
Chapter 1, Last trip in high school

Phone message beep” hey Hannah where are you? Everyone is waiting, and don’t forget to bring jackets it's so cold in volcanoes" Hannah read it as she woke up, she was late for their class trip to visit volcanoes in musanze district .she hurried in the bathroom....

Finally the queen is here" said Jacob the known bury in their entire school, she ignored him and went to sit with her best friend Joanna. She has been friend with Joanna for eighteen years hence they were neighbors, the bus started moving. " Hannah what took you so long what were you doing" Joanna asked but Hannah was busy staring at Clinton ,loving every part of his body ,his cute face ,his smile oh God only if he could notice me.he doesn't even know that I exist. “Hannah, Hannah" Joanna calling, oh yes sorry I was just thinking" Hannah replied. Someone is going to die over crush, I am not no stupid honey, I saw the way you was looking him "Joanna teased her. Ohm really? Don’t start now I told you a thousand times that it's nothing" Hannah replied.....

"everyone out we are going to camp here then first thing in the morning we go to see gorillas" Jonas said. Jonas was the geography teacher in Maxwell high school. Everyone got out of the bus started setting their tent in order to sleep. During their trip they passed at the restaurant where they ate. When everyone was asleep Hannah got urge to pee. she tried waking Joanna to accompany her but Joanna was a good sleeper and once she was asleep nothing could wake her easily ,she was snoring so Hannah decided to take the torch and go alone. The toilets was not so far it was plastic movable toilets put near their tents sweetie you came to the right place how about we have some fun?" Jacob said. Hannah nearly freeze when she found Jacob smoking behind the toilets door. “no no thanks I am going to sleep we have a long day tomorrow" she said. Jacob pulls her close with so much force and aggressive tone "no you can't leave the party is just beginning come closer my love”. “please Jacob let me go I won't say anything" she tried resisting but Jacob had removed her pants inside her dress he was forcing himself inside her" hell yeah you won't say anything because you will love this" he said pushing harder... Hannah's virgin was lost to the last person she would ever wish for. As she lay down there she grabbed a stone and beat in the head of Jacob. Jacob fell unconscious on her. Hannah run back to the tent everyone was still asleep, she changed her clothes which was covered in mud and blood of her virginity she lost , she put the clothes outside the tent hoping to wash them first thing in the morning. she lay in bed thinking about that incident without sleeping until 6 am when she heard so much noise outside." he was found unconscious behind the toilets , he has been smoking weed but the clear cause is still unknown" she heard Jonas explaining to the ambulance which took him. Went to look for her clothes but they was nowhere to be found who took it? She kept asking herself." looking for something?? Jonas asked her “no nothing I think I lost my hair pin but nothing serious" she answered not looking Jonas in the eyes.....

the rest of the day was not fun as expected due to incident of Jacob though we managed to watch and take some pictures with gorillas .the whole trip was not fun since everyone was talking about Jacob and what could have happened to him and here I am feeling bad about what happened but scared enough to tell anyone what happened, I didn't want be the cause of Jacob’s accident but he gave me no choice. Finally I reached home, went to take shower so that I could come and tell Mom. " sweetie welcome home ,I prepared chicken and rice your favorite" mom said with smile all over her face." thanks Mom but I need to first take shower" I replied . “You don't look fine dear, what's wrong??? I thought u would be happy since u wanted to go to this trip so bad" she asked with concern. I was raped and hit the rapist with stone which accidentally knock him off.thats what I wanted to say but words seems not to leave my mouth instead I lied" no Mom it's nothing I am just tired it's a long time in bus" she kissed my forehead and go to prepare the table .I removed my clothes head to the bathroom I showed recalling the last night scenario and I couldn't believe any of it happened, maybe it was a dream. I was woke from that thoughts by my phone ringing. “Hello Hannah what's wrong?? You have been avoiding me since last night? Joanna asked

“no stop it JoJo you know I was just tired everything is cool" I replied

" okay baby girl you won't believe what I did for you, I managed to invite Clinton to my birthday party this Friday so you can get to talk to him, wear something sexy and don't be late because it's going to be lit" she said with enthusiasm

“I am sorry but I won't make it JoJo girl “I said but she had already hang up so I guess she didn't hear it.


“Ohh I will let her know, I am really sorry for your loss, we will be there on Monday for funeral. If you need anything please call me “I overheard mom on phone as I was coming to the kitchen when she hang up. She smiled” dear let's eat we ate in silence when I was about to tell her what happened “mom the trip..." I was about to tell her how I was raped when she interrupted " I know dear Mrs. kamanzi told me what happened in the trip to his son, the doctor said someone beat him in sensitive area on his forehead which resulted in breaking of some bones in the head, the doctor tried their best but he could not make it, I am sorry dear I know how you feel since he was your classmate" she said holding my hand to soothe me. my heart sank as I heard those words I couldn't say he raped me that would send me in jail for killing someone 's son , how could I admit in mom's eyes that I killed someone? I couldn't believe this was actually happening, my life was changing in just short time I came from being a virgin to be a murderer though it was self-defense I couldn't bring myself to admit that he died because I hit him just one stone in his forehead." honey are you alright?? Mom asked when I was lost in my own thinkings " yes I am fine mom I am just chocked he was still young full of life" I replied nervously.

“well the police are still investigating to find the culprit, I hope they find him so that he can rot in jail, my dear I don't know what I could do if anything like that happened to you" she said holding my hand on the table, my heart sank as I heard those words crucifying her own daughter since she was the real reason behind Jacob’s death. “yes I hope so too, how is Daddy?" I said trying to change the conversation. " he told me over the phone that he is going to be here next Monday his business trip In France was a success so he is returning Early , we are going at Jacobs funeral as family." she said. " well mom I am so tired I am heading to bed " I said finishing off my meal." ok sweetie good night rest well tomorrow we are going to apply for your University...