
love the real me

This story is a journey of female lead who discover her identity while facing many problems & challenges in her life. so pack your bags with her and get on with her to this interesting journey..... stay tuned to uncover many secrets....~~~

suneul · Urban
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16 Chs


With the sound of boom all over the sky, the earth was shaking with this thunderstorm once again after 12 years. The sound of rain could patter against the windows and wind could rush across the streets with cold sensation. In the high time of may one can easily feel the coldness of December at Himalayas'. The peek time when everyone was rushing to reach their home to feel the warmth from their loved ones but it becomes difficult due to this strange weather.

But Two god like, handsome, one is tall and another is smaller than one but still quite tall then average man were seem to walking in the rain with very calm composure but battering with each other like crazy dogs. "Mr. K, are you sure you will fix this problem this time or else boss will not leave us alive" said one of them with fearful voice as he will be dead in any moment. "Don't worry kid I am genius this problem will end for one and all" said another one called & known as Mr. with calm voice as this is nothing new from him. "Everyone knew how genius you are! Its you're fault that we are still doing this work or else we will be enjoying this time at our place" one said with complaining tone. "Oh common kid that was not mistake, it's like doing something you shouldn't do, understood" Mr. K said with full of confident and as matter of fact. " seriously I guess I am going bad in luck since I met you, I should be promoted right now but because of great genius I am still dealing with mortals" one said angrily while fasting his pace leaving behind Mr. k. " hey kid wait for me! This time I will defiantly get promoted don't worry" Mr. K said while dishevelling the hairs of the short one "only you" short one said with irritating tone. "Oh! I mean both of us now let's go" said Mr. K with cheerful tone. Then the silhouettes' of two men disappear in the darkness of night.

Few hours before,

Near a small alley,

"WEE-oww-WEE-oww., WEE-oww-WEE-oww." The loud siren of ambulance & police can clearly hear by the on in the heavy rainfall. As Small Street is pack with lot of officials and strong stench of blood everywhere. " we are here showing live from the scene where few minutes ago a intense fight broke down between the police officials and black "d" mafia, a lot of people from the mafia was finally hunted down by the officers and 2 people was arrested and sent to the hospital as they were severely injured with 1 police officer as she is also severely injured and is in serious condition right now" stay tuned with us for further update direct from the scene" said reporter 1 until she spotted the captain of violent crimes unit and rush toward him to cover the exclusive news footage while competing with other reporters " captain smith , everyone wants to know about the situation of those mafias and police officers" asked reporter 1. "Captain Smith do you think this was a conspiracy of the gang to spread their terror" asked by reporter2, "captain smith the citizens are feeling unsecure what you want to say them?" asked reporter3. A gush of questions was flooding towards the captain smith and the calm composure he was showing to the reporters were encouraging them to make the chain of questions unaware about what will happen to them is next second. "Hey what are you doing standing there go and block those nuts before the volcano blast on them" said one officer to lower rank officer hurriedly. "But I really admire sir how he is so calm in this hectic situation and after facing so many questions from them" said the low rank officer with admiration. "You are new right. Do as I say don't ask the reason. Understood now hurry up" the officer said with the voice full of anxious.

While at the same time "hey do you know where is detective Alice? "A voice asked out to everyone in the crowd with full of anxiety. "Detective Finley here you are we were finding you everywhere? Where have you been?" a young cute officer asked in worried voiced." Oh! Officer …. I was searching for detective Alice. Where is she? I didn't see her after the encounter". He asked worriedly. " detective Finley I am also here to tell you that detective Alice is severely injured and sent to hospital with those scumbags. You need to hurry over captain asked you to go to hospital right now." Officer Carlo said and left with lot of papers in his hand. Detective Finley dashed out after hearing out everything and blamed himself for everything. While driving at fool speed in heavy downpour he reached hospital in only 10 minutes instead of 30 minutes. He was still blaming himself that if he reached their early with the backup team this whole is not even happened. When he entered the hospital all the nurses was eyeing him like a rabbit came into the den the wolf. Well why not there favorite detective came to hospital. The one who is tall as 6'7" with golden eyes and brown hairs. Till last year every nurse was lining themselves for asking his number but now the situation is something else. But they still can't resist his charm but after seeing him in disheveled look he looks hotter. Before anyone can approach him he dashed towards emergency unit near Operation Theater. "Doctor how is detective Alice right now? He asked out in worried tone. "Well detective she is safe but…." "But what doctor? Please tell m…." detective Finley asked him becoming anxious." Well we have to monitor condition. More chances his with so much blood loss she will go in coma but the duration of coma we can't confirm it. Then excuse us" while patting the shoulder of detective, doctor left leaving behind a wet and desolate rabbit in front of operation theatre no.1.


i like reading novels specialy here in this platform. and i always want to write my own comics so finaly after many consideration and a lot of thought process i am finaly ready with my own original story.

i need your support to complete what i had started....

thank you

^ english is not my native language. so for any mistake pleases point it out for me. it will be a great help and i am waiting for any suggestion as well^

see you at next chapter~~~~~~~~~~

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