

LOVE that she was never interested in...she loves romantic movie, love series but actually for her LOVE was never her cup of tea. It's not that she never tried, she did but every time she tries to fall in love she feels like a trapped bird, she never let anyone come close to her. Will she fall in love ever? will she believe in that saying "yeh ishq nahi aasan, aag ka darya hai doob k jana hai".

A small town girl just completed her schooling, she passed with flying colours. she went against everyone saying she would not study in a college where her friends will also go, parents and relatives all disagreed with her but finally she did her own she went to a H.S school where she would not see her schools friends ever but why so? why she doesn't want her schoolmates to be with her?

Let's she what was the reason for her not being friends with them. why she does not want any friend?

LOVE that she was never interested in...she loves romantic movie, love series but actually for her LOVE was never her cup of tea. It's nor that she never tried, she did but every time she tries to fall in love she feels like a trapped bird, she never let anyone come close to her. Will she fall in love ever?

Molika_Borahcreators' thoughts