get back already, Jingyue screamed and screamed but no one answered.

As they stepped in a little deeper, a young man, Bai Shu soon appeared facing his back at them with golden hairs.

Who are you, Bai Shu asked without turning his back.

Sir, why not let talk face to face, Xiaoyi tried negotiating with him but it seems it triggered the men who immediately begin to strangle her.

Let her go, Lu Yi said as others immediately became alert.

Surprisingly, Bai Shu let go of Xiaoyi and went to Lu Yi.

Immediately, Lu Yi met with those pairs of eyes, a strong feeling and aura of leadership enveloped him.

Bai Shu pulled Lu Yi with him while the rest quickly tried to catch up with him.

He seems to have the ability to use qing gong, Li Yan said but no one minded.

Before Xiaoyi and the rest could reach there, Lu Yi and Bai Shu was in a formation.

What is he doing to him, Xiaoyi asked no one but herself in despair.

Let him go, Jingqiu tried screaming at Bai Shu but he did not listen.

Jingqiu tried breaking the formation but was unable to.

Xiaoyi just stood still and watched as her sword took her to the exact level of the formation. Her eyes were red but no one paid attention to her eyes except Jingyue.

Just as Xiaoyi's sword was about to break the formation, Bai Shu let Lu Yi down.

Xiaoyi quickly descended and caught Lu Yi right in time.

Why did you try to harm him, Xiaoyi pointed her sword at Bai Shu still holding Lu Yi.

Xiaoyi, put down your sword, Lu Yi said quiet confidently and Xiaoyi slowly dropped her sword while Bai Shu smirked.

Greetings to Master, I am Bai Shu, Bai Shu introduced on his knees.