
chapter 7

She tried make sense of that dream but she was unable to make sense of the dream . She was unable to sleep during rest of that night when at last morning came she cant get that dream out of her mind . Emma also saw a change in her friend she look really shaken up and she looks like she has lot on her mind like her mind is somewhere else .

After that she saw the same dream at night she would wake up screaming and drenched in sweat and she is unable to sleep rest of the night. She started to change Emma and Tanya's other fiends notice this change . Tanya look like she doesn't get enough sleep. Tanya's friends started to get worried . Emma realised that Tanya is reverting back to how she was before the accident and wondered whether her memory has returned or something bad has happened .

Even when she ask Tanya would change the subject keeping whatever happening to her a secret. After that Tanya was always on guard like someone is following her even when touched she would jumped like she was surprised by the contact she look at everyone with distrust like someone is going to kill her. Only Emma noticed these changes since she had associated with Tanya since childhood she can realise these changes .

But Emma remind herself to keep an eye on her. For next few days Tanya's behaviour worsen even her other friends started notice this and started to wonder what's going with her when they ask her she would avoid answering . she wouldn't go out with Emma or her other friends, as soon as class finishes she would go to her apartment, she don't answer her phone , Even when Emma asked to come over she would give some excuse and avoid it she talk very little, her cheerfulness is also gone and she look like she didn't get a decent sleep. Tanya's friends even came and ask Emma what's going on with her . One day Tanya didn't come to the school when Emma called her she replied that she is sick and when Emma asked to come over she said not to come it was said rather force fully.

After that she didn't came to class for about a week . Her classmate started to worry and asked Emma to go and see what's going on.

When Emma went to Tanya's house her front door was open Emma got scared thinking that something must have happen to her friend when she entered the house the house look like it has gone through hell . Furniture is broken ,curtain were torn, and things were every where . Emma went to the Tanya's bedroom and their Tanya was lying on the floor unconscious Emma got scared and she screamed . Hearing a scream next door the neighbours came running to see what's going and saw the state of the room and walk toward the place that scream is coming from when they entered the bedroom they saw a girl unconscious on the floor and quickly called an ambulance . The ambulance came and took Tanya to the hospital Emma also went with her. Neighbours started get worried because they liked Tanya since she was a good girl.