
Chapter Six

Keep facing the sun, don't scoop.

It might hurt your eyes.

But! All your shadows will Fall behind.

"An eye for an eye." They say, then

"An apple for an apple."


Many years ago.

"Who are you?" I quizzed the man who just opened the door.

"Consider this as your new life," He retorted in a fearless voice that filled the darkroom in affliction.

"What does he want?" Zane pleaded in a voice filled with pain and astonishment.

"I don't know," I admitted bitterly, maybe he is here to kill us. "No!No!" My mind shouted in anger, "I can not die yet," I wailed in my cranium for the great unknown. "Will he kill us!"

"No!" He speaks again and fills the darkroom with bolted fear that flies through our bodies, "I won't kill you," He loops down to match our level, "But I will take you in." He assured us.

It can not be true! He won't save us.

"Nobody will ever save you." I groaned in my mind. He is lying, He is a slimy liar! He doesn't know us. Why save someone you don't know?

"Well get these chains off," Zane howled at him. He chuckled, "Don't worry boys I will set you free." He vowed.

"My name is Pavilion." He announced when he had ridden us from the chains.

Madelyn POV

"You little bitch!" He squealed in an abhorring voice and slapped her across the face. Who is he and why is he doing this? Is he the boss our father sold out to the police?

"No!No!" I yelled in my mind, winded with apprehension, "It can not be him, he... he will kill us or maybe I am already dead."

The man who was beating her had no head. "No!" I screamed in fear. I can not be dead. I am dead, this is the hell they were talking about. "I thought I would make it to heaven." I cried.

"Aaah!" Ella cries out in a horrifying hue.

"No!" I wanted to scream but nothing came from my mouth. He clenched her by the hair and slammed her to the wall, "No!" I tried to get up but I couldn't move.

"No! My feet are gone!" I wailed in pain that was dancing in my chest, "My feet, where are they?" I cried in horrifying gaps.

"Why me!" I moaned in a voice so horrifying that it maim my very own ears.

"Hey, take it easy," comes from a very gentle but comforting voice. "Bad dreams huh," He inquired.

How is this possible? I was in a cabin a minute ago on a chair but now I am lying on a bed, and Ella someone was beating her. I glanced at the niche in awe.

"My legs!" I screeched, throwing the blanket to the ground to check on my feet.

"What is it," He quizzed. He took a few steps towards the bed as if he doesn't want to be near the bed as if I am harmful, but boy I can not harm a fly.

"What's wrong," He inquired, but this time more urgently.

"I am..." I was about to answer when the door drifted open. "Leave now Matt." Said a murky and hushed voice in a very cold manner.

"Yes, boss," The Matt guy answered and left. "No, don't go!" I wanted to whine but I was appalled, this is the boss, the man who my adoptive father sells out to the law.

"Y... you... are... the... boss," I asked in gaps of fear. I am done. He's gonna kill me. "This is the end?" I swallowed the lump that was sitting in my throat. I wanted to scream for help, but who will save me, "Nobody will." My mind yelled in the war of my very own thoughts.

Where is Ella? I wanted to solicit but I already knew that she was dead.

"He kills her," I sobbed. I didn't know, I was crying not until he whipped my tears away with his hand.

"Stop crying and sleep," He ordered in a tone of (before I give you something to cry about.) I was so scared that I was shaking.

"My... f... father... s... sell ... y... you," I was about to ask when he yelled in wrath.

"Sleep," He let out coldly. I nodded and complied.

"Fuck!" He spurs and leaves the room.


Many years ago.

"Life won't bestow the things you want or need, filled in a silver spoon although you eat with a silver spoon every day." Pavilion explained in a frigid but ethical voice.

I nodded. If it does I won't be standing here, buddy.

Pavilion takes us under his wing and illustrates his way of life to us. If you want something nobody will give it to you.

"What are you thinking," Pavilion polled in a familiar voice. He already knows what I am reckoning. We have been doing his dirty stint for five years. Like Pavilion quoted, " Life will not lay the things you wanted or needed on a silver spoon for you, although you might have eaten from one every day," maybe he might have said it better but who gives a fuck not me?