
Love Uncanny

DaoistDH8bS4 · Action
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7 Chs


In the heart of a serene little village, nestled amidst a lush forest, lived a young lady named Elara, who happens to an orphan. Her beauty was renowned far and wide, but it was her kind heart that endeared her to the villagers. Elara had a particular fondness for her garden, a sanctuary of vibrant blooms and fragrant herbs that she had lovingly nurtured over the years.

One cool evening, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a tapestry of fiery hues across the sky. Elara decided to take a leisurely stroll in her garden, her auburn hair cascading like a waterfall down her back. The breeze carried the sweet scent of blooming roses, and the gentle rustle of leaves was like nature's lullaby.

As she wandered deeper into the garden, a strange feeling washed over her. Something was amiss. She slowed her pace, her senses heightened. The night held a subtle tension, as if the world itself was whispering secrets to her.

Her eyes fell upon a shadowy figure at the edge of the garden. Her heart raced as she approached cautiously. There, in the dim moonlight, lay a man, sprawled on the ground like a lifeless puppet. An arrow protruded from his side, a cruel testament to a wound inflicted with purpose.

Terrified and wanting to flee, her instincts urged her to investigate further. Her gaze fixed on the man's chest, and to her relief, she saw it rise and fall. He was alive, though just barely.

Compassion welled up inside Elara, and she knew she couldn't leave this stranger to suffer in the garden. Gathering her courage, she knelt by his side, trembling hands reaching out to check his pulse. The rhythmic thumping beneath her fingertips was a fragile reassurance that life still coursed through him.

Determined to help this mysterious man, she considered her options. He was unconscious, wounded, and far too heavy for her to carry on her own. Fear gnawed at the edges of her resolve, but her compassionate heart refused to be silenced.

With great effort, Elara managed to drag the unconscious man closer to her home, her footsteps unsteady and hesitant. There were frequent stumbles, and her mind raced with thoughts of what dangers might await her in the dark forest. Yet, something deep within her compelled her to continue.

As she approached her home, her strength waned, and she had to summon every ounce of willpower to get the stranger onto her bed. He was pale, and the arrow still jutted from his side, a stark reminder of the perilous journey he had been on.

She hesitated, watching him closely for any sign of consciousness. It was then that he let out a faint groan, and a tremor of fear shot through her. What if he was dangerous? But she couldn't abandon him now.

With trembling hands, Elara took a deep breath and gently grasped the arrow shaft. As she pulled it free, the man's eyes flew open, and a gasp of pain escaped his lips. His eyes, a striking shade of emerald green, locked onto hers, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still.

"Please, you must help me," he managed to whisper, his voice a fragile plea.

Elara's heart swelled with compassion, and she knew she couldn't turn him away. She hurried to her garden, plucking healing herbs and flowers, and returned to his side. Applying the herbs to the wound, she watched as relief washed over his face, the lines of pain softening.

As the herbs began their work, soothing his injuries and aiding in the healing process, Elara realized that she had embarked on a journey that would forever alter the course of her life. In helping this enigmatic stranger, she had set in motion a love story that would transcend the boundaries of the ordinary, a tale of two souls brought together by fate.