
Love Until Reincarnation

[EDITING IN PRORESS, DO NOT READ YET.] Yiren’s life changes overnight when fraud by her uncle causes her family to fall into poverty. Years pass, and she is now a university student in a major city. However, circumstances change when a mysterious hot-shot CEO, Dong Xu, promises her a deal in exchange for masquerading as his wife, a marriage only on paper. With promises of atrocious allowances, the charm of his so-called ‘false kisses’ which gives her butterflies in her stomach, and his link to Lin Xiao, the man who was last seen with her fraudster uncle, Yiren is inclined to accept his terms. Yet, when the contract is delivered to her through an extraordinary means, she must do what it takes to find the answers she seeks. Updated daily for the month of October onwards. Also in the story: Xiaoyu’s love story with Lin Xiao, the secondary couple of the story. ------------------ Disclaimer: I do not create nor own this image. All rights go to the original creator.

lingchenxi · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Contemplating the Terms

Perhaps it was the mention of her name that triggered the woman or what other reason Yiren didn't know. But that intense glare from the woman told her something.

She wasn't welcome. And that the woman was now staring daggers at her after Ziming mentioned her name meant that the woman knew something. Maybe the paparazzi had tipped her off.

She scurried as fast as she could after Ziming. Once she was safely in the elevator and away from the harrowing encounter earlier, she inhaled and exhaled a few times to calm herself down.

"Mr Guan, that woman… Who was she? It looks like she wanted my head."

Guan Ziming with his amiable visage and compassionate features, provided her a source of instant relief. This was a man she believed she could trust. After how everyone was treating her and she had suffered so many years of hardships, he was a light in the darkness. She didn't know why, but she felt an emotional spot in her heart for him. It was like she had met him somewhere before. She had never felt this way when she was looking at his photographs with Dong Xu.

But after meeting him face to face, she was now experiencing a mystifying bout of deja vu, the same which she had for Dong Xu. Nobody had ever had this effect on her all this while. But everything ever since she woke up from that dream with Dong Xu, the weirdest things were happening to her.

"You don't have to worry about Lu Xue, Miss Feng. She is harmless to you."

"But that killer stares-"

The elevator came to a stop, and the doors opened automatically.

"We're at the cafe now. Let's resume our discussion in private. Know that the walls of the building have eyes and ears."

Her soft almond eyes widened with his statement. As she stepped out of the vacant lift, her mind filled with curiosity. She had no idea that there was a cafe hidden in the building. They strolled for a long time, before reaching what looked like a hidden entrance at the back of the building.

"Here we are, Miss Feng."

She responded with a brief nod. Artificial grass decorated the door, hiding it from obvious eyes. Even the handle wasn't easy to notice.

A server bowed upon the sight of Ziming. Yiren fathomed that being Dong Xu's right-hand man translated to such courtesy. If she was to comply with the terms of the contract and become his legal wife, would that garner even more respect from his employees? Or would they think ill of her for marrying him 'for money', as anyone might assume?

After a few minutes, they were comfortably seated in a closed room, served with hot tea by the server earlier. With a prompt bow, the lady left the room.

Ziming sought the opportunity to put an end to the silence between them.

"Miss Feng, what do you think of the Hidden Cafe? Is it a splendid place to your taste?"

She looked towards Ziming and faced him solemnly. "Indeed, it is unique and exquisite. I wonder what is the origin of this creation?"

"The Secret Garden," Ziming smiled. "It has been Mr. Dong's favourite book since he was a child. He created a cafe with the concept of being hidden away. For now, the cafe is only admissible by the employees of DongTe. However, Miss Feng is an exception."

She bowed courteously. "I am not sure what Mr. Guan's purpose in discussing with me is."

"You mentioned a contract earlier. Did you bring it with you?"

"Yes." She reached into her backpack. "Here it is. I presume you know everything about the contract?" She almost wanted to add 'since you prepared it' but didn't want to sound so ahead of herself.

"Yes, Mr. Dong asked me to prepare it. We've been trying to get in touch with you, but the calls didn't get through."

"Ah?" she uttered in absolute bewilderment. Jogging her memory, she briefly recalled how she heard a long vibration seconds before her phone screen went black. The next day, she had attempted reviving her cell phone at the nearest shop, but they couldn't do anything to fix it. Her cell phone had survived for six years as her loyal companion. She was reluctant to replace it and none of the phones available were within her budget, so she went without a cell phone for almost a week.

"I'm really sorry," she stated apologetically. "My phone broke down unexpectedly."

"Anyway, Miss Feng, what about the contract? Are you willing to sign it?"


She figured how to answer him. Her heart was pounding. After Xiaoyu's accident that day with Lin Xiao, the link to Feng Yintian was cut at that point. The next thing was, the company had transferred Xiaoyu to another city to work. Everything was so puzzling that she suspected something was wrong. This was why today she met Dong Xu to discuss the contract.

"There are some issues that I'd like to discuss personally with Dong Xu."

"Is it about the terms?"

"Yes. I feel three years is a bit too long. Logically , the paparazzi may be interested in news while it is hot, but in due course, they will forget about the incident and try to find a new target."

"So you want to negotiate with Mr. Dong for a shorter term?"


"And how long would that be? I will bring it up to Mr. Dong for his agreement, but it will be him who has the final say. Nobody else can get involved."

"Three months?" She tried her luck.

"Miss Feng, Mr. Dong wishes to have this cooperation with you to influence his image. How do you think the public would see a man who stayed married for only three months?"

"And how will that benefit me?"

"You have all the power and benefits as Mrs. Dong. An almost infinite bank account to spend as you wish. The freedom to do whatever you want. Mr. Dong is not the controlling type. And at the end of your legal marriage to Mr. Dong, a generous alimony. As his legal wife, you are bound to have a luxurious lifestyle."

She contemplated the statement Ziming had just made and thought about Feng Yintian.

For revenge, was all this worth it? Was she willing to sacrifice her singlehood and freedom to marry Dong Xu, who she barely knew?

She took out her wallet and scrutinised the torn photograph of her and her aged parents. How long did they have left to live with all the sufferings caused by what Feng Yintian had done to them? Life was just a breath.

While her parents were alive and well, she needed to do her utmost to get back what she deserved.

Sorry for the late updates! Have been busy with some family celebrations, please do leave me a comment if you like the story! ^_^

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