

Meet Rose Alexander, she is the first Miss of the Alexander company. She is born in the eight richest company in the United states. Rose has never been treated as a family member because she was albino with red eyes and white hair. but she never cared cause she was use to it making her emotionless, that all changed when she meets Anthony. He was her angle, to her he was her first love. Everything changed when she met him. one day when she came back form her trip to surprise him, but find him in bed with her sister, who did everything to ruin her life. before she can do anything, she was kidnapped, and wake up to find her self a room with Anthony and her sister Britt. she watch them tell her everything they did behind her back. they tell her how they are going to kill her so they could have her company that she made herself from scratch. that day she was killed. but waked up in her old room four years in the past when she and Anthony started dating. she was confused for how she did not die, but she promised herself that she will take her revenge. join her as she gets revenge on the people who had hurt her and maybe fall in love again with the handsome mystery Lucifer.

hey guys

this is my first time writing, so I'm sorry if there are mistakes in some places

rosey12345creators' thoughts