
Love Vs Fate

The story follows a young witch, who has always been drawn to the dark and mysterious. She is fascinated by the world of magic and the power it holds. She has never felt a real connection with anyone until she meets a boy who is completely unaware of his true identity as the king of 7 realms and the demon king. The witch and the boy are immediately drawn to each other and soon fall deeply in love. However, their love is put to the test when the witch discovers that the boy is the demon king, and she must choose between her love for him and her duty to protect the realms from his power. As the boy begins to uncover the truth about his past, he struggles to come to terms with his true identity and the responsibilities that come with it. The witch must decide whether to help him embrace his destiny or to try and change it. The story is a thrilling adventure of love and power, as the witch and the boy journey together to discover their true selves and the true meaning of love. Together they must face the challenges that come with being the demon king, and ultimately decide if their love is strong enough to overcome them.

latha_hema · Fantasy
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3 Chs


As Jack entered the room, he couldn't shake off the eerie feeling that had settled in the pit of his stomach. He had been feeling uneasy all day, and he couldn't quite put his finger on why. But as he walked through the door, the feeling intensified.

The room was dark, the only light coming from a single candle on the nightstand. But as Jack's eyes adjusted to the darkness, he started to notice something off about the room. The shadows seemed to be shifting and moving on their own, and he could hear whispering voices coming from the corners of the room.

At first, Jack thought it was just his imagination playing tricks on him. But as the whispering grew louder, he realized that it wasn't just his imagination. The voices were real, and they were telling him to do something terrible.

Jack tried to ignore the voices, but they seemed to be getting louder and more insistent. They were telling him to hurt himself, to take his own life. Jack knew he needed to leave the room, to get away from the voices, but his legs wouldn't move. He felt paralyzed with fear.

As the whispering grew louder, the shadows in the room seemed to take on a life of their own. They seemed to be reaching out to him, trying to grab him. Jack could feel their cold, clammy fingers on his skin, and he knew he needed to get out.

With all his strength, Jack forced himself to take a step towards the door. But as he did, the whispering grew louder, and the shadows seemed to come alive. They were all around him, trying to pull him down.

Jack knew he needed to get out of the room, but it felt like he was stuck in a nightmare. The whispering voices and the shadows seemed to be closing in on him, and he couldn't shake off the feeling that something terrible was about to happen.

As he made a run for it, he could feel the cold fingers of the shadows reaching for him, trying to pull him back into the room. But he kept running, not stopping until he was out of the house, gasping for air.

.As Jack lay in bed that night, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about the voices he had heard in the room earlier. They had been so real, so insistent. They had told him to hurt himself, to take his own life.

He tried to push the thoughts out of his mind, but they kept creeping back in. He couldn't shake off the feeling that something was watching him, waiting for him to slip up and give in to the voices.

As he lay there, staring at the ceiling, he heard a faint whispering. At first, he thought it was just his imagination, but as the whispering grew louder, he knew it was real. The voices were back, and they were more insistent than ever.

"Do it," they said. "End it all. No one will miss you. You're a burden to everyone around you. Just do it."

Jack could feel the tears prickling at the corners of his eyes as the voices continued to speak. He felt like he was losing his mind. He didn't know how to make the voices stop.

He tried to tell himself that it was just his imagination, that he was just going through a tough time and his mind was playing tricks on him. But the voices were so real, so insistent. He couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong.

As the night wore on, the voices grew louder and more insistent. Jack could feel himself slipping deeper and deeper into despair. He didn't know how much longer he could hold on.

He knew he needed to tell someone about the voices, but he was too scared. He didn't want to be labeled as crazy, to be locked away in a mental institution. So, he kept his secret to himself, hoping that the voices would eventually go away.

But they never did. They continued to haunt him, luring him closer and closer to the brink of suicide. Jack knew he needed help, but he didn't know where to turn. He was trapped in a never-ending cycle of despair and hopelessness.

As the days passed, Jack's condition worsened. He found it increasingly difficult to get out of bed and face the day. He was consumed by the voices in his head and the constant feelings of worthlessness and despair.

He knew he needed to talk to someone, but he was too scared to open up. He didn't want to be judged, to be labeled as crazy. So, he kept his struggles to himself and tried to push through on his own.

But it was a losing battle. The voices were getting louder and the thoughts of suicide were becoming harder to ignore. Jack knew he was on the brink of something terrible, and he didn't know how to pull himself back.

One day, Sarah, came to visit him. She could sense something was wrong and asked him what was going on. Jack hesitated for a moment, but then he found himself telling her everything, about the voices, the feelings of worthlessness, and the thoughts of suicide.

Sarah listened intently, her heart breaking for him. She knew that he was going through something that was beyond his control. She comforted him and assured him that he was not alone in this, that she was there for him, and that she would help him fight the voices.

Sarah knew that the voices were not a figment of Jack's imagination, but an evil spell cast by her sister, a wicked witch who was jealous of Sarah's relationship with Jack. She knew that she had to act fast to save Jack's life.

What are those voices?

Can Sarah save jack from this whispers?