
Beware of Your Dormmate(1)

Author:Mo Lü Xiao

I had a girlfriend when I first started university, and I liked her very much. However, I was shocked when I knew she had entered into a relationship with me merely to complete a "mission."

I didn't expect that there would be such a distorted relationship in the world!

I just went to university this year and fell in love with a girl in my class, Jayleen Simpson. I had never been in a relationship before, so I could only be nice to her in the simplest way—brought her breakfast and invited her to the movies, which she accepted.

I guessed she had feelings for me as well. Thus, I always wanted to find a chance to confess my love to her.

Nonetheless, I didn't expect that everything would be ruined by someone.

The story began with my dormmate, Charles Yancey, who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He was so high-profile that he came in a Mercedes-Benz on registration day. Shortly after school started, he became the president of our year's student council.

Charles proclaimed himself to have a lot of girlfriends. He knew that I liked Jayleen and often made fun of me. Once, he said, "I think Jayleen is too conservative. If you got together with her, she likely wouldn't let you touch her. You'd have to live as a celibate!"

I then replied, "I purely like her, and I don't have that kind of dirty thought."

Charles sneered. "Dirty thought? Isn't that the point of getting into a relationship? Otherwise, what's the point?"

Hearing that, I didn't even bother talking to him anymore.

However, he was constantly looking for me for no reason. Last Saturday, he told me that a girl's computer had broken down and asked me to fix it.

I was proficient at computers. Everyone knew it. Hence, I couldn't refuse.

That girl was Vivianna Zink, a very sexy lady. She was the manager of the student council's public relations department and was responsible for contacting various sponsors outside the university. It was said that the position always came with benefits.

She had a Trojan on her computer and I fixed it very quickly.

Vivianna wanted to buy me a meal, but I politely refused. Yet, Charles said we had nothing to do anyway, so he dragged me out despite my objection.

At noon on the same day, Charles drove us in his Mercedes-Benz to a steakhouse downtown. I didn't know how to drink, but Vivianna insisted that I drink with Charles. Soon, I felt light-headed after two bottles of beer, but he forced me to drink three more.

Seeing me throw up, Charles proposed to get an hourly rate hotel room next to the steakhouse to get some rest. I didn't have any strength to decline. However, after the room was booked, he went downstairs to buy some cigarettes, leaving Vivianna and me in the room.

I was so dizzy that I gradually fell asleep on the bed.

In my slumber, I felt someone kick me, and it was noisy. Still, I couldn't open my eyes.

When I woke up, I was surprised to find Vivianna lying next to me and embracing me. We were lying together under a blanket!

I trembled with shock. Vivianna awoke, smiled shyly, and said, "I didn't expect you to be so bold."

Confused, I asked, "What do you mean? What did we do?"

She shrugged her bare shoulders. "What? You're already denying it while we're still in bed together, huh? I lost my virginity to you last night!"

She suddenly burst into tears as she spoke, making my heart skip a beat.

I... slept with her while intoxicated? At the thought of that, I immediately recalled Jayleen and felt depressed.

Vivianna cried louder and louder, so I tried to stop her. "Don't cry. Don't worry. Since we have... done it, I will be responsible for you."

"You don't like me at all, do you?" she asked.

I wanted to tell her we had only known each other for half a day, but to comfort her, I answered, "You're so pretty. There must be many boys pursuing you. Anyone will like you."

"All right, then. Since everything has happened, you have to be my boyfriend."

I was thinking about Jayleen with mixed feelings, but I could only nod.

Forget it. Jayleen, it was my fault for letting you down. Fortunately, nothing had happened between us yet. It would be good for me to back out right now.

I looked at Vivianna. Since things had come to this, I couldn't fail her. I ought to treat her well for the rest of my life.

We got dressed, and Vivianna explained that Charles had something to deal with previously, so he left early and told her to take care of me. However, as I slept, I unexpectedly hugged her and pressed her underneath me. That was how we did what we did.

Upon hearing that, I felt utterly guilty, but I had no right to regret it.

Vivianna and I walked aimlessly on the city streets. Wanting to comfort her, I took her to the mall and bought her an iPad with the money I had saved as a tutor.

She was overjoyed and said with a smile, "You're truly an obtuse guy to express goodwill in such a direct way. How adorable."

In fact, I felt bitter deep down.

After going back to school, I didn't dare to look at Jayleen whenever I encountered her.

At first, she would always look at me confusedly. But later, as Vivianna often came to my class to look for me, our relationship became known, and Jayleen never spoke to me again.

I could see that Jayleen blamed me in her heart, but I couldn't explain things to her either.

Subsequently, Vivianna told me to join the student council, and I got busy. I never met Jayleen again except during classes. Gradually, my feelings for her faded, but my guilt toward her would always be something that gnawed at my mind.

Vivianna was usually clingy to me. Every night, she liked to take me to the library and study together.

However, I noticed that she didn't seem to like studying. She always sat there and played with her phone, and she would go out every time, claiming to go to the restroom but only returning after a long while. Besides, every time she returned, her face was flushed, as if she had just finished exercising. She would appear exhilarated too.

In the beginning, I didn't take it seriously. But once, when she just went out, a student sitting next to me came back and joked with me, "Why did I see your girlfriend entering the men's restroom?"

"Maybe your eyes played a trick on you." I smiled.

Feeling snubbed, he didn't say anything more.

I sat for a while, but the more I thought about it, the more I sensed something amiss. Coincidentally, I felt like going to the toilet, so I got up and went outside.

When I entered the men's restroom, no one was inside, so I went straight to the urinal. Yet, all of a sudden, a moan sounded from the cubicle behind me.

I was especially sensitive to that voice, for it was Vivianna's!

"Vivi?" I called out instinctively.

That cubicle fell silent again, so I walked over. "Are you in there?"

There was only absolute silence.

Suspicious, I knocked on the door, but a man's voice rang out. "Why are you knocking? What's the matter with you?"

I panicked. Why did this voice sound so much like my dormmate, Charles'?

"Are you in there, Charles? I think I misheard something just now," I said.

"Are you too free? Get out of here if you have nothing else to do."

Indeed, it was Charles. Not wanting to cause any misunderstanding, I hurriedly left after relieving myself.

After I exited the restroom, I felt even more paranoid. Charles had introduced my girlfriend, Vivianna, to me. Could there be something fishy between the two of them?

The thoughts in my head became increasingly ludicrous.

I had to see what was going on. Instead of returning to the study hall, I walked to the corner of the corridor and looked at the restroom entrance from a distance.

Not long after, Charles came out, looking normal. But after he walked more than 30 feet away, my girlfriend came out of the restroom as well.

I could see Vivianna persistently tidying up her short skirt.

An ominous feeling swept over me.

Yet, they headed into different study rooms afterward. I was in a slight trance, thinking it might be a coincidence. After all, I had been so far away that I couldn't be sure whether they came out of the same restroom.

Nevertheless, I knew very well that Charles was a playboy. Suddenly, I remembered something.

It was when we first entered university and had a gathering. Charles had drunk too much at that time and told us that his family had always been rich, so he could have all kinds of girls at his beck and call. In fact, many girls would even break up with their boyfriends for him. However, he had gotten tired of ordinary relationships and liked seeking thrills instead.

According to him, it was most interesting to hook up with attached girls. He would even think of various ways to make the girls do something that went beyond their boundaries, discreetly humiliating their boyfriends.

At that time, we all believed he was bragging, but now, I had to take it seriously.

Could he have intentionally introduced Vivianna to me back then just to make a fool out of me? That was too absurd.

Moreover, I knew some rich scions too, and they were all decent people.

I didn't dare to believe Charles was so bad that he had no morals.

Regardless, I had to be wary and investigate first.

The next time Vivianna was going to the restroom in the library, I needed to follow her.

After all, the university's library was for studying and not for them to do those nasty things.

But in the following days, Vivianna said there were too many people in the library, and she didn't want to go there anymore. She would rather study in her dorm in the evening.

I felt more and more doubtful, but I couldn't make it known and had to let her be.

As we were in different classes, I would attend her classes with her when I was free.

Recently, I discovered that she was constantly fidgeting in class, and she would scratch her backside lightly on occasion.

On Tuesday morning, in the advanced math class, she did it again. I then whispered, "Vivi, are you feeling unwell?"

At that time, she was on WhatsApp with her head lowered. She replied in a soft voice, "My ass was bitten by mosquitoes. Several bites, in fact."

I couldn't help but ask, "How can you get bitten on your ass? How weird."

She was replying to someone's WhatsApp message while answering nonchalantly, "There are so many mosquitoes in the woods beside the field. Of course, I got... Oh! No, there were mosquitoes in our dorm."

I was stunned. She clearly had a slip of the tongue earlier. So she was bitten in the woods beside the field?

That was even more bizarre. Who would go into the woods naked? I thought it was funny at first, but on second thought, I realized that the woods was a place where many couples made out.

Could she have gone to the woods with someone else recently? But with who?

I immediately thought of Charles.

No, this was too abnormal. I needed to investigate this.

I looked at Vivianna silently and saw the new bag that she had recently changed to. It was from Michael Kors and cost 300 to 450 dollars. At first, she said it was a gift from her family.

But I recalled Charles' words. "There isn't any woman who doesn't love bags. As long as I buy them bags, they will call me Darling obediently."

I sensed that there was something fishy between the two of them, but I also hoped I was wrong. My investigation, in a sense, was also to dispel my doubts.

After dinner that evening, I sent her back to her dorm.

But I didn't leave. On the contrary, I found a corner to keep an eye on her.

About half an hour later, the sky turned completely dark, yet I saw Vivianna come out of the dorm building in a figure-hugging black dress, which was extremely short and sexy.

She walked toward the field, so I followed behind her. However, she didn't enter the field but walked into the woods at the side.

I had never been to the woods before, but I knew there were many couples in there as it was where they got intimate.

I couldn't see Vivianna's figure clearly anymore, but all of a sudden, I spotted Charles appearing not far away. Panicked, I hurriedly hid myself. Thankfully, he didn't notice me and swaggered into the woods.

Undoubtedly, something was going on with those two!

I immediately rushed in but couldn't find them. Instead, I interrupted two couples who were making out and got scolded.