
Love you seven times

Feng Xiaoyi is the fairy princess who fell in love with a handsome boy she saved. When war came, Feng Xiaoyi got to know that Lu Yi, the boy she saved was a devil and only met her because he wanted to infiltrate their kingdom. Feng Xiaoyi was torn because love and betrayal. Lu Yi infiltrate the fairy kingdom as a spy but fell in love with the fairy princess. It was a forbidden love but he couldn't stop it. Which choice will Feng Xiaoyi choose, to forgive or to revenge. Read to find out.

adeola_ajagbe · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 30 Elder Qi Conspiracy

"Young Lord, we can't expose him, Liu Jin said.

"He is Devil King's spy, our aide in this Fairy Kingdom. The Devil King originally told us to come to Fairy Kingdom as he has already provided an assistant for us to get the Ruyi Blossom, Liu Jin said while Lu Yi glared at him.

"Why not tell the Fairy King himself, Lu Yi said and looked at the boxes for a while.

"Start carrying them, Lu Yi commanded and Liu Jin felt stricken by lightning.

"Young Lord, are you still denying your feelings for her. You are both impossible, Liu Jin said grunting angrily.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to your sister, Lu Yi said ignoring Liu Jin's angry remark.

Liu Jin finally realized how selfish and irrational he has been behaving.

"Young Lord, I am sorry, Liu Jin said and started lifting the boxes. Lu Yi burned the letter.

"How about the cauldron, Liu Jin asked.

"We can't carry it along, let's just go with this, Lu Yi said and Liu Jin responded to his reply.

With that, they went towards the Elder's Hall.

"Answer the question, Elder Qi, Xiaoyi was adamant on getting the truth from Elder Qi today.

"Fairy King, it seems we have a new ruler, Elder Qi said instead.

Lu Yi dragged his feet to the hall.

"If you can't answer that question, you should be able to answer why there was a cauldron in your room, Lu Yi asked on entering and everyone's attention was on him.

Liu Jin soon entered the hall as well and dropped one of the box with a thud.

"How dare a stranger like you search an Elder's chamber, Elder Qi said enraged.

"I think Elder Qi should explain why there was spiritual essence in the cauldron, Lu Yi said boldly instead of apologizing.

Elder Qi kept mute.

"Elder Qi, you should also explain how you manage to purchase this, Lu Yi said opening the box.

Instantly, a group of guards surrounded Elder Qi who smirked evilly.

"Young Lad, it's not that easy to catch me, Elder Qi said and began to fight Lu Yi.

In a matter of seconds before the Fairy King intercede, Lu Yi took him down.

Three guards quickly seized Elder Qi.

Three guards led Elder Qi to the prison while Xiaoyi rushed to Lu Yi whirling around him.

"Are you okay, where you hurt, Xiaoyi asked worriedly.

Lu Yi smiled faintly.

"I am okay, Lu Yi said while Xiaoyi sighed.

"Yi'er, who is he, the Fairy King asked. He was quite surprised at his daughter's worried look. The way she flinched when Lu Yi was fighting was quite surprising.

"My name is Lu Yi. I am the Fairy Princess bodyguard, Lu Yi responded bowing slightly.

"Then you are, the Fairy King asked Liu Jin.

"I am the Young Master bodyguard, Liu Jin introduced himself awkwardly.

"A bodyguard having a bodyguard, interesting, the Fairy King said.

"May I ask how you got here, the Fairy King asked.

"We are from Shan Village, from the household of Mr Lu Beidou, a reputable chief but unfortunately the devil's invasion caused the Shan Village to be in ruins but we were able to escape, Liu Jin said with emotions filled in his eyes.

Liu Jin and his sister were actually from Shan Village. Their father's name was Liu Beidou. Liu Jin hated his father to the core because he sold both him and his sister to the devil for the peace of Shan Village but at the end, Shan Village was attacked. Liu Jin and his sister became slaves in the Devil Realm before he met Lu Yi. Lu Yi trained him and made sure no harm came upon him and his sister. Due to this, he was greatly devoted to Lu Yi, the Devil King took his sister away and forced Liu Jin to work for him but Liu Jin told Lu Yi the truth.

The Fairy King felt the hatred Liu Jin felt but quickly regained his composure.

"How did you get to the Fairy Realm, the Fairy King asked.

"By swimming through Daichuan, Lu Yi responded honestly.

"Then,..., the Fairy King was about to ask another question before Xiaoyi interrupted.

"Dad, it's enough. We were coming from a long trip and we need rest. Don't worry, I trust him, Xiaoyi said interlocking her hand with Lu Yi's tightly.