
Chapter Eight

From far away,

I watched you smile.

For many, many days.

I craved your touch

I felt so trapped!

I cannot breathe.

I don't want to bring you pain.

But you are my only hope.

I'll not stand from afar.

Now I'll come after you.

You won't have time.

I'll take you away.

I won't let go.

Even if you beg or complain.

I'll hug you hard that I'll

Hear your breath.

"You are mine."


"P-please h-he will kill me," comes from a voice that is filled with fearful pleas. "H-he will k-kill m-me just li- like he,"

"Shut the fuck up!" Jack hissed at her, "Why, why did he yell at her." He doesn't have such a right, she is mine, and only mine.

I yanked the door sunken and they both hopped in anxiety. I have been waiting for the past ten minutes for her, I don't wait on anything I take what I want.

"Begone," I ordered Jack but she answered instead, "O-okay."

"Not you," I announced coldly

"No! No!" She yelled in fear.

"Stop!" I order her, she complies with a nod.

"Please don't kill me," She cried out once the door was locked. "Fuck!" I exclaimed, she lunged and fall to the floor, "Double fuck," I yelled in my mind.

"Shut the fuck up," I shouted coldly.

Madelyn POV

"Shut the fuck up," the boss shouted stiffly in anger. I was scared, He would kill me now. I wanted to beg for mercy. Would he save me? "You should let him know that you aren't Mr. Moore's daughter, maybe, just maybe he will let you go." My mind screams.

"Get up!" He orders in a tone; before I make you.

I nodded and complied. "Please, I - I am n- not his daughter," I let out gaps of anxiety as my knees were knocking together.

"I see," He ignores coldly.

"Please, I am not the one who sells you out to the law." I cried, "Shut up Madelyn!" My mind shouted in fear, "He will kill you now, you can not keep your big mouth shut. Can't you."

"I am not the man your adopted father sells out to the law." He answered then added, "You won't be here If it was me."

What! So why am I here? I looked up at him for the first time. "Hmmm!" He seems very well known. "But! Where do I know him from?" I wiped my eyes, "So, that means I can go home." I implored in a scramble to get away from here.

"No!" He smiled sharply, "You can't."

"W-why," I questioned.

"He will kill both you and your adopted parents."

"No! But! But!" I cried out in panic again.

Can't you save me I wanted to ask, I wanted to beg him to save me but he won't.

"Why would he?" I calmed myself.

"H-help me," I begged, then cursed myself, as he started to twitter at me.

"Why should I help you?" He quizzed harshly, which made my heart ache.

"I… I… I…" I cried I am so stupid, why did I even think he would help me, I only made a fool out of myself.

"I… I…, the fuck I," He shouted mockingly in anger then added roughly, "what the fuck you want to say." I blinked at him, what have I done to you now?

"I don't know," I cried out.

He nodded his head, "I do," I stared up at him, what did he mean, what did he know?

"Marry Me," He announced, which answered my unasked question.

I stared up at him with my mouth open, my mind went blank, "No! I won't marry a cold bastard like you." I let out before I could stop myself, I covered my mouth with my hands. He grabbed my waist, "What did you say," He disputed coldly.

"No!" He caresses my cheek, "N-No!" He squeezed my cheeks. It was not gentle. He then brings his lips close to mine.

"You don't have a choice, baby," He assured me bitterly, "You'll marry if you agree or not."


"Do you want to save Ella and your parents?" He questions, "Yes."

I will do anything to save them. They are my family. "Yes,"

He nodded, "good."

"I… I… Sir, I want to meet my parents." I said in fear I eyed the floor. What will he do? I want to cry but at the same time, I don't want to look weaker than I already am.

"Why," He questions as he lifted my chin, making me flinch with anxiety.

"Please," I plead with my eyes closed.

"Open your eyes," He decreed roughly, I comply willingly, I am frightened. I don't want him to hurt me.

"You'll," He recited while caressing my cheeks, "Really!" I can't believe it, he let me meet my parents. I was overjoyed I couldn't believe my ears.

"After our wedding," He added, which made my heart roll with pain, the joy was no longer there, he was a demon. "No!" I hissed in anger. "I must see them first." I let out in wrath.

"Shhh," He places his finger on my lips, "You are dismissed, Matt will take you to your room." He said coldly, that only made me more irate, "YOU CAN NOT DISMISS ME."

"Shut the fuck up," He said in the tone Before I give you something you won't like.

"Matt," He ordered, then the door opened and the cute guy came out, "Take her to the room."