
Love without attack (Will be republish)

The mysterious death that occurs to a celebrity makes Fara have to bear the consequences. Where he was accused and forced to take responsibility with a sentence. Requires herself to run from the trap and end her relationship with her lover. While on the other hand, a man from the celebrity's child rebelled, forcing himself to be able to find the figure of the girl who was the cause of his mother's absence. However, a strange feeling arose over time, where he managed to find Fara, but that ridiculous feeling became an obstacle. "a little crazy, but I have absolutely no regrets for loving you." -Yasa

Intann_jinnie · Teen
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25 Chs

Chapter 012

"Why is the pace so fast?" Fara thought, trying to match Davin's steps who were always first in front of her.

After the embarrassing incident in the library, Fara only said sorry, then was silent and didn't budge like what the man said.

While focusing on her own thoughts, Fara was suddenly startled by the man in front of her when he suddenly stopped in his tracks, successfully making Fara's forehead hit the sturdy back. Davin turned his head for a moment, stared expressionlessly at Fara, making the girl lower her gaze.

A second later, Davin turned left, entered the toilet and witnessed the bullying that Fara had seen before. Davin sank one hand into his trouser pocket while throwing a sharp glare at the several girls in front of him.

"Whoa, what is this? They all suddenly bowed just because of the stares this guy gave?" Fara was astonished, she asked herself through her mind.

"S-senior Davin," one of them said, the leader of the bullies gang to be precise.

"Twice," Davin said. "Twice I've seen you do something stupid like this," he continued.

Silence fell upon them, Fara felt in a daze while waiting for what would happen next.

"When is your picket schedule?" Davin looked at the girl with pigtails who had become a victim of bullying.

"T-Tuesday, senior."

The man nodded slightly before directing his gaze to the three girls who bullied his underclassmen. Staring at them one by one intensely successfully made them prefer to drop their gaze down to the floor.

"You guys work on her picket until you graduate from here."

The man didn't like to beat around the bush, but really this was beyond Fara's mind, there was a sense of satisfaction because what she had hoped for since seeing the incident was achieved. Finally, there is also someone who can stop her dirty behavior.

"But sen-" did not have time to protest further, she was presented with a sharp gaze from Davin's thick soot.

"Don't want to do it?"

"We'll do it, senior!" They answered in unison.

Not wanting to stand any longer, Davin immediately left from there, bringing his legs upstairs or rather to the class he was in. Of course, Fara also followed him.


Yasa gulped down a can of soda to wet his throat once he got home. He was presented with the usual sights he encountered, Sean with some snacks in front of him and eyes focused on the TV screen.

"Why didn't you go hunting last night? You disappeared with the girl."

The man he asked didn't answer right away, preferring to take a bite of the apple flesh and land his butt next to Sean.

"I helped her find the equipment she needed," if usually Sean would just be happy, in contrast to now, the man raised an eyebrow as a sign that he was not satisfied with the answer his friend gave.

"You seem to put her so much, even though you know he's just a stranger," Sean said with his eyes fixed on the TV screen with the corner of his lips raised. Then, he chuckled softly and ignored Yasa's gaze that was directed at him.

"Weren't you also just a stranger back then? But look now, even I already consider you like a brother."

The man who was staring at the rectangular object in front of him laughed sarcastically, "That's right. Me, you, Jackson, and Hansel, we will only be connected if we are carrying out an assignment from you. You think of us as just colleagues, don't you?"

Now it was Yasa who chuckled in response to Sean's words which he thought was a joke, ignoring the man's expression who looked at him with a confused look.

"Living in this house and living with me for more than three years, can it still be called a relationship limited to colleagues? Come on, don't be childish like this."

"It's up to you. Besides, I already told the girl that we've been friends since the age of a grain of corn."

Sean left from there after leaving peanut shells scattered everywhere.

"Where are you going?"

"Grilling my catch with the others," Sean said loudly.

"Leave it for me too!"

"No, if you don't help!" Sean answered who was getting farther behind.

"Damn it, I was cleaning up the mess you made on my couch!"


The bell signaling that students were allowed to fill their bellies rang, the class seemed busier after the teacher ended the lesson. Not much different from the others, Fara can breathe a bit of relief, because so far not a few male students have been stealing glances at her with the mischievous smiles they created. Really, Fara is uncomfortable.

After introducing herself about two hours ago, Fara got an empty seat in fourth place, more precisely near the window, for the first time she got a seat in the back area, even though she usually wasn't far from the teacher's reach.

While the cold, expressionless man sat on the front bench. Maybe he's a smart student, Fara thought, and besides, she didn't really care either.

"Gosh, you're so beautiful, I envy you," suddenly the girl with shoulder-length hair who was sitting in front of her turned around, staring in awe at her who clearly thought she was normal.

"Introduce, my name is Alena," the friendly and beautiful girl held out her hand in front of Fara, who had just rolled her eyes and was acting nervous.

"I-I'm Fara," she accepted the outstretched hand, she thought it was so soft.

"I know, you introduced her earlier. Oh, yeah, can I know your beauty secret? Who knows I might try it, did you get plastic surgery?"

Luckily Fara was not drinking, if so, the drink would hit the face that was speaking in front of her now. Really, this Alena can be said to be barbaric but friendly, the type of person who will issue any question that is stuck in her head.

"No, I'm not like that. I just use a little bit of compact powder. Besides, you're already so pretty, what else would you like to beautify?"

"Seriously you don't use any product, like cream?" Fara nodded shyly, she wanted to get money from where to buy something like that.

"Okay, you're the only natural girl in this class. Want to go canteen with me?"

Again, Fara swallowed hard. How about this? She didn't have any money, she didn't ask Yasa, she certainly knew herself, was equipped with her school and life needs, then she had to ask him for money too? And apparently, the man had forgotten about it too.

"I'm full, you go first. I also have to catch up with a lot of material to be on par with you guys. Can I borrow your book?"

Well, that's the most appropriate reason to refuse Alena's invitation.

"Too bad, even though I want to try to go to the cafeteria with you. Sorry, I haven't finished, I rarely write in class, hehe. Class president, Davin!"

Damn, why did she call him?

The man who was busy with his cellphone screen turned his head, raised an eyebrow at Alena before he directed his gaze to Fara.

"She wants to borrow your notebook, she wants to catch up on her material."

Damn Alena!

Really, Fara doesn't want to deal with a man like Davin, his gaze is like an eagle's eye, it's hard for her to explain the man's personality. The point is, Fara doesn't like it.

"Ehm, a new student named Fara, someone is looking for you in the administration room."

A male student from the next class suddenly appeared behind the classroom door, successfully making Fara frown.


"His name is Yasa," replied the young man.

In that instant, Davin managed to stop his movement which was arranging a pile of books to give to Fara.