Christian really shows his affection for Suri, almost all night Christian has been by Suri's side. Christian only leaves Suri for a while to pee and make sure Elena sleeps well, the rest he will sit back in the chair beside Suri's bed.
Suri, who is in shock because she met Areez again, still doesn't want to talk to anyone, including Christian. Suri just continued to cry by occasionally covering her face, her fear of Areez was still so great. That's why Christian can't leave Suri. Patiently Christian continues to invite Suri to joke, even though Suri doesn't respond at all. However, Christian did not give up until finally when the day was approaching, Suri started to speak even though the words she said were a request for drinking water.
"Want more?" Christian asks softly, not sleeping all night making the bags under his eyes visible.
Suri shook her head slowly, giving a code that she didn't want to drink anymore.