
Love you for the best

He was ruthless and aloof in her point of view but she was having steamy nights with her under the influence of alcohol. She decided she was going to take a stand but it lead to another alcoholic moment that she decided to refuse and asked for a divorce, he thought she was joking because he was handsome and had an outstanding career. Suddenly their world began to fall apart. Will their love bring them together as one true love or will life gets the best of them? note: Due to my own mistake. The novel is showing a different genre than it should, i apologize to the readers. I will contact someone to get it change, until then. Thank you for reading.

Naeyonce · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Where she's at

Leo decided to tell him everything that was said to them that night, he thought it would be of help and when Henrick heard Alex name he wanted to know more and why was that boy the reason she had to stop going to collage…

Henrick got more serious than he was before. He stared at his wife's parents who are now looking at him in fear because his facial expression changed and so did his gesture. Leo felt a hand squeezing his hand and when he looked down it was his mother's.

He didn't understand why she was squeezing his hand and nodding at him to stop from saying anything but he didn't mind if everything came forth. He brushed his mother's hand off slowly without looking up to notice what was taking place.

"If any of you had tried to stop him at this point, they would have had me to deal with."

Henrick said to them and the room suddenly the air gets colder when Henrick and Leo's eyes meet his eyes. It seemed like they both planned it.

For, yet another week had passed and there was no news from Tiania. It was as if she really took the chance to be free and left everything and everyone behind. All that was left was a letter to her parent's and them only. After hearing it all that was said they sat to think about it, after sometime they came to a conclusion. It was clear to both of them where Henrick's wife and Leo's sister were, and what she was doing.

"What can I say? What was it for?" Henrick asked them and looked at his parent's in-law making sure their eyes met his before he asked.

"What, What is going on." Leonardo stood and asked, he was looking confused and worried. While Natherine sat finally putting it together as to what Leo and Henrick was going on about.

"You know instead of making us look like a fool you could have just told us, why did you have to take it this far? Why?" Natherine said looking at Henrick who now wears a smirk on his face. She questioned in anger but she changed manner in a few seconds, her tone of voice and attitude, all changed in a second just to ask him why?

"Where is the fun in that? Tell me, where is it? I found out today but that is all. Let me explain thanks to Claire, who only decided to say what she had heard that night today. For everyone's information I fired her but knowing your daughter Claire might have her job back, since she now works for you daughter and not me, whom she took care of for the past seven years, that would be me, seven years." Henrick asked looking at Natherine, he then asked her to tell him where the fun was in him coming forth without anything from their side. He explained how he was informed and that the person was fired due to the fact she took so long to tell him what happened. But he then tells them how his maid by name no longer works for him but his wife.

"I will do this much here today. However, if she refuses to come back then there is nothing I can do, and there will be nothing I can do to protect her. Do you all understand what I am saying? Leo, I love you sister but if she refuses me. I will have no choice but to let her do as she pleases." Henrick said as he stood from his seat. He tells them if his wife refuses to come with him he has no control and that he won't be able to protect her fully. He asked before he turned to Leo and said to him.

"I understand that my sister can be a handful. So, I'll be understanding but! But, if she refuses to come with you, you know you will have to force her to come back whether she likes it or not. Also if you wish to leave her be, have her call mom and dad to accept that she is grown and she doesn't need her parents meddling in her life. Then you can walk away because you have done your best." Leo said to him but asked he stated in other words to ensure he does not leave without her, he then requested that Henrick doesn't leave his sister behind unless she made a phone call back there to her parents before he decided to leave her wherever he was going or staying.

"It was our mistake to tell her the past! But it was the right thing to do at the time. She needed to know what those people did to her family even after she was born. We should have tried our best to keep them out of it, but the devil from the past keeps coming back at us. I often wonder why something like them keeps coming back for us. When we are trying our best to stay away from people like them, yet they come and give us pain. I know now that it is no use to run from it."

Natherine said standing to her feet. She glanced at her husband who was already standing. She realized the mistake they made and they too must help fix it. She wonders why the past keeps coming at them in the future but she just seems to realize that the harder she tries to run, nothing will change.

"I am staying behind. I know my own weakness to her. She won't have to say help me! Out loud for anyone to hear, she just needs to look at me in a helpless way and I will do anything for her as she is my only sister. So, I will be here waiting on everyone or their phone calls." Leo said, looking down at his legs as he caressed them with both his hands. He explained his weakness towards his sister that he has and has no control over therefore he will be staying behind for the good news to come to him and the bad news over the phone.

"Okay, we will be leaving then." Henrick says and leaves the dining room, followed by his new found bodyguards and his in-law. He didn't seem to mind them, they left the house and went on their journey to retrieve Tiania.


"I for sure thought he was someone simple, i mean like a regular CEO you know. But noo, he was able to bring back his company up in no time, he started another company, a Retail company at that. Leo tell me, how on earth did your sister landed someone so powerful but acts so weak and powerless? He is like superman in a suit. He's just a regular guy until the cap is on. I'm going to have to speak some sense into her." Rinaea said walking out from the kitchen with a bottle of water in her hand, she then sat down looking at Leo who seemed lost but patiently waiting. Finally speaking of Henrick's power which he was able to hide so well and from everyone in the city. Rinaea spoke on how she will need to speak some sense into Tiania, speaking hopefully.

"Do you know that not even his lawyer's were aware of those companies? My wife's friend works for him, and she told me that now everyone is questioning him and his trust. They are wondering why he has such a huge Retail company like that, and to have it hidden from them as well as everyone else. It will be shocking when everyone starts to find out about it."

Leo spoke, asking a question and she glanced up at him. She was surprised. Her husband is not aware of it but then she remembers that her husband is not Henrick's lawyer but Tiania's. She signed and continued to listen to Leo but seeing that Henrick came from the family he came from it must be hard to trust someone.

She remembers how he treated that woman everyone thought was his mother. The two sat there for a moment in silence then she got up and began to walk out to the hall, when she stopped and turned around looking at Leo. She smiled for a brief moment and went back for the bottle of water.

"She's my good friend but to be honest... I wish that it was someone like him that I ended up marrying, but your sister has had the chance to have someone who won't just never do anything to hurt her, but also won't ever give up on her. We both know that people like that are rarely found so if i don't get through to her make sure that you do. In hiding, he tried so hard to love and what can i say as her friend. As her best friend we faced the soft kind of husband who loved us too much and we didn't see it. But I would be a fool if I allowed someone like my husband to walk away from me." She said to him and he smirked at her but as he heard her out further he was confusingly angry. Only to know that she was prepared to take the side that Leo is on, which is Henrick's. She tells him to make sure he got through to his sister if she didn't as a best friend. Someone so rare as a lover, supporter, and a friend all in one place Rinaea was telling Leo that someone will snatch him up and make use of him and that is why she won't play the fool and allow her husband to leave her.

She leaves the Freeman's household and goes home, when she arrives home. There she sees her husband working on a lot of paperwork. She went over to him and gave him a kiss. Her eyes caught a few names of companies but she didn't pay it any mind because she trusted him that much. She went to the kitchen and found a woman dressed in regular clothes, she was startled so she quickly went back to her husband who was seated at the table.

"What is going on?" She asked and he looked up at her...