
Love that transcended Time

cupid always made others fall in love but he could never make others fall for him he had tried but it never seemed to work it just wasn't fair even when he fell in love they could never love him back but he never expected that there was someone who could because he too was cursed -

Malik_druinace · Fantasy
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14 Chs

the wrong universe

the woman who had just appeared was

cosmo's sister- they didn't know her name yet

"um- sorry- I didn't mean to interrupt you two-" she replied

"it's alright- you must have come such a long way-" Cupid replied

"we were just kissing- I don't plan on getting her pregnant yet-" cosmo replied

cupid turned bright pink

"I see- so- I followed- the galaxies-

and I hoped that I would find my brother-

but instead I ended up here- some how" she replied

"Well- I think I know the reason why you ended up here- its because I am him- and also not him at the same time-" Cosmo replied

"Well you surely talk like him- you are the girl version of him?- so that means your name is also Cosmo?" she replied

"I-I- guess you could say that- and yes it is-

for short-" Cosmo replied

"what's it short for?" she asked

"Cosmoaltionia-" cosmo replied

"oh- cosmo's full name is Cosmouisis galaitic tomine-" she replied

"that's- a very long name- and I have two names at the end too - noxious and galaxis" cosmo replied

"So it's Cosmoaltionia noxious galaxis?" she replied

"Yes- so what is your name?" cosmo replied

"eclipsia galia nixius galaitic-" she replied

"wow- you both have very long names-

and eclipsia wins by 3-" cupid replied

"so what's your full name?" she asked

"um it's- cupid ameous heartfelia-" cupid replied

"you have the shortest one- but it's cute-" she replied

"um- thanks- and yours is cool-" cupid replied

"thank you and your wife's name is- very complex-and cool-" she replied

"hey-don't say anything about my wife!" cupid shouted

"I- wasn't saying anything bad - just complementing her-" she replied

"I-still! it's weird! and mis galaitic- did you ever meet- his cupid?" cupid replied

"No- he had told me about his cupid-

but I never actually meant him- since that would be impossible-" she replied

"impossible?" cupid replied

"he isn't supposed to know of my existence and it's a hidden rule-" she replied

"and that begs the question how did you know about her existence?" cosmo replied

"I was just asking if you had a sister-

and when I saw her I saw the resemblance-

so that's how I knew she was your sister-" cupid replied

"she-she- she's cosmo's sister-" cosmo replied

"You are Cosmo-" cupid replied

"Cosmoaltionia-" cosmo replied

"same difference! you're still the same person!

if this is his sister then she is your's too!" cupid shouted

"fine- fine you win cupe' " cosmo replied

"So we are sisters then?!" she shouted

"Yep- and cupid said that we look similar-" cosmo replied

"do you not know what you two look like?"

"us Gods do not have a reflection

since it's impossible-" cosmo replied

"Ok then- you can see what the other is wearing and tell them what it looks like?" cupid replied

"Yes- cosmo- you are wearing a purple jacket with a black top under neath - a blue stash- with a golden star a black skirt with a white stripe and a galaxy on it-" she replied

"Well you are wearing a purple jacket with a black top as well and half black skirt with a white stripe and the other half is blue with a eclipse on it-" Cosmo replied

"are outfits are similar- we are almost wearing the same thing but the skirt is a bit different

you have a galaxy on yours while as you said I have a eclipse and it is half blue-" she replied

"mhm- you also have giant eclipses in your hair they're like hair pieces- and you have

eclipse earrings with a star on the bottom and

an eclipse necklace" cosmo replied

"You have a star hair clip and moon earrings with a star on them and a moon necklace" she replied

"your earrings are the same but there's half a sun- and it's the same for your necklace-

I only have a moon-" cosmo replied

"mhm- your hair is two different shades of purple dark purple and metallic purple-" she replied

"your hair all dark purple- we both have dark purple hair but yours is more than mine-" cosmo replied

"Yep and you have a moon on your forehead and a star on your collar bone-" she replied

"You have an eclipse on your forehead and as well as your collar bone-" cosmo replied

"you just have moon and then a star

but those aren't too far off from a eclipse-

half the sun looks like half of the star you have on your stash- and the sun is a star-" she replied

"So then the star on my stash is different?" cosmo replied

"Yes-and that's about it-huh?" she replied

"Yeah- I guess so-" cosmo replied

"You both have capes which are attached to the back of your jackets" cupid replied

"we do?!" she shouted

"you really do have a cape- and you didn't see mine?" cosmo replied

"I sort of did-" she replied

"then why didn't you say anything?" cosmo replied

"I was being polite" she replied

"you know what, you're right. I should have asked you first" Cosmo replied

"I'm glad you're not mad" she replied

"Well, it's a good thing you didn't ask then, else I might have said no" cosmo replied

"Well you would have been perfectly okay with it" she replied

"You just have to be more careful. You're awfully good at that whole 'not saying anything' thing I guess we'll just have to work on it" cosmo replied

"well...I guess"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you angry"


"you want to talk about it?"

she smiled

"Can we go somewhere? Just you and me?" she asked

"I suppose- but why?" cosmo replied

"I just wanted to talk Privately with you-" she replied

"alright- then I'll take you to the star Bridge-

only I can access it- but take my hand" Cosmo replied

She led her through the portal, and once they were inside she grabbed her hand and they appeared on the star Bridge

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" cosmo replied

they could see galaxies below them

all the planets and stars

in the black aybss of space

it really was beautiful

"I love it, it's just like what they show in the movies" she replied

"I know, but it's better" Cosmo replied

"So...tell me about your life" she replied

"Well you already know about your brother right? well my story isn't that far off from his

like him- I went through the same pain

but thing that was different was

that I created a time loop of her death

I was trying to save her but instead I only made things worse- I was able to get her out of it- I had to interfere a bit- I gave her an note with an knife-" Cosmo replied

"So she too ended up killing herself?" she replied

"it was the only way for her to be saved" Cosmo replied

"You said that you made a time loop of her death how did she originally die?" she replied

"Exertion- and partner abuse- they ending up breaking her pretty badly- it was such a brutal way for her to go- I felt really bad for her-

and I didn't want her to die like that-

so I ended up creating a timeloop-" Cosmo replied

"that really is brutal- I never wish that on anyone-it's awful that she had to go through that-" she replied

""Well sort of- it's possible that we have meant before- but for some reason I don't remember- but- somehow cupid remembers you and that is what's odd to me- how does she know of your existence? As you said cupid can't know of you so how was my cupid able to?" Cosmo replied

"I don't know- I have no idea" she replied

"Well, it's just really strange- I don't know what to think" cosmo replied

"yeah-well it's good you still have her" she replied

"did you ever have someone?" Cosmo replied

"ha I wish-I wish I could have someone like her" she replied

suddenly- her wish was granted

and someone appeared out of a portal

she had blue hair and she could see the sky in her eyes she wore a light dress wings on the sleeves clouds covering a sun- on her skirt

and on her necklace as well and her birthmark was the same she also had blue hearts on her

chest and on her necklace as well she was the God of the sky

"who are you?!" Eclipsia shouted

"I'm skyler the god of the sky and your future wife-" she replied