
unexpected visitor

( some days have passed . Leon and Rosa are in a relationship currently and things have been going smoothly. Diana's dad company got bankrupt and things seem to get worse day by day. now back in America , Veronica Ashley the second daughter of Mr Ashley ,the vice mayor called a meeting for all businesses and corporation )

Veronica:( wearing a yellow armless gown short grown,a little makeup and a ponytail hairstyle, since everyone was present she started) good day everyone and thanks for honouring my call.firstly , Hart company is under the influence of bankrupt and someone here is responsible due to my research . we all are companies ,we can't just hurt each other because it is not right and Fair .( breathe in and out).

Lily: we have the research team working on it ,but no traces but let me plead we all her business cooperation and then we created this( adjusted her hair ,she was wearing a jumpsuit and after dress,no makeup .

Chris: ( Leon best friend) sorry to interrupt because I still don't get the reason for this meeting are you pleading or trying to point hands . Hart have always been wicked and so what if it gets bankrupt how is it my business.

Rachel: thank you I thought I was the only one finding this meeting weird.

Diana: ( stood up) you are cruel and wicked and can you...

Rachel : shut up ,this is not your first time trying to rob your dad's company for personal gain ,so you guys should count me out ( stood up ,walked majestically and left)

Chris: I have other things to do, Leon I'm waiting( stood up and left).

Leon: wait Chris

Rosa: Chris,let go please ( stood up and left with Leon)

Nina: wait for me guys ( stood up and walked away).


Leon: please wait Chris

Chris: what kind of meeting was that,I have better things to do than sit all day...

Nina: well , what if it got bankrupt how is it Nina Welsh concern

Rosa: I have a meeting to attend ,please let go.


( Leon met Ann in the sitting room with his mum, aunt , grandma and brother. he was shocked when he saw Ann his childhood friend . he was confused and at the same time glad to see her)

Ann: Leon( hugged him) I'm glad to see you .

Leon: what are you doing here and

Ann ( she cut him short) aren't you glad to see me .well,I got transferred to your university and I decided to stay here and have a little chit chat with my friend.

Leon: well welcome

Mrs Andrew: lets have dinner and I will like to talk to you both.

THE next day.

( in Mrs Andrew room )

Mrs Andrew: I told you they will get it

Jamie: okay,let see. Leon doesn't like her talk more less of getting married and did you think he will agree.

Mrs Andrew: that does not matter , he will get married to her or less we lose the company which is impossible. Ann Jackson is very Conny he got the papers and I can't go back to the sratch ,I can't do that it is impossible.

Jamie: then making him marry her in three months is very wrong ( stood up and walked away)

Mrs Andrew: he has to marry her and I need to get the company papers back.


Nina: that class was boring and uninteresting ,I almost fell asleep.

Rosa: we have to just adjust .

Nina: I'm making him get sacked to expect a new lecturer on Monday

Rosa: he has kids ,so don't think about it okay .

Sarah: well anyway , I'm missing something are you and Leon dating

Nina: yes ma, they are doing really good. infact expect a wedding soon

Rosa: when I'm done with my studies December you will be the bride maids

Nina: I can't wait till then

Sarah: can't wait also

Leon: (walked in and sat down ) hello

Sarah : hello , how was studies

Leon: great

Rosa: stop chit chatting with my boyfriend ,it is not right dear.

Sarah: so sorry

Rosa:( moved closer and hug him)

Nina: I'm going to have a bf , because you guys are good at good at making me feel jealous

Ann:( walked in and gave Leon a peg on the cheek) hi love

Leon: Ann you

Nina : I'm I dreaming or his.....

Ann: Ann Jackson , soon to be Mrs Andrew Leon.

Sarah: excuse me

Rosa:( stood up and took her bag) excuse me

Ann: you must be Rosa Benson right ,nice to meet you

Rosa: ehm

Ann: i just got transferred to the college and hoping we could be friends

Leon: Ann stop it already

Ann: baby you didn't tell me you have a girlfriend named rosa.so the rumors about you guys are true .well stay away from him are we clear

Leon: Ann I said stop it

Rosa: excuse me( left)

Nina: me too( left)

Leon : Rose,( before he could call her name she was gone) Ann you are crossing your bars ,what has come over you

Ann: well ,she . I'm sorry.

Leon:( walked away looking annoy)