
Love that can't stop

When the red moon lights up above the sky, every demon, werewolves, witches and vampires came out from their place to see the moon. The bloody red moon gave her tears to the earth. They were the shooting stars. Then, every one started to catch the shooting star. The red star of bloody moon was being the rare powerful treasure for them. At last, no one found that star landing place. They thought someone hided. But they still find it over long years.

Alexandriana11 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Ep - 8

The goddess Maera couldn't stop looking at her little girl's face. But Cordelia couldn't remember her. But she loved to get a new friend here for talking with her. She had her personal maids and the others who protect her from enemies. She had a lack of friends there. Since that witch came into their place. She ever went there for talking with the witches. The earth fairy knew that her little girl will remember her soon. On those days, she was watching up to two guys from different clans who get near her daughter. The first one was being the master of vampires. The second person was being the master of the werewolves. She said, "are they opening their feelings towards my daughter". She was looking up to them.

On the other side, the white stardust Ophelia tried to escape from the cave of Lycans. At that time, lady Elizabeth was telling about their plan to the leader of Dracula and Lycans. They said, "if we know those, we know how to break their spells". Because of lady Elizabeth, the life and soul of Cordelia will soon be broken down. The bloodline was leaning upon the power of Cordelia but the lady Elizabeth was trying to kill everyone except herself. The stardust Ophelia was learning magic rituals to build the sleeping curse upon her guards. One day, she finished the ritual and make the tea for them. She called the guards to come over for having the tea. The guards are scared about the punishment so they can't come over to her place. She failed to get out of their place once. But she didn't give up. She tried over and over again. At last, she finished because the leader of Lycans went out to meet the other clan leaders. She felt freedom at last without the guards around. She headed out by opening the gate with the special key. She walked forward to reach the forest. When she was getting into the forest, the elves of earth fairy follow her. She ran around the forest without fear under the daylight. The glittering white hair shines up bright. The elf Lucien said, "why are they looking much alike". The elf Ovan said, "Yes, she loved to walk with bare feet too". The Lycans warned her over and over again to put the shoes on. She took off her shoes when she feel freedom.

The silver dust left on the ground wherever she step on. The star warriors of Luna landed on earth after two days trip. They followed the steps of stardust. But the stardust reached the closet place of Cordelia. The elves were following her all around by taking care of her. The white stardust Ophelia never slept. When she felt weak, she climbed up the big tree and close her eyes. One day, Cordelia followed the witch and head to the forest. The witch took her away from her men but she didn't notice that yet. But Ven whoever suspected over someone doesn't trust her at all. Cordelia trusted her and she tell him "if I am with her, I can see my mother from her". That's the only reason why he wasn't stopping her. He didn't want her to feel sad again. The witches told him "we haven't seen the witch with that name so she may be a spy from the enemy side". Ven told about this issue with the werewolf clan leader. Then, the werewolf took the security over watching all their steps. Under the big pine tree, the witch suddenly stopped and sing the song to Cordelia. Cordelia was widening up her eyes and following to sing along with that song. She knew that song and remember who teach that song. She said, "mama is that you". The witch turned back to Cordelia and said "my baby are you doing fine over those years". Then, Cordelia was crying. She tried to wipe the tears of Cordelia but the teardrops fall down to earth and it burn. She said, "what was happening to you". Cordelia said, "I am so glad to know that you are alive". Cordelia said, "I am changing to someone mama so I can't belittle girl as you wish". She said, "what do they do to you". Cordelia said, "it's true me mama please watch it carefully". As the witch showed herself, Cordelia moved her bag away and take off her hat. And then, she flew up to the sky and turned to burn girl. The girl with starry red eyes turned fire on her hair and red dress. Her tears were burning everything like hellfire. Then, she held those power back and went back down to the ground. She stood in front of the earth fairy with barefoot.

The goddess Maera put the shoes back onto her little girl and take her back to the vampire's mansion. She knew it was getting too late to retrieve her daughter back. Unfortunately, Cordelia sensed the weird existence near her. So, she ran away from the earth fairy and head to somewhere else. The earth fairy tries to grab her back. Ophelia was walking forward and forward into the forest. She didn't know where is she heading to. Suddenly, she saw the little girl who wore a red dress and white gloves who had black hair. Then, she looked at that girl's feet. There had dolly shoes. When she looked at a girl with black hair and red eyes, she can't get away from her. It's all because they look like negative mirror images. Both-sided clans even got the sense of the stardust meeting each other. The white stardust Ophelia didn't afraid of her and she walked forward to her and touch her hand. Suddenly, the storm appeared around them and no one else can get into their circle of the storm. Two of them were starring up at each other at the center of the storm.

At that time, the elves, werewolves and the earth fairy arrived. They couldn't open their eyes well because of the storm. The sand storm inside the forest that can't be possible" said Ven. Roger said, "it can be possible when the crash between the two-star dust". The power inside them was binding each other's souls as a twin. They didn't know what happen but the changes happen. After that happened, their fellows reached beside them. The bad witches found the white stardust because of that storm. When they came to get her back, Cordelia didn't let go of her hand. Ophelia also didn't let go of her hand too. The bad witches and werewolves didn't know why those two stuck on each other. However, their mothers on moon palace fought each other, they didn't want to do it as they do. The red and white star warriors who came up to connect with them were getting stopped at that time. Because they saw the mirror girl who hanged each other too tight. Gyra came up to talk to Cordelia.

But Cordelia raised her right hand to shove them away. As she did, the weak Ophelia does the same way to witches. Even the earth fairy couldn't get in between them. They didn't keep their eyes away for seconds. The seconds turned to minutes and minutes turn to hours they couldn't stopwatch over each other's eyes. The others who follow them were getting tired so they sat on the ground and some are waiting for them done on the tree. When half moonlight upon the sky, they all know what's going on. The light shined upon those two and then they stop hanging each other. Ophelia said, "it's very nice to see you". Cordelia said, "it's nice to see you too". Among those clans, they didn't understand what's happening still but the star warriors noticed the behind meaning. The stardust decided to fight under the super moon. Tonight, the moon was shining bright but it's not the blue moon yet. Cordelia said, "I will meet you at the battle soon as our mother's wish". Ophelia said, "what do you mean". Cordelia said, "look up to the moon and listen to what your mother says to you over every ceremony you do". Ophelia said, "I am just arriving here and they lock me up to force me to study about rituals". Cordelia smiled towards her and said, "whatever you can't escape from them trust me". Ophelia hold her dress and said, "can't I go with you". Cordelia said, "you don't know me why are you trying to follow me". Ophelia said, "I don't want to go with them". Cordelia put her dress back from Ophelia and said "as I say we will meet again". Then, she ran up faster and disappear. Ophelia didn't have that power to run faster to reach somewhere else. So, she was left standing there like a stone.

The sorceress took Ophelia back to their place. They believed only the Lycans can teach her to become the powerful stardust fighter. But the mind of Ophelia was connecting with Cordelia since they met each other. The earth fairy knew the reason. On the other hand, she already knew Cordelia won't give up on her life chance too.