
Chapter Six

The next morning when Ryley wakes up she runs to the bathroom and throws up in the toilet after closing the door. Ryley spends a good five minutes in the bathroom throwing up. Once she's done Ryley has a shower. Ashton comes in the bathroom as Ryley throws up again. Ashton rubs her back. "I need to call her. She should be here." Ryley holds onto her stomach and shakes her head. "Hand me my phone." Ashton gets up off the floor and grabs Ryley's phone. He hands it to Ryley. She goes to her texts with Root and clicks on call. It rings.

"Hey. You've reached Root Groves and I'm not available right now so please leave a message after the beep."

The line beeps. Before Ryley could finish her sentence.

"Hey sorry I was in the shower. What's up?" "I need you." "What's wrong?" "I've been throwing up since early last night." "What? I'm coming. Just give me a minute to get dressed." "Root wait." "Yes love?" "Forget what I said yesterday. Lets tell them. They deserve to know."

Ashton looks confused.

"They do. Alright I'm on my way." "Okay see you soon. Ashton will let you in." "See you soon."

The call ends. Ashton goes downstairs and waits. A few minutes later there's a knock. Ashton goes to the door and opens it. "Where is she?" "Upstairs in her bedroom bathroom." Root nods and goes up the stairs two at a time. She walks into Ryley's room and tsks. "You poor baby." Ryley throws up in the toilet. Root comes over and rubs Ryley's back. "So what's causing you to be this sick?" Ryley flings her head towards the waste basket. Root looks and gasps. She picks up the stick. "You're pregnant?" Ryley nods. "Seems so. Do you know a way to make this puking stop?" Root rubs Ryley's back. She nods. "I do. You'll hate it though." "I'll do anything." Root rolls up her sleeve and bites her wrist. "Open." Ryley tilts her head back and opens her mouth. Root lets some blood pour into Ryley's mouth. Once done Ryley wipes her mouth with a piece of toilet paper. "Ugh." Root chuckles. "I know. So you want me to go get Eli or you wanna wait until later?" Ryley gets up with Root's help. She lays down with Root following. Root wraps her arms around Ryley. "In a minute. I just need you right now." Root moves so she's right against Ryley's ass. "I'm here." Root kisses Ryley's neck. "I love you. Forever." Ryley smiles. "Forever." Ryley rubs her stomach. Root puts their hand on Ryley's. "It's okay love. I'm here." Ryley smiles. "I know. It just really hurts right now." Root nods and rubs Ryley's stomach. "I can help you know." Ryley raises an eyebrow. "Oh?" Root nods. "I have a few teas that helps with pain and nausea. I'd have to run home though." Ryley nods. "Okay and on your way back you can get Eli?" Root nods. "For sure babe. I'll be back soon." Ryley nods. Root kisses Ryley softly and then leaves. A few minutes later Ashton comes in and lays down next to Ryley. Ashton rubs Ryley's stomach. "You okay?" Ryley shrugs. "At least the puking stopped. For now." Ashton chuckles. "Yeah. I hate seeing you sick and in pain. It makes my heart hurt." Ryley smiles. "Awww. Love you too bro." Ashton smiles and lays his head on his arm. "Where'd Root go?" "Went to go get some tea thats supposed to help me and then pick up Eli." "She coming back here?" Ryley nods. A few seconds later. "Hey babe where's your teapot?" "It's in the cupboard closest to the fridge!" Ryley gets up with Ashton's help. Ryley almost falls over. "You carry me?" Ashton nods. "Sure." Ashton lifts Ryley up and carries her down the stairs. Ashton then lays Ryley down on her couch. Ashton throws a blanket over her. Ryley smiles. "Thanks." Ashton nods. "No problem. Love you." Ryley hugs Ashton. "Love you." Eli rolls over. "Awww. You guys." Ryley lightly punches Eli's shoulder. "Shush it." Root comes over with a tea cup filled with tea and helps Ryley sip it after it cools down. A little while later. "Guys Root and I have something to tell you." Eli looks confused. "Oh my god you're pregnant." Ryley laughs. "What no. I mean yes but that's not what I wanted to talk about." "Wait you are?" Ryley nods. "That's why I was sick last night and some this morning." Eli nods. "I see." Ryley sighs. "Root you explain. I can't." Root nods and rubs Ryley's legs. Root explains what's going on. Ashton and Eli both gasp. "Is is it true?" "Ryley?" Ryley nods. "Yes. Yes it's true. I was told to take a few days to think about chemo but I don't need to. I decided last night before I went to sleep." Root,Ashton and Eli look at Ryley. "And?" Ryley sighs. "I'm going to do it. I mean I know the dangers and everything but there's also benefits from it." Root kisses Ryley's forehead. Ashton and Eli rub Ryley's leg. "That's good. We'll be here for you. Well more Root and Ashton but I'll try my best to be here too." Ryley smiles and nods. "I know you will. That's why I love you.". Eli smiles. "I love you too lil sis." The next few weeks go by quickly. Ryley has started chemotherapy and Root and Ashton are there all the time. On a Wednesday. Eli comes in and sits next to Ryley. "What you watching?" "Some show a friend recommended. Can't remember the name." Eli nods and watches with Ryley. As an episode finished Ryley pauses and runs to the bathroom. Eli follows. Ryley throws up in the toilet and Eli rubs her back. "Ugh I hate this!" Eli rubs Ryley's back. "I know. I know it sucks." Ryley leans her arms against the toilet seat. "It really does." Ryley throws up again. Eli tsks as he rubs Ryley's back. A few minutes later Ryley gets up with Eli's help and rinses out her mouth with mouthwash. About five minutes after Ryley and Eli started the next episode of the show they were watching, Root walks in. Ryley smiles. "Hi." Root comes over and kisses Ryley softly. "Hi. How are you?" Ryley shrugs. "The sickness comes and goes. You here for the night?" Root nods. "I'll be here for the week. I'm not needed until next week." Ashton comes downstairs. He smiles when he sees Root. "Hey Root." Root smiles. "Hey. You off to work?" Ashton nods. "I'll see you later." Root nods. "Bye." "Bye sis. Sleep well." The two hug. Ashton hugs Eli and then leaves. Eli gets up. "I should get going too." Ryley looks up sad. "Why?" "I have a date with a coworker in a few hours so I have to get ready and stuff. I'll try and come by before you go to bed. If not I'll see you tomorrow." Ryley nods. "Okay. Love you." Eli hugs Ryley. "Love you too." Eli leaves. Root sits down next to Ryley and Ryley puts her feet across Root's lap. The two finish a season of the show and then Ryley goes upstairs to shower. Root follows. Ryley leans against the shower wall after washing her hair. Root peaks their head in the shower. "You okay?" Ryley smiles. "You can sense it can't you? The radiation." Root nods. "Has a very strong smell to it. Sometimes it makes me want to puke." Ryley chuckles and then starts coughing. Root gets up off the ground and gets in the shower. Ryley laughs. "Root! You have clothes on." Root shrugs. "So? Take them off." Ryley smiles and starts unbuttoning Root's shirt. She throws it out of the shower. She does this with all of Root's clothes and then hugs them. Root hugs back for a minute and then pulls away. "Sorry. Just really strong." Root coughs and then gags. Ryley just leans against the far wall after washing herself. "I don't have to stay in here. I can leave. I'm done anyways." Root shakes their head and turns around. They wash their hair and then let the conditioner sit in their hair. Root smiles up at Ryley. "You're beautiful you know." Ryley just chuckles. "Yes so you keep telling me. I need to get out now. I have a online class to get to." Root nods. "Okay." Ryley gets out and gets dried. "Hey before you leave." Ryley peaks her head in the shower. "Sup?" "I need you to cut my hair. I hate my long hair." Ryley nods. "Okay. After class is over." Root nods. "Okay." "Oh and when you get out and dried, put this cream on that I'm leaving on the bathroom counter. It'll keep the hair from sticking to your body." Root nods. "Okay." Ryley leaves after putting the bottle of cream she was talking about on the counter. Ryley gets dressed and then sets up her laptop for class. A little bit later. Root walks past Ryley and a few of the students see them.

"Who was that?"

Ryley smiles when Root touches her shoulder.

"My partner." "I didn't even know you had one. That's awesome."

Root kisses Ryley's hair. "I have to run out real quick. I'll be right back." Ryley nods and kisses Root softly. "See you when you get back."

"Awwwww." "Shut up Ashley." "Too cute." "Get back to work!"

Ryley finishes her class as soon as Root comes back from wherever they went. Ryley smiles and answers the video chat.

"Hey." "Hi. So tell me more about this partner of yours." "Well I can't say much cuz we're about to go cut their hair but I can say this. Super lucky I found them. Thats all I'm going to say."

Root smiles and wraps their arms around Ryley's waist from behind and kisses Ryley's neck. "I know what you mean babe."

"I don't. Please clarify." "I can't. Its not my place to say anything." "At least know your name?"

Root smiles.

"Root. I picked myself." "Suits you." "Why thank you. Now if you'll excuse us. We have an appointment."

Ryley laughs and elbows Root in the stomach. "Don't be rude."

"Its all good. I get it. I can go." "No don't go. I need your help." "With what?" "Picking the right hairstyle."

Root goes upstairs and gets ready.

"Okay. Show me the pictures."

Ryley sends the pictures to Ashley. Ashley goes through them.

"Hm. They more a tomboyish kind of person or just laid back?" "More laid back than anything but also kind of tomboyish." "Then I'd go with the last one." "Perfect. That's what I was thinking too. I just wanted your help deciding." "Glad I could help. Now. Do you need me to go or?" "No you can stay. Root isn't the shy type. Both of my brothers have seen them topless." "Ou I'm excited. Oh and question but not for you."

Ryley walks up the stairs and gets her stuff from her closet. She then goes to the bathroom.

"Okay shoot." "Hey Root?" "Yeah?" "What is your accent? I can't quite place it." "Italian and a bit of Australian." "So that's why I couldn't place it. You have two." "Yes I do." "Okay we're starting now so don't mind me not talking much. If I do it'll be to Root cuz they're stubborn."

Root pokes Ryley's boob. "I resent that." Ryley rolls her eyes. "K now sit still. Oh and don't look in the mirror." Root nods. "You put the cream on right?" Root nods. "As soon as I finished drying off." Ryley nods and then gets to work.

"Looking good so far." "Yeah? What's it look like?" "Not telling. Ryley wants it to be a surprise so. Sorry." "Damn."

Ryley chuckles. "She's like me babe. Very hard to crack."

"I told you they're stubborn."

Ashley laughs.

"Yeah. Well. I will say this. You'll look so much better when it's done. Not saying you didn't before." "I know. So. You have a partner?" "I do but they're in Italy right now. His card expired so he had to go back for a few months." "I'm sorry to hear. How's it looking?" "Really really good. Almost done."

Ryley does the final touches and then cleans up all the hair. She then hands Root a mirror. They look at themselves. "Damn. I look sexy. Thanks guys." "You are welcome."

"You're welcome. I should get going. Gotta figure out some stuff." "Okay. Talk later." "Later." "Oh hey before you go." "What's up Root?" "What's his name?" "Raphael. Why?" "No reason." "Okay then. Bye." "Bye." "Yeah. Bye."

Ryley closes her laptop.