
Love begins..

I heard that love can not happen twice. I was agreed with it. Everyone tells that, if it happen twice, then it is not love. It is just an attraction.

The same thing happened in my life. When I met her, a very beautiful girl. So cute and gorgeous. This was just to forget Roji. But I didn't know, when I got so much attached to her.

She was Arpita. A three year junior from me. She took admission just two days, after me. At the beginning, there was no feelings in my heart for her. I saw her for the first time, during our welcome ceremony. She was so pretty and cute. But my feelings was only for Roji. So I just looked her, and neglected.

As days passed, I made a lot of friends. I had a small gang. I got my best friend Subhasish. I was enjoying a lot with my friends, juniors. I was completely adjusted to JNV life. I started to love it, more than my home. But I was upset as she was not with me. I was crying nearly every night, remembering her, hiding from my friends. But friends are friends. Got gave them a very bad gift to "get the pain, suffering of other friend".

I told them, about my love story. But never told them about the period, our love story was going through. When they came to know about the situation. They advised me to forget her. They had done a lot of things to divert my mind, to make me happy. But that was not working. I was forgetting her, enjoying with them. But whenever I was going to our village, during vacation. I was crying again, thinking about her betrayal.

My seniors, who were staying near my bed were sympathizing me. Ayan, Jiban, Sameer bro were so nice to me. They were always taking care of me. Advising me to move on. They were try to make me happy, telling that there was no shortage of girls in JNV, Boudh. I can choose anyone, surely she will be better than Roji. But they failed to convince me.

Like this my 9th class was over. Now I was promoted to 10th class. One of the most important period for anyone else. I had a lot of expectations from my parents, teachers, relatives. So, I had to work hard, had to get 10 CGPA. I started studying hard, from the beginning. Forgetting everything, just enjoying with friends and freshing up my mind.

But my heart was so stupid, mad. It was just searching for love. It was broken into pieces. So, it was searching for someone to recollect it. Searching for love for my whole life. Who will be mine only, never betray me. This search seemed to be over, when I started noticing Arpita again. It was so pleasurable for me to see her. Slowly slowly I was getting attached to her.

It started during the mid of 10th class. I started following her. Going to her class, just to see her. Changed my seat, started counting the students in the mess to see her. Started giving command during assembly to get noticed by her. Shouting loudly after taking a wicket or taking a catch to get noticed by her. But had hidden all this from my friends. It was simply the beginning of my madness for the Second time.

But nothing could remain hidden from friends. It was spread to my friends, to the whole school as well. My friends were so happy, as I was not getting upset now. I started forgetting Roji, her betrayal, looking at Arpita. My friends started supporting me, kidding me. My seniors were also supporting me.They were making fun of her by shouting my name. My senior sisters were also supporting me. They were also making fun of me shouting her name. Very childish thing that was there in each and every love story. She was also smiling sometimes by looking at me. I was so happy, after a very long time. I was thanking God, for being so nice to me again.

But may be God was not happy with my happiness. I came to know that, Arpita didn't loves me. She was loving another boy, of her class. I couldn't believe the news at once. As her looks, smile was indicating her love for me. But when I inquired about this, it came true. I was broken into pieces again. I cried a lot, Scolding my heart. My friends came to me to consolate me. But all their affords didn't worked this time. I was completely broken. I went on leave, for three days.

I came to home, started spending time with my parents, friends. I was feeling so guilty for my sin. I was also became one of those, who changes girls one after other. To get rid of this depression, I decided to meet Roji. I decided to consult her, request her, to come back to my life again. But I failed again. This incident hadn't broken me into pieces, instead motivated me. I promised myself to score 10 CGPA, and will show them that by counting stars they missed the moon.

So I came back to school. Started studying, working hard again. Forgetting everything again. But whenever she was passing in front of me, I was getting upset. But I controlled myself, started ignoring her. Concentrating on studies only, stopped playing cricket, commanding during assembly. My friends and seniors were so upset of my behavior, but were happy seeing me concentrating on studies. They tried a lot at their level to make me comfortable. By my hardwork, my friends support, and the blessings of my parents and teachers I got 10 CGPA.

I only heard that "God does, what is good for us". But this time I had experienced that by myself.