
Love Vs Family ties

This love triangle makes two people who are in in love compremise their love for the sake of families

DaoistErmfcv · Teen
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3 Chs


Upon having much thought,John decided to call Mriana


John: Hey how are you

Mriana:Am not okay have been trying to reach you but your phone has been off what's wrong babe

John: nothing,am really sorry I know this will break your heart but it's best we break up cause I don't love you either will I do so

Mriana:what you saying,did I do something wrong am sorry

please don't say that after all that we been through

tears dropping out of her eyes😢

John couldn't bear the pain and cut off the call....

Mriana sat along side her bed crying helplessly like a baby

She tried to call him but no answer...

John reached home very Drunk that the mother could not bear the scent .

"Sonny have you been drinking what will you gain"she said..

John just by passed her while crying...He reached his room and banged the door..

Mriana cried her self to sleep... Early on the morning she saw a text from John..


I Know that you must be hurt and in pain but it was never my intention to to that to you am really sorry please forgive and forget about me..I don't deserve your love I hope you understand 😢😢

am really sorry...

Mriana couldn't reply to the text until she felt better...

Reply:It's okay am happy without you and I have realized I was just wasting my Time with someone who is still childish..

Is this really the end if there relationship???.Find out as the chapter unveils it's self..