
❤️ Flashback ❤️ pt- 2

Happy reading BBs ❤️❤️

Do comment and review ❤️❤️❤️

I'll post related pictures in the community ❤️❤️

From next chapter, there will be related songs also which I'll recommend so that you can feel the emotions. ❤️❤️

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"Shush. Don't speak loudly. Or else, your mom and dad will come running here."

"Why are you here?" Ara whispered yelled but her heart was dancing seeing Noah here.

Noah was about to speak when they heard the knock. Both of them widened their eyes. Noah hastily said,

"Happy birthday princess."

Saying so, he kissed her forehead and hid under the bed. Ara was so shocked that she couldn't absorb what just happened. She adjusted her facial expressions and then went towards the door to open it. She once again looked at her bed to confirm whether Noah had hidden properly or not. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and was greeted by a hug from her twinny Alan.