
Chapter Twenty Nine

If you were to ask me,

If I am happy?

My response would be,

If happiness can be used

As raindrops,

We'll be in a flood.

The author POV

Help! She cried out in a dry voice as she backed away on the floor trying to save herself.

Help! She called out as he grabbed her hair. No! She yelled trying to fight for her poor life. She cried for her dear life in the hope that someone would take heed of her begging and save her.

No! Her voice muffled away as he stabbed her to death.

He wiped his knife with the white paper tissue and dropped it on the floor then turned to the others and said.

"A word from any of you and you'll be next." He said and left. The room was filled with a dreadful silence.

They stood there in fear for their life. When will God take heed of their prayer and send someone to take them to safety?


What? I questioned.