
Love Through the Years

Author: Cindy Spencer Pape firmly believes in happily-ever-after and brings that to her writing. A multiple award-winning author, she has published almost sixty novels and stories. When not hard at work writing, she can be found restoring her 1870 house, dressing up for steampunk parties and Renaissance fairs, or with her nose buried in a book. Visit her website: www.cindyspencerpape.com. Beltane Lion Rhodri of Llyan has returned from the Crusades a cursed man. On the way home to Wales, a young friend is sorely injured, and Rhodri seeks the aid of village healer, Selene, whose gift for healing is as uncanny as her beauty. Can Selene’s magic find a way to break the curse, and heal the wounds on his heart? Georgie And The Dragon: Who’d believe that in the enlightened year of 1805, Georgie Burn’s Welsh village still felt the need to make a sacrifice to the local dragon lord? But since being the dragon sacrifice will save her younger siblings from the poor house, Georgie agrees. When Caddoc sees the buxom, flame-haired beauty waiting for him on the rocks, he flies in for a closer look and the little minx stabs him with an enchanted sword. He takes her back to his lair, shapeshifts to human form, and teaches her what it means to satisfy all the cravings of a dragon. Unawakened: Augusta MacLeish has four mischievous younger siblings but no money to feed them. Colin Fordyce has recently inherited an earldom, along with five wards in a remote Scottish castle. When he travels up there, he discovers his predecessor was skimming their funds. He also learns the oldest Miss MacLeish is absolutely stunning. A knock to his head leaves him seeing two of the buxom beauty, just as one kiss from her tempting lips leaves him longing for more. Marry Me, Marietta: Marietta James is a proper Victorian widow—until the night fate throws her together with handsome doctor Adam Hamilton. Adam has tried to ignore his desire for his voluptuous neighbor, but when the two of them are alone together, the passion burns out of their control. Now Adam is determined that their relationship continue while Marietta wants to forget their night of passion ever happened. It will take all his powers of seduction and persuasion to get her back in his bed—and into his life for good. Where There’s Smoke: Nettie Price supports her abusive father because of a deathbed promise to her mother. One of the highlights of her day is when Eli Lawson, lawyer, and volunteer firefighter comes in to her bookshop for his morning papers. After one particularly brutal beating, Eli finds her and takes her to his home to recover. As a string of fires heats up the town, things also start to heat up between Nettie and Eli. But between arson and their own insecurities, love just might not be enough to save their relationship—or their lives.

Cindy Spencer Pape · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Chapter 9

Rhodri's short laugh was bitter.

"Fear not, fair maiden. I'll no more turn you over to the tender mercies of the clergy than you will me. Though I am sure you will consider it after what I am about to tell you."

"What is it?" Never in her life had Selene heard a voice so bleak, so devoid of hope.

"During the siege of Acre, there were some Saracens who sided with the Crusaders, camped with us outside the town. One was a healer, a wise woman with a daughter and a son. The son was loyal to Saladin, and became one of the hostages held by the Crusaders to ensure Saladin's good behavior. The daughter was a beauty, and I, fool that I was, believed myself in love with her."

"Oh, Rhodri! What happened?"

"Zara was selling her mother's potions in the bazaar when we met. We became lovers, and when she conceived, I coerced her into marrying me. I was the second son after all, with no inheritance. What cared I if my English neighbors objected to my Moorish wife? I was thrilled about the prospect of fatherhood, doted on my bride. Then Saladin broke his word, and Richard - " he broke off again, his voice choked with tears.

"King Richard ordered the hostages killed. Man, woman, and child. Including your brother by marriage. I'm so sorry, Rhodri."

"The news devastated Zara. She went to her mother, begged for a potion to rid herself of the child, knowing I'd never let her go while she carried my babe. She couldn't stand to be anywhere near me. Her mother had never been fond of me so she agreed and provided the potion. Something went wrong and Zara bled to death there in her mother's bed."

"God, Rhodri!" Selene slipped out of her chair and knelt at his feet, clasping his hands in hers. "How utterly dreadful! But you know, you must, that none of it was your doing. So why am I sure that you somehow blame yourself?"

"My wife's mother had no difficulty heaping the guilt on my shoulders." His hands clenched convulsively on hers. "You must understand, sweeting, I was there. When Richard gave the order to kill the hostages, I was one of the knights obliged to carry out his orders. None of the children, thank Jesu, I was spared that, but the men and women - I did kill so many innocents that day."

"And you've carried the weight of that on your soul ever since. You had no choice. My father has spoken to many of the knights who were there. Richard would have gladly executed you with the hostages had you refused to follow orders."

"Aye." There was a long pause before he spoke again. "So by her grief-stricken reasoning, I had cost my mother by marriage both of her children. She was a witch, as well as a healer, and she cast a curse, one I have never found a means to break. I am not the man I was, Selene. I cannot be husband to you, nor to anyone."

A tiny giggle escaped her throat.

"Based on what I saw at the stream, you are still man enough indeed."

He squeezed her hands and managed a bleak smile.

"Aye the necessary parts still function. But my soul is no longer my own. A vile beast resides in my breast, and one night each month it forges to the surface and takes control. I would never risk your safety or your soul by tying you to such a monster."

"You could never be a monster, Rhodri. You are too good, too honorable. I would take that risk, and be glad of it."

He leaned down and placed a tender kiss on the top of her head.

"No. You are too fine and precious for the likes of me. Better that I leave and leave you untainted by my sins."

"Thus speaks your honor, but not the man. You do not truly wish to leave me, do you? Not without having tasted what could be between us?"

"Of course not! But I can never take the risk of siring children. What if the curse continued with them? You have to understand, I do not exaggerate. Each month, on the night of the new moon, I change. As soon as the sun sets, I grow fur and fangs! I drop to the floor and stalk on four legs. In the space of moments I cease my existence as a man, and walk as a lion till touched by the first rays of dawn."

He couldn't believe he'd told her. Any moment now she would run screaming from the room. But he had underestimated Selene. She wrested her hands away from his, but only so that she could hurl herself up and into his lap, her arms wrapped tightly about his neck.

"A lion? How apt. I have heard of men changing to wolves, but never a lion. There are those who believe we each have the spirit of an animal within us. Perhaps the curse brought out the guiding spirit your family was named for."

"It does not matter why. It only matters that I am no longer a man." He gave a harsh laugh. "You must understand, this curse is a powerful thing. And I cannot even seem to end it by dying with honor. Any cuts or bruises I obtain in battle heal themselves before my very eyes, as you saw the day I arrived."

"Oh, my love! There must be a way. I will write to my father, he knows of such things. In all of the tales there is always a way to end the spell."

"Life is not a tale, Selene." But oh, how he wished it was. "It breaks my heart to walk away from you. I love you more than I'd ever dreamed possible. But I cannot take the chance that one night I would change and hurt you."