
❤️The Growing Hearts❤️

°7 years later°

Alex Raynee Royal- 20 years old

Susan Parker- 12 years old

Alan Raynee Royal- 15 years old

Ara Raynee Royal- 15 years old

Noah Anders- 17 years old

Isabella Anders- 12 years old


"Alex, make the goal. Fast. Alex!!!!!" one of the teammates screamed to Alex. But Alex didn't pay any attention to him

Rather his eyes were fixed on the bleachers.

"This girl will surely put me in the death lane." Alan muttered to himself as he saw his big bro glaring at him.

"Did you tell her the time correctly?" Ara said whole adjusting her specs. She had a book in her hands but seeing her twinny's nervous state, she placed the book down.

"There they are!!" Alan suddenly screamed out gaining everyone's attention. Ara turned her face towards the way Alan pointed. Her heartbeat raised as she saw him, Noah Anders.