
Love Was Not The Reason

Hailey, the orphan, who still dosen't know her true worth, agrees to marry the son of her late mother's best friend, after her twenty first birthday. At first she agrees, believing that she would finally belong in a family. As she contemplates signing the marriage certificate, she hears a voice around the table calling her name. A voice that was present when her world collapse. A voice that has been haunting her since she was five. Rushing to the bathroom, breaking down as unclear visions started flowing again. Would this marriage help her remember? Returning to the table composed., instantly signing the certificate without a second thought. Adian, the wealthy twenty five year old son amd heir to the Knights foundation. Deception and Heartbreak have turned him into a heartless man who believes that all women are gold diggers with the exception of his mother. His flings are comfortable and casual. He unwillingly agrees to marry because of his mother, but he promises to make the life of his future wife a living hell. What he did not expect was the fire running through her veins plus his growing attraction and admiration for her, which he fights with hurtful words he dosen't mean. As his new wife digs into information concerning her past, his world will be rocked as the dead rises to break the only bond he holds dear. He agrees to help her unravel her past, with her promise to release him from this marriage. Would he want to release her from the agreement when the lies are out in the open? As his orphan wife slowly penetrates the iron walls around his heart, the one who broke him returns.

Sabry_Singh · Urban
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270 Chs



Walking towards my mother, wrapping my arms around her, "I'm sorry mom, I didn't realize the toll my choices in life is taking on you" I said softly, soothing her.

Nodding in my arms, "I love you son and always want the best for you" she said brokenly with her face hidden in my chest.

"I know mom, I know" I said agreeing with her, knowing for a fact that my lifestyle is f**k up. "why this girl mom?" I asked.

Pulling slightly away, staring up at me with her eyes shimmering with tears and her cheeks wet. "She an orphan, whose mother was my best friend. I want to give her a sense of belonging, by joining our family" she explains while looking away.

Walking away from my mother, "you've got to be kidding! What the hell, why would you sell me out like that? to an orphan no less!" I shouted angrily.

"What's all the shouting about?" my irritated sister stood at the door looking at us.

Immediately calming down at the site of her, "it's nothing chubs" i said calling her by the nickname she hates the most.

Stomping her feet, she storms out of the room, no doubt heading into the kitchen. I turned to my mother, "what can I do to change your mind?" I asked quietly with tightly closed fists.

Staring at me with a blank expression, "If you don't accept this arrangement, you can kiss your hopes of becoming the CEO of the companies goodbye" she says abruptly turning to walk away.

Smashing a vase off the coffee table unto the floor cause her to immediately turn around to face me as my sister runs into the room. "You are only making a bad situation worst" I said keeping my emotions in check.

Staring at me then at our mother, Chubs angrily blurted out "I hate you when you're like this" she shouts staring at me. "Your life didn't go as planned but instead of working with you have, you become this guy" she stretches her hand at me, lifting it from my head to my feet, then back up.

"I'm sorry Chubs" I say as I walked over to hug her. As she hugs me she whispers in my "would you like me dating a guy like you?".

Instantly pulling away, holding her shoulders, staring into her beautiful hazel eyes, like mom's. "No way" I responded, wanting the best for my baby sister.

Grinning, she pulled away from me, "keep the noise down, guys" she instructs, walking back to the kitchen.

Turning to face my mom still upset but holding it in. "What now?" I asked.

Averting her eyes, staring at the broken vase, "so this is it" she starts. "if she rejects the proposal, you make your own choice, but if she accepts, you accept my decision" she states bluntly.

Angry with her decision, I nodded walking out of the room and out the front door, slamming it behind me.

I prayed for the first time in years to every God that be that the orphan girl would decline the proposal. Not in a frame of mind to work right now, I pulled out my phone, going through my contacts dialing one of my regular hookups. Putting the phone to my ear, I leaned on my car waiting for an answer.

"Hey stranger" answered Sammy in a seductive voice. "isn't it a bit to early to be calling for a booty call" she asks chuckling.

Not in a mood for talk "is it?" I asked abruptly.

Sammy took about three seconds to respond, "apparently not" she answers.

"See you in twenty" I said hanging up, turning to open my door, sliding in my Bugatti, slamming the door close as I started the engine, speeding out of the driveway, honking at the security at the front gate, in a hurry to reach my destination and Sammy.

The ringing of my phone caught my attention as I considered answering. "Yes Ralphy" I answered my PA.

"Directors meeting in forty five" he informs me.

"S**t!" I slammed my hands on the steering wheel. "Any chance of re-scheduling?" I asked hopefully.

"None Sir" he says, as I also knew the importance of the meeting.

"Right, See you in a bit" I informed him, "and you'd better not be smiling, because I'm definitely running the camera when I get there and I'll make your life today, a living hell" I warned him.

"Yes Sir" he responded, hanging up.

This man dosen't have a sense of humor whatsoever. I think he needs to get laid. Sammy! Quickly dialing her number for the second time this morning.

"Hmm a second call before you get here, means cancellation" she answers, sounding disappointed.

Chuckling, maybe you should leave that boy you're with and move in with me" I joked.

Laughing "one of these days I would pick you put on your offer and we'll see how far you run" she threatens.

"Sweetheart the only direction I'll be running is in yours" I promised. "Anyway, I was just reminded about a meeting , which as you know is important otherwise, absolutely nothing can keep me away from you" I informed her reluctantly.

"Yeah, no problem" she says chuckling. "Now I have to run back into the bathroom to take a cold shower" she says indicating the pain she's in.

Laughing out loud, "Just know that I feel your pain too" I continue to laugh, hating my life right now.

Hanging up, still all tense, I continued driving to the office building that houses SullaKnights Investment and my headquarter office. I refuse an office at Knights Incorporated, because being in the same breathing space as my father suffocates me.

My father will no doubt be at the meeting as the present CEO of both SullaKnights Investments and Knights Incooperated, but as the CEO in training of SullaKnights, I will be chairing this meeting and I will charm them all!