
Love that can't stop

When the red moon lights up above the sky, every demon, werewolves, witches and vampires came out from their place to see the moon. The bloody red moon gave her tears to the earth. They were the shooting stars. Then, every one started to catch the shooting star. The red star of bloody moon was being the rare powerful treasure for them. At last, no one found that star landing place. They thought someone hided. But they still find it over long years.

Alexandriana11 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Ep - 9

Cordelia went back to the mansion but she don't talk to anyone especially to Ven and Leonra. The maid Ayre looked at her face and movement but she don't talk anything to her too. The witch Amoux came upstairs to discuss with her. But Ayre stood in front of the door and said "it's not the right time to meet". The witch said, "why is she still locking herself". Ayre nodded and said, "Yes, I don't even know why". In her room, Cordelia was thinking about many things. She was hitting her head because of the image of what she had done. She couldn't forget the girl with white hair who look much like her. She asked, "who would she be, and why did she run up to me". She remembered their eyes color seem different.

Inside the Lycan's place, they locked Ophelia in her room. Ophelia was shouting out loud and hitting the door. But they didn't open for her. In the living room, the Dracula clan, the sorcerer clan, and the Lycan clan gathered and discuss serious issues. At that time, they heard the door knob's sound. And then, Lycan Jacob said, "I am up to open the door". The leaders of the three clans got back into their discussion. A minute later, Jacob came back with the man who wore the shiny metallic armor and the sword. There were a few men behind him. The men who wore the silvery metallic armor took down his hat and then they saw the shiny white long hair. Then, Dracula came up to there for greeting him. The man with the sword said, "my name is general Patheon the white goddess sent me to protect the princess and all of you". The leader of Lycans laughed out loud at his word. Then, the sorcerer said, "we don't need protection but you need to watch and protect that girl". The general looked at them by saying, "why". They said, "because she try to escape and get into the enemy team". At that time, general Patheon laughed and said, "it may not happen". The sorceress said, "are you a hero or superpower god". The general said, "I am not but I have enough power to protect the princess". The lady came down from the big staircase said, "we lock up the princess in her room so we deny to let you meet her". General Patheon was angry upon her word and said, "why are you locking her up in her room". The lady waved her scarf and said, "you don't hear clearly, it's because she try to escape from here".

At the vampire mansion, everyone was getting happy to get their smallest guard back. Damon couldn't talk too much because he was getting wounds from Lycans. Werewolves checked his wound and the witches try to cure him. Gyra was trying to tell his love towards Cordelia at the night. But Cordelia closed herself in the room longer. She knew Ven loved her but she keep him away by using the master Leonra's cover. The battle between the brothers exists because of her. The lady Elizabeth who was being the labor of love to Ven gets jealous of her all the time. When she heard, lady Elizabeth went to join to enemies. She knew it's based on her complex relationship. She didn't even want to make it happen. She wanted to keep herself safe by using the powerful covers. Living herself alone and taking revenge wasn't be easy. But she didn't forget to take revenge for her mother Pandora and everyone. In the truth behind her born, she trusted the master Leonra's word. Because she was getting strong after holding the red moon chanting ceremonies. She didn't want to kill the girls but they find them for sacrifice. Those girls used their blood to change themself for becoming one of them. They weren't dying in any normal way. They changed to be the red moon team and started their road to immortal. For love issues, Ven always kept watching upon her. On other hand, Ven's brother Leonra didn't leave them alone. They put it all up to her for making decisions. But she denied doing this at that time.

Now, she was feeling stressed about what had she done. She felt so lost over those days practicing magic and controlling her power. She still had many questions in her head. She said, "I might get brain wash by vampires or witches which turn me to evil". But she couldn't live without drinking human or other's blood or eating freshes. She was being a vegetarian since she live with her mother Pandora. She felt happier than before. Now, she changed to become a powerful undead person who will soon be immortal as her mon mother. She tried her best to fill up her power over those years. If she became immortal, she can kill all of them for getting revenge. In her mind, revenge was covering all the protection and cares from around. Now, she was counting on the wall behind the curtain. The last moon would light up above the sky on coming days.

Inside the Lycan's mansion underground, the crying Ophelia shout out to call the help. Cordelia heard someone's crying sound from far. She didn't know why she hear that sound. She thought it was her imagination. She said, "whoever you are don't mess my ears please stop". The sounds didn't stop and it keep on the wind around her ears. She was covering her ears with her hands. She said, "stop it". Then, her maid came into her room because she heard the princess's shouting voice. Cordelia was crying by rolling up on the carpet. Ayre said, "master are you okay there". Cordelia said, "do I look fine to you". Ayre said, "I will go and call the help for you". Cordelia said, "please don't, it would be fine soon". At that time, Gyra came into the room. Ayre didn't know how to react with this. So, she left there in a stun position. The love of Cordelia was getting confused by the three guys. Now, the wolf guy took her away to the forest. She couldn't focus on reality because her head start aching too hard just like she cry so hard.

At moon palace, the red moon goddess Diana felt the same way as her daughter. Also, Luna got the signal too. They thought what's happening on earth". They were being the sisters from the same mother and father. And then, they gave birth to those children from the shooting star of their tears of happiness and sadness. So, the children had the same connection based on their reality. When he reached the great canyon, he put her down and hold her hands. She was opening her eyes and watching his eyes directly. He said, "just blow it out or shout it". She said, "what did you say". Then, he showed her how to put that out. She held her hands on her ears and shout out loud in a loud voice. The mountain and the ground shake like an earthquake hits. The stones were falling down to them. But Gyra changed the werewolf form to cover her. She moved her hands away from her ears and rose up to stop the rocks which will reach his back. He said, "you did it". She said, "did what". Then, she turned to the way out to leave. At that time, he grabbed her hand and hug her tight in his arms. She said, "what are you doing Gyra do you want punishment". Gyra said, "I am waiting for the right time to tell you what I feel". She said, "I don't have time to listen to someone's feelings". He said, "but you heard from vampire brothers right". She said, "you know I am about to kill by white star dust soon and I have many things to do before the full moon". He said, "I know and I will protect you from those". She said, "how". And then, she pushed him away and cast the spell of movement lock upon him.

On her way back to the vampire mansion, she looks up to the sky without stars. She thought it's strange and weird. The surrounding was getting too quiet. She said, "it might be full of bats but why aren't they flying around". At that time, she heard someone's feet steps run-up to her. She moved away to the other side and that person pass towards her. She said, "what was happening with that guy". Later, she stood near the big stone wall and touch it. The person who ran towards her was being her enemy from Lycan's clan. It turned back to her by changing self. She noticed the wild animal's scent. So, she asked that without turning to face it "who are you and why are you following me". That person was kept growling and breathing out too hard. At that time, she heard two person's feet steps come nearer to them. So, she said, "my guardians here you must know yourself and track back to where you start". The persona said, "I can't go back without taking you". She said, "as you wish by holding up that person by using her power". Her eyes turned red and blue fame came out from her hand. She said, "as I warn you you can go back to your master's on the given time". The poor Lycan was shaking up in air for freeing himself from her. But it was being useless. If she got angry, the person or people will dead by burning with flames. She held the Lycan's neck and grip to kill it.

And then, she looked at Gyra who come after her. She said, "if I turned out to be devil, will you still love me". Gyra held her hands and said, "what did you say". She said, "Answer my question". Gyra looked at her red flame eyes and said, "I do whoever you are". She said by laughing "I just asking to you and you change your face like serious". Gyra said, "I am serious by showing my love to you". She said, "sorry I don't know my feeling upon you guys and myself".