
Chapter Eleven

I don't want to,

But I must.

I must take you away.

They won't be anyone else but.

I don't know much about love.

I don't even know how that feels.

I know when I am near you,

I felt things I never felt before.

I don't know much but, when

I am not near you.

I know you are the reason for all those strange feelings that made me happy.

I never knew what happiness was before you.

I will not let you go even if you don't love me.

I'll make sure you do it before I die.

My little world of happiness.


"Help!" He cried out in a dry tone as if something was stuck up his throat, as I stitched his left eye down. "Nobody is here to help you uncle J," bitterly I assured him.

"No!!!" He screamed as quietly as a mouse, you could till his ends were near. He had already lost his voice. "No! No!" He begged in a muffled voice that sounded far away as I stitched his eye right down. "He is no longer allowed to see." His death will be remembered by everyone, he will beg me to kill him but I won't, his death will be slow and painful. "Kill me!" He cried.

I smiled, "No!" I hissed at him.

"Why!" He questioned. I laughed at him,

"Because I said so."

"Kill me!! Kill me!! Kill me!!" He cried quietly, one could barely hear him.

I smiled at him, "You know Uncle J, my parents loved you so much, yet you torture them to death but you hate us, and yet you want to have a quick death."

"Quick!" He let out, "This is more painful than death itself."

"Good!" I nodded, " Now you know the way we felt when you torture our parents to death, right before our eyes."

"I was a fool," He let out. He surely is a fool, if it wasn't for him none of this won't have happened. "I was a fool only because I didn't kill you and your brother when I had the chance." I laughed at him mockingly, "Too bad you can't go back in time."

"No!" He laughed and nodded his head, "It's too fucking bad for you that you can't go back in time to save your parents."

"Why did you kill them!" I inquired.

"It doesn't matter anymore." He answered.

I nodded and he was right. It doesn't matter anymore, our parents are long gone. It's what it's. "But I will still make him see hell on earth." He will wish he was never born. He will beg for death but death itself won't bring peace to him. After his death, he will still remember me. His spirit will cry out day and night that he wishes he never met me in life. "It doesn't matter anymore!" His words repeat in my mind and I will make him silent forever. "I don't want to hear him speak anymore."

Madelyn POV

The present time

"Stop pushing!" He ordered.

"I won't stop!" I thought in my mind, of course, I would not dare to tell him that not in a billion years. But of course, I wouldn't be pushing if wasn't holding me. He is all high and mighty and he doesn't know how uncomfortable I am. He is used to cuddling a stranger but I am not.

"If you stopped cuddling me, I wouldn't be pushing you." I hissed out in anger. I couldn't take it anymore. I give up. This fool of a boss is cold and distant at one time then he becomes a cuddling person, it was better when he was bitter.

"Too fucking bad!" He let out, "You better get used to it baby."

"Why!" I hissed at him.

"You asked for it, young lady?" He let out coldly then added, "I am done being nice to you!" Well, that was comforting to hear I smiled. He grabbed me by the waist and easily made me lie on my back with him hovering over me, "No!" I let out in fear. What will he do? I cried in my mind, " Rape! Rape!Rape!" I wanted to shout but my voice was gone.

"Now young lady!" He started, " You disobey me for the second time." He let out coldly, I was praying for him to turn back cold and distant but not this cold.."What will his punishment be?" I questioned my mind.

"Please!" I let in fear, "I…. I… I… I won't do it ever again." I begged, "Please boss!" I started to cry when he nodded at me and smiled coldly.

"Damn right you won't do it again!" He said, I nodded willingly complying with him.

"I… I…?" Before I could finish what I was trying to say his lips met mine and he kissed me breathlessly just like the first day we met at the coffee shop. I wonder if he remembers me. "Yes!" I was rejoicing at his dying kiss. "What the fuck?" I thought, "My life is a messed up hell, I am sure not even a dying person wouldn't want to be in my shoes."

"You like it, don't you baby." He inquired, "No!" I shook my head. "Liar!" He caresses my lips, "Do you know what happens to people who lie to me, baby."

"No!" I shook my head.

"You know nothing about me, baby!" His hands run through my hair. "If you do, you won't be lying here begging me to kiss you again." He mumbles in a cold but sexy way, "God! I am sure I have mental dilemmas?"

"I am not begging you for anything!" I hissed at him in anger, he is the one who kisses me not the other way around.

"Then I will have to punish you for lying?" He let out slowly. "No!" I cried. He brings his index finger to my lips, "Shh! Do you know what your punishment is?"

"No!" I started to cry, "what will he do to me? I should have never pushed him." The tears started to burn my vision, he wiped my cheeks gently, "Your punishment is," He started, "No!No!No!" I slammed my eyes shut and begged in the hope that he wouldn't punish me.

"Shut the fuck up Madelyn?" He shouted in anger. I nodded my head.

"Good!" He let out as if it was the most bitter word, "Your punishment is that our wedding will be tomorrow."

"No!" My heart broke into a billion pieces that can never be mended. I always thought I would find my Mr. Right, my knight in shining armor. But I was wrong. I have to marry this cold bastard.

"Why are you not happy about it?" He questioned coldly, this ass how can I be happy marrying a man I don't even know?

"How can I be happy!" I let out my tears.

"Good?" He smiled coldly, I hate him, I hate him so much I want him dead, "It

is a punishment not a reward." He added coldly then lay beside me, then he dragged me onto his chest. And there it goes cuddling again like lovers.