


Susan and Henry stood a while outside waiting for the cab driver to arrive, Susan is glad that at last they are alone and maybe they could have that conversation she has been waiting to have with him but Henry was all quiet, standing tall with his two hands stuffed in his pocket and shifting from one foot to the other. Susan concludes if he wasn't going to start up the conversation then she will because she isn't about to take this moment for granted "So whats'up?" she finally said something to get him talking "Fine, it's good to be back home you know, I miss this amount of sun in my face" he looks at the sky. She chuckles even though that's not the conversation she was hoping for but she is

going to force it out of him "yeah... So do you like

what you see?" Henry is startled by the question, he grunts "Of course! I do, and our parents also do! Which makes everything perfect" Susan smiles awkwardly "You know I actually looked forward to meeting you but you stood me up severally on camera but never apologize nor acknowledge what you did, I thought you didn't like me.. and you couldn't tell me directly that's why you were always avoiding the video calls." Henry felt guilty that instant, he knew he was wrong for treating her that way. She never wronged him in any way, she is a victim in this just like he is, he moved towards her and held her hand "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I was just so.. so occupied with work but I promise to make it up to you now that I am back.

We could do dinner tomorrow, then go clubbing

afterward, what do you think?" Henry holds her chin up waiting expectantly for her response, Susan smiled, maybe he wasn't as bad as she thought, work perhaps could get him fuggy and irritably, she could get to know him better these few weeks he is around and know for a fact if he is a good guy or a duchbag "I will have dinner with you" she says and Henry smiles "This time I will be the one to pick you up, just send me the navigation to your house and let me know what time will be best to pick you up, okay?" Susan nods, Henry smiles in return and kissed her on her forehead, a car honks on the horn to alert its arrival startling both Susan and Henry "That's my ride home" Susan tells the gateman not to bother opening the gate, she would walk out to meet her driver instead. Henry walks her out, and he hugs her again as she was about to enter the car, then he instructed the driver sternly "Drive carefully please" he waves at her as the driver zooms off.

It has been a really long day, Susan all of a sudden feels tired and saw the need to rest. She opens her Myride app to confirm the time left for the ride but wasn't impressed with the timeframe "forty-five minutes, well, I could use that". Susan rest backward to take a nap but her mind keeps wandering off, the thought of Henry wouldn't stay off her mind. She knew she had to talk to someone about it, perhaps Bode, he will be as blunt as he can but brutal in his criticism because he is obviously not a fan of Henry. Maybe she would bring it up in a conversation with her friends, she has been keeping them in the dark for a while now and it starting to make her feel guilty whenever they share what they are going through or whatever is going on in their lives and she acts like her life is perfect meanwhile it is close to a mess. Maybe she is not just ready to let them in yet, she thought

to herself, she will let them in eventually but not yet, she doesn't want to be judged or mocked. She hopes tomorrow will turn out great, a dinner date could be the start of something new, he even sounded promising a while ago and she will also do her best to make it work and then share the good news with her friends instead. She could just call her mom later on to have a hint about what Henry's mom thinks about them, and perhaps have a conversation about Henry's confusing attitude, she is still the best person to have this conversation with since she knows Henry better than anyone. "He is so confusing! In a minute, he is acting like a mummy's boy which is so annoying then he becomes the sweetest the next minute" Susan mutters irritatingly before she drifts off to sleep.