

All the children gathered around the camp fire. We all sat in the chair of wooden log. Everyone seemed to be very excited to hear our story. "So, shall we start?" Younghoon said. "Yes!" everyone said together. "okay then, the story started when..."

beginning of the story

I was away from the country due to my training. I started training when I was 6. Ever since I saw my parents singing, I instantly became interested in singing as well. To make my singing and dancing better my parents sent me to US. After completely focusing on singing and dancing and continuously training for 3 months , I became perfect. Why wouldn't I be perfect as I was born with a silver spoon. Today was my flight back to Korea. I was not that excited to go back because after I rejoin school everyone will again start to annoy me and school life was really boring. *sigh* I sighed when I reached the airport of Seoul. As I stepped out of the arrival center I heard loud cheers which said "Kim Younghoon!!". I appeared wearing a white t-shirt with a black leather jacket, jeans at the bottom, sunglasses and a cap wearing a mask. I was soon protected with tight security so none can reach me. "How can they even recognize me even though I am fully covered?" I asked to my manager. He then smiled and replied "How can you not be recognized Mr. Kim? you are the rising sun of the Korea...". *I just ask him a simple question why does he have to tell me an essay?* I thought. The manager was still talking when my eyes suddenly landed at a girl. She was wearing a white dress and had a mask on. I stopped to take a glance at her. Suddenly she took off her mask and smiled brightly. My mind went blank for a moment. I froze at the spot. My eyes traced her as she ran towards the arrival center and hugged a girl. suddenly "What are you doing Mr.kim? why are you frozen? let's hurry and get into the car!" my manager said. I snapped into the reality and hurriedly got into the car. I took off my cap and the mask and sighed of relief. "With that crowed I never expected we could get into the car this easily!" the manager said. He was talking to me but I was lost in my own thoughts. The girl's smile, her eyes, her lips were flashing infront of my eyes. "What has happened to you Mr.kim?" my manager worriedly asked. " Is everything alright Mr.kim? I saw you blank off many times" he said. "Ahh , it's nothing. I just want to have a good rest" I replied. "Yes! and I want to inform you about one more thing Mr.Kim!" he said. "Your parents have already told the principal of your school about your arrival so you can join school form tomorrow but for now have a good rest" he said. *I didn't want to go school, but I am a straight A student so nothing can be helped* as I thought I slowly closed my eyes and I drifted into Dreamland. The car pulled a break and I slowly woke up. The manager told me to get off the car. I was so tired from all those flight and the crowd. My body ached so much. Suddenly someone hugged me. My half opened eyes became wide and a big smile came in my lips and I said "Eomma, Appa!" (Eomma means Mother and Appa means Father in Korean language)

"Welcome back honey!" My mother said while giving me a quick peck in my forehead. "Yes! welcome home, son!" my father patted on my head. Releasing me from ther hug they took me inside the mansion. "You must be tired honey! Go and have some rest, I have already organized your room *smile*" mom said. "let's meet at the dinner table son" dad said. "okay mom and dad" I said in a tired voice. I slowly went upstairs to my room and then laid in the bed. *Who is that girl? I want to see her again* I thought. Not long after that I fell asleep.

(Time skip)

I slowly woke up and noticed that because of today's heavy day I was so tired that I didn't even cared to change myself into comfortable clothes. I got off the bed, went straight to the shower and then I tried to remember that girl's face but I couldn't I was really irritated. "It's not like I'm gonna meet her or bump at her again! Soon I'm gonna be an idol. why do I even care about a simple girl?" I talked to myself. I came out with a cardigan on and changed into my comfortable clothes. I then went downstairs at the dinning hall. "Mom,Dad" I said. "Honey! I was about to send maid to your room to wake you up! it's good that you're up by your own *smile*". mom said. "Maid! Can you go and call Elder master for me?" The head maid said. "Yes ma'am" she said and left. "I'll start to set the table miss" the head maid said and started to place foods on our plates. I was really hungry but I had to be discipline so I waited for father. Soon he arrived and we started eating. "Son! Aren't you tired to join school starting from tomorrow?" Appa aksed. I immediately replied"*Yes! I am Appa please stop me from going school tomorrow* No Appa! I ain't tired at all. Infact I have so much to study as I was away for so long that I have literally missed the half of the lessons. So, it's good if I join from tomorrow..*please say no Appa eomma*". " Yeah! that's true. You made a great choice son" Appa said. *Crap! mission failed* I thought. "okay sweetie, I totally agree with you <3 for now go and get some rest" Mom said. "Okay Goodnight mom and dad" I wished them and went upstairs to my room. "*sigh*Gosh! it will be alot boring tomorrow." I said. Suddenly messages started to pop up at my cellphone. "What the hell? where do these girls get my phone number from? I don't even know who they are!" I angrily said. Suddenly two messages popped up at the same time. the contact read "Kim Sunwoo" and "Hur Hyunjun". I slightly smiled. "Hey bro! Welcome back!" Sunwoo wrote and Hyunjun said "I am glad you're back let's meet tomorrow at school" I replied "okay" and went directly to sleep.

to be continued....

So, I was gonna inform you that I would be uploading every two days in a week. I hope you enjoyed the story. Please vote for me and give reviews. Also comment down if you like my story <3.