
Again We meet

"Lilly are you coming with us to the bar tonight?" Lilly replied "Sure what time." Alice Repiled "At 9 And hurry i need to show my brother he is sooooo cute you and him would be a good macht!" lily Replies " ummmm you know i stopped dating like 3 years ago so I dont think so but anyway yea I'll come see ya at 9" I was not sure what her brother looked like but on the other hand I still went. Its Nine and I am have to leave wearing a remarkable dress. The dress was purple and Gold and Sliver with my purple hair in a bun. When we got to the place I saw her brother and a friend. In my mind I feel like I ment the friend. Then I know he was the guy I saw in the rain! So I slowly went over and shook hands with Alice brother and I asked "Who is this?" He said back " Oh him he is my bestfriend Why?" He whispered in my ear Do you rember me from the rainyday?" I was frozen with a big red blush on my face finally Alice came to took me over there with the girls. We talked for hours, When I went to the bathroom Alice said to me " Don't fall for his friend he is a cheater!" I am stunned for what I am hearing about this man just why him! Alice also says " He cheated on me in 6th grade with a seventh grader and he kept on saying he loved me But it was to hard to believe if only he knew how hard it was... I WILL MESS UP THAT BASTARDS LIFE IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO!" I calm her down but, Why would she keep that in from the 6th grade does she like him that much? I have to go home soon anyway I have to stop thinking about this. Anyway I spent all my money on drinks and I dont have any left for a uber so I ask one of the girls and they say there car is full. I go over to Alice and she says " No car full" I ask her brother and he says to much beer go home with Tay. So I ask him and he said sure. He drops me off home and invites me to dinner tomorrow night and I am not sure I should go.