

Love comes to everyone in different ways, but in Zandia's case, it came in the form of a hot, dark blue-eyed, well-defined cheekbone Jake. While one suffered from a past wound, the other suffered from self-doubt. But they both couldn't deny the intense attraction they felt for one another.

feeesah · Urban
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43 Chs


He quietly watched me while waiting for my response, I knew exactly what reply I should give him, that I wanted to give, but I suddenly felt unsure of myself. 'Why was he attracted to me?' I wondered.

Pushing the thought out of my head, "Where would we go? Yours or mine?" I asked. He doesn't seem like a psychopath but I still felt the need to be careful. So I hoped he would pick mine as that would give me more assurance.

"And here I was thinking you do not want any attachment after tonight. Wouldn't going to a hotel be better?" I nodded agreeing with him. Hotels would be much more better than going to our homes.

"Alright then." I glanced around but I couldn't see Debbs or Hendery anywhere. I sat there sipping on my drinks and tapping on my phone as I waited for Debbs to come back. I wasn't going to leave here without her knowing.

"Hey..." Hendery was the first to return. "I need to get going, Vivian is complaining of cramps." He informed Jake whose face now showed worry.

'So his face can actually show an expression other than the stoic look he had on all night?'

"Cramps? Is that normal?" Even his voice was proof that he was worried. It got me wondering who Vivian was. Could she be Hendery's wife? She has to be.

"Yeah, just her legs man. I will head back and help her with massaging it." Jake nodded looking visibly relieved. "I called for a chauffeur, he should be here anytime now so I need to head out. See you tomorrow." They did their handshake and he turned to me. "Zandia, it really is a pleasure to have met you. Say hi to Debbie when she gets back please." He said smiling. He really is a charmer.

"Same here Hendery. It is nice making your acquaintance." He winked in response as he walked away in what seemed like a hurried step.

"Do you want to go check in on your friend?" Jake asked as I turned in the direction of the lady's room and sighed. Hearing his question, I nodded and excused myself.

Any chance to step away from him was welcomed. I need to think with my brain and not a pulsating organ.

Instead of going inside the lady's room, I walked ahead and pulled open a door. Debbs was there smoking just as I had suspected.

"What are you doing here? Go away." She pushed me back in, as she disposed of her cigarette and followed me inside.

"Why are you here? You should be getting to know him." I had guessed she was out here smoking when I had glanced around and saw the smoke sign.

"Weren't you going to quit?" I glared.

"Yeah, I am sorry. But you shouldn't have come out, you hate the smell of cigarettes." Seeing my glare, "I just needed a smoke. I am sorry okay." She apologized once more.

"I will call this off. Spend the night with me instead." Debbie needed me more, she needs a friend right now.

"No you won't. I am okay, I promise. Of course you can decide not to go with him but it shouldn't be because of me. That will only leave me in guilt. Don't do that please. I personally would be happy to know your first time is with someone as cute as him." She gave a cute face.

"He suggested we go to a hotel, and I think it will be the best. That way, there won't be any attachments right?" But would there really be none? The saying 'A lady's first time is unforgettable.' Will I be able to live and not remember him?

"Which hotel? I have a bit of cash saved up, I will just get a room for myself in case you need me." Debbie truly is an angel in disguise as a human. She made me feel safe and I can open up to her in ways I would never do with my sister.

"Thank you. I would love that." I smiled feeling a sense of relief. Having her in the same hotel as me would make me feel even more at ease.

"Well then, we should get going. Nights like this tend to end quickly." She wiggled her brows as we both walked back out to where Jake was seated. He wasn't alone, with him was a brunette who had her hair cascading down her shoulders. Although we haven't seen her face, from her physique, it was obvious she was a beautiful lady.

'Would he leave with her instead?' The thought had me slowing in my step and Debbs was quick to notice.

"Are you insane? He likes you, his eyes hadn't failed to leave you since he got here. And are you sure you had a good look at yourself in the mirror earlier? You are gorgeous! If you are going to keep doubting yourself, then there is no need to continue with this, you will not be able to enjoy the moment but instead you will be there wondering how you look and what he thinks." She hissed in my ears as she watched me.

"I wasn't..." Yes you were. My conscience responded. It keeps sounding like Debbs more and more. "I did have doubts not because I felt like I wasn't pretty enough, it was instead because I thought he might be more into the slimmer long-legged ladies." I shrugged. I am big, and although I still battle to accept myself without judgment, I have also come to accept there are guys with their unique preferences. Not all guys are into chubby ladies like myself.

"Did you not hear him earlier? He thought I was pretty, but he definitely wasn't into me. Except you think whoever is seated there is way prettier than I am." She made a face causing me to chuckle.

"We should go to him." I don't know for how long but he presently is looking our way. She nodded before we walked back to our seats.

As I had guessed, the lady seated is pretty, she had a cute mole above her lips, and the look she gave us when we got there...

"Shall we go?" Jake hadn't bothered with an introduction as he asked staring at me.

"Oh, is this your big sister?" The lady asked emphasizing on the big part.

"Nope, she is the lady who will be screaming his name tonight." Debbie responded grinning while the lady's scowled even harder as she looked at Jake who was already standing and making his way out.

"This is ridiculous. I bet you are paying him to fuck you else why would a guy like him want you?" She is pretty but her mouth is venomous.

"Why not try paying him too? I am at least going to have him worshipping this body all night." I didn't wait to hear her response as I swayed my way out. Debbs whistled behind me laughing. I could swear I heard him chuckle.

"Should I get you a cab?" Jake who was already waiting outside asked Debbs.

"Oh actually Jake, our apartment was leaking so we had planned to get a room outside to spend the night. I will just get myself a room wherever you two are going." Jake glanced my way and I thought I saw a smile playing on his lips but it vanished before I could be certain.

"Alright then." With those words, he passed his car key to a driver who was waiting.

Debbie sat in front with the driver, while I sat at the back with Jake.