
Love will not enough

"WHAT THE HELL AMADEUS ASHER HARLOW! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!" I shouted to him. But he just calmly looking at me sitting on his swilver chair that makes me even more angry! "Answer my damn question Asher! Why are you doing this to me!!" "Why? What am I doing to you? I don't really know what are you saying? " he innocently said then smirk. So damn annoying but he is damn so handsome! "YOU DAMN MAKING ME CRAZY FOR YOU. WHY DO YOU MAKE ME FEEL SO IMPORTANT! WHY DO YOU WORRIED SO MUCH TO ME?" I shouted in rage. I'm so much in rage right now. "Because, your my friend?" he is acting damn so innocent. "DAMN YOU ASHER! I HAVE A LOT OF FRIENDS ALREADY! AND YOU ALREADY KNOW THAT I'M DAMN INLOVE WITH YOU! DON'T ACT LIKE YOU COULDN'T FEEL IT!" there I said it! I'm damn inlove with my former enemy turned to be my friend. He stood up and walk towards me. He stop in front of me. He leaned and whisper. "Your still so gorgeous even when you are upset my baby."

143_Jansiii · Teen
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


Chapter 1

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" the girl shouted when she realized that her bag was stolen. I smirk at her reaction. 

That's what you get when you are not guarding your belongings very well.

I was just sitting here, at the most expensive cafe in the town, while watching the scene outside the cafe. The guy next to her a while ago was the one who stole her bag. 

I was quietly and gracefully drinking my coffee while watching her panicking.

I stood up, not finishing my coffee, put my bill on the table and walked out at the cafe. I rolled my eyes and just said to myself, what a boring scene.

"Alice Sylvan." I turned my back to see who was calling my beautiful name and found out it was Jenny, the fake friend of my mother.

I sign deeply. I really hate her! So I just waved a bit and turned my back to her. I immediately went to the parking lot and drove my car towards the nearest mall. I feel like shopping today. 

My name is Alice Sylvan Sawyer, I'm the only daughter of the millionaire Alex Zander Sawyer and Gwyned Sandra Sawyer. 

I've been raised to a very luxurious life, but I'm not a brat. My mother discipline me on how to spend money wisely, and teach me to not criticize poor people. 

We owned different kinds of businesses like we have Hospitals, Restaurants and Hotels. I parked my car when I reached the parking lot of the mall. I made sure that my car was locked before going inside the mall. I gracefully enter the mall and immediately go to the jewelry shop. 

I went to the watch section. I busily scanned the watches when something got my attention. It was a tiny watch, its body was round, the edges of the circle were full of diamonds. It is so damn elegant and by just looking at it, I know that it will perfectly fit me. 

I hurriedly approached the watch and pointed it out but a large hand also pointed out on the watch. I slowly looked up and there. A very gorgeous man appeared. His gray suit makes him more attractive. He is really damn so attractive and hot. I scanned his face and all of his features were so in the right places, he is looking dashing perfect. 

The guy cleared his throat and it was just like a spell for me, for me to wake up. I also cleared my throat because my cheeks are damn so hot. I saw him smirked? What the? Is he making fun of me? 

"It seems that we both like this watch, but mister look, my finger was the first who pointed out the watch." irritation is written on my voice but my face is smiling. The guy just raised his brow. 

"It doesn't seem so to me. What should I do?" 

He's voice is damn so good! My gosh! What the heck! It is so deep and sexy! But he is damn ignoring me. He is facing and talking to the sales lady, very damn so calmly! And what the fuck! The sales lady is smiling and blushing! 

"Excuse me, it does seem so to me. What do you think of Ms. Sales lady?" my voice and face was full of irritation. 

The sales lady didn't know what to say, the smile on her face was slowly fading. That's right bitch! You don't have the right to smile in front of me. 

"And mister, you look so damn dashingly handsome but why are you buying this kind of watch? Are you perhaps a gay?"

I was just wanted to provoke him, he doesn't looked like a gay! He's aura was screaming masculinity and handsomeness. 

"It was none of your business." 

My eyes widened! Oh! M! G! Is he really a gay? 

"Oh! My! Are you really a gay? My mother was correct, don't judge the look by its cover!" I exclaimed loudly. 

The guy suddenly came closer, so I stepped back. He smirked and I raised my brow. Why am I stepping back? He came closer again. But instead of stepping back I step forward. I'm not scared of gays! 

Because he is tall my eyes were just level with his lips. I saw how his smirk widened. He steps closer again, I suddenly become hesitant when I look at his eyes. His eyes are full of amusement. So I stepped back and it was the decision I regretted so fast, because the coldness of the wall touched my back. 

I'm really cornered! 

"What did you just say miss?" he said while closing the distance between us faces. I swallowed so hard, damn his breath smelled so good. Is he going to kiss me? But he stopped when our faces were just one inch apart. This time I smirk. 

You can't kiss me, cause your a gay! Let's play a game. I snake my hands around his neck, and pull him a bit closer. 

"I said mister, you are a gay." I whispered seductively and a smile plastered on my lips. 

But in just a second, my smile left my lips, my world stopped...... 

when I felt his lips on mine. My eyes blinked when I felt his lips on mine. What in the world is happening!!! 

When I gathered all my thoughts! I realized that this gorgeous handsome guy is fucking kissing me!! My first damn kiss! I forcely pushed him and saw his face full of satisfaction. 

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!" I shouted in full rage! That's my damn first kiss! And I really reserved it for the man I will love! 

But he just came closer again, I was about to push him away, when he caught my arms. He jailed it with his one hand, he is damn so strong! That I can't even move my two hands! 

He closes the distance between us again, this is damn so frustrating! I don't know what to do!? So I just close my eyes! I waited for his lips to touch mine but instead I felt his side lips on my left cheek then he whispered. 

"I'm not a gay miss. And it should be 'Don't judge a Book by its Cover' not look." he calmly whispered. 

I used all my strength to push him away and maybe he really let go of my hands because when I pulled my hands, it removed from his grip. 

I inhaled deeply but it didn't make me calm at all! I feel so much rage!! How dare he! That was my freaking first kiss! 

I looked at him, full of rage while he was just staring at me calmly. 

"HOW DARE YOU TO LAY YOUR LIPS ON MINE!" I shouted and I know my damn face is now red because of embarrassment, and anger.

He raised his brows while calmly watching me. 

"You said that I'm a gay, so I just proved to you that I'm not." 

"You really go that far, just to prove that you're a man? How pathetic! I will sue you for sexual harassment." I said calmly but anger is evident on my face and voice. 

Then he smirks and slightly laughs. If I'm not angry right now. I would damn compliment him, how gorgeous he is when he laughs and how sexy his laugh is. 

"What's funny?" 

"Sexual Harassment? Do you know that I saw you closing your eyes and waiting for my lips to lay on your lips?" he gently said and smirked. 

I felt all of my blood go to my face. How dare he? Me? Waiting for his lips? Oh? My? Gosh? The heck! I went closer to him and grabbed his collar. I even tiptoe so that my face will be level with his face, but I'm just too short! My eyes just level on his nose. 

His smirk widened and amusement was evident in his eyes. But he just let me grab his collar. I think he is enjoying this damn thing!

"For your information mister, I just closed my eyes because I don't know what to do! Waiting for your kiss? Huh?! In your dreams!" I defended myself.

"Really?" he mockingly said then smirk again. 

Ahh! He is damn so annoying but so gorgeous! 

"Well! I know the fact that I'm beautiful but duh! I'm just a gorgeous woman, not a liar. Remember that jerk!" I confidently said that makes his smirk wider. 

I was about to say something again when my eyes caught a familiar figure outside the shop. My eyes widened when I recognised who it was. 

"Dad? What is he doing here?" I let go of the man's collar and pointed my index finger to him. 

"You got lucky today! But next time we meet, I'm gonna break you into pieces. And remember, I just closed my eyes because I don't know what to do!" i emphatically said

But he just gave me a careless look, and fixed his collar that made me roll my eyes. I turned my back at him and started to run because my father is already walking. 

As I follow my father I bit my lips and remember how soft his lips are. Well, it's not a waste that my first kiss was that arrogant but gorgeous man.