
Love that can't stop

When the red moon lights up above the sky, every demon, werewolves, witches and vampires came out from their place to see the moon. The bloody red moon gave her tears to the earth. They were the shooting stars. Then, every one started to catch the shooting star. The red star of bloody moon was being the rare powerful treasure for them. At last, no one found that star landing place. They thought someone hided. But they still find it over long years.

Alexandriana11 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Ep - 6

The earth fairy Maera followed the Lycan and then she reached the Lycan's Lair. She knew that Kletno Ber cave was owned by them. But she wondered what's inside the cave. So, she sent her elf to figure out what's hidden. The Lycans who guarded outside the cave saw the elf around their area. They shouted, "the intruder here let's catch him and take to leader". The elf was running away as fast as he can but the Lycans could run faster than him. So, the poor elf Lucien couldn't get away from them. At the same time, the old witch Pandora who changed back to goddess tries to go to the Lycan's place. When she crawled into the cave, she saw the huge entrance door inside the cave. She said, "what is this place". Then, she saw the Lycans come out from the opening door. She peeked inside from her hiding place. But she couldn't see anything much because it's too dark inside. She knew the Lycans were afraid of light so they build their place under the cave. During that time, the silvery-white girl was getting back into the cave. There was no one else around. So, she tried to get near her for checking who she was. When she got near, that girl's glittery eyes with cherry color eyesight looked much like her daughter. She lost her mind at that time then she call Cordelia is that you". The girl was shocked to see her and said "who are you". She went forward to touch the girl's hair and skin. Suddenly, she felt the cold of her skin and shiny white hair. She moved backward and said "you are not my girl who are you". That girl told her "do I know you". She said "No, I am not but why you two look similar". That girl said, "my name is Ophelia which give from madam Amoux". She thought back to her past time. Then, she realized that madam Amoux was the commander of Lycan clan but why did she decide to raise her. Suddenly, the guards arrived back by dragging the elf Lucien. Ophelia saw the Lycans drag the poor elf so she said "stop and let him go". But the Lycans said, "we must drag him to our leader for giving punishment". Ophelia asked why they like her daughter. She missed her daughter so much but she must save her person first. So, she hid behind the big rock and take out the mist. Then, she blew it up to them and then they fall down to the ground. She released the elf and they went back to their place.

Her mission was accomplished because of the wrong direction. When she went back to her place, she put her daughter's hair on the mapping basin to find her again. The magic basin from nature was being useful for finding the missing person or things. The water inside the basin couldn't be full or lost over years. The water drop above the basin is made by nature. The old witches who connected with Cordelia try to hide her from the unnecessary enemies. However, her mother tried to find her. It has been useless from time to time. After meeting with the old lady, Ophelia tried to think about who she was and why she call her Cordelia. That old lady told her the name, Pandora. But she didn't know anything about that old lady or the girl who was named Cordelia. That lady has mistaken upon her because they looked much alike to each other. She thought "what might it be". During the time she put herself in full of thoughts, she wasn't realizing who come nearer. Madam Amoux came near to her and then she asked "what makes you feel stressed like this little girl". She went back to the present time by saying "it's nothing just think". Madam Amoux's eyes brightened up and said "think what". She tried not to tell her about that because it may be her way out from those scariest people. She knew they aren't people but she have no choice to get away from them.

On the other side, the relationship between Ven and Cordelia became stronger than before. Ven decided to show his love to Cordelia. On his side, Elizabeth who's the daughter of the oldest master were got engaged over centuries ago. He denied marrying her all the time by using many reasons. He never thought that he fell in love with an unhuman girl like Cordelia. Cordelia was being childish in front of him. He loved her cute and carefree face and smile all the time. He couldn't get away from her whenever she was afraid of someone or something. She had a serious nightmare since she reach their place. Now, she turned back to normal and smile every day. He would like to join her walk every morning and evening. But he has a lot of work to do after the message from the moon. The leaders and members of other clans joined their team and protect her as much as they can. Among them, there is one person who gets near her all the time. He couldn't put that person out from her. Because she seemed happier with that person. He didn't want her to cry and be sad. He couldn't even stop his jealousy of her so that make him stressful. Elizabeth knew the difference upon his face. So, she sent the secret maids beside Cordelia and Ven. The secret maids of Elizabeth reported back to her. So, she realized that why Ven was getting away from her those days and clinging together with Cordelia. However, they had many stressful situations in their mind. Cordelia didn't notice their messy state. That's the reason why she treated Elizabeth as her own sister to talk and discuss everything. Elizabeth tried to push her away from their place and give her to the enemies. The witches noticed her plan so they keep following the maids and guards of Elizabeth. One day, the witches got the letter which send to Lycans by Elizabeth. The witches took the letter to their leader and then it was sent to the masters of the vampire clan.

Lady Elizabeth got the letter to attend the court for telling why she send the letter to the enemy. But she couldn't stand up still. In her mind, she can't find the answer to why are they doing this to her for that girl. She felt betrayed by her men. So, she tried to get away from her family, her clan, and everyone else. At that time, she got an invitation letter from the Dracula clan. She didn't want to do that but now it must be her way out. She changed herself as a bat and flew up away from the mansion. The guards who came up to call her to the leader don't know about that yet. They knocked over twice in time. There was no answering from inside so the guard leader rose up against his hand for letting them to break into the room. The guards kicked the door and break the doorknob to open the door. When the door opened, they saw the flying curtains all over the room. It showed lady Elizabeth leave that place alone. Therefore, the guard leader went into her bathroom and ordered his fellows to find every evidence in this room. They investigated around the room including wardrobe, dressing table, bed, side table, cupboard, couch, side bed, and everywhere else. Then, one of his fellows realizes the unfamiliar part in that room. So, he went forward to their leader for saying about this. When he told the leader about the unfamiliar theme paper wall, the leader ordered them to crack it down for seeing what's behind. They tried to crack the wallpaper down from the wall and then the brick safe inside the wall like a tunnel. The leader opened the tunnel by clearing the brick. It's easy to go down there without getting noticed by someone. The leader held back and choose the tiny guard to go down from the tunnel. None of them wanted to go down but they had no choice to keep away from the leader's order. So, the tiny guard Damon decided to go down by using that secret tunnel. The leader wanted to know where it may lead to.

Damon held his breath and hand the dagger and rope on his right and left hand tight and jump into the tunnel. The leaders stood in front of the secret tunnel by listening to the sound of the end. That tunnel was getting too dark to see through so he must order his fellow to go down. The leader was worrying for him. Damon couldn't open his eyes well because there were covered with dust and spider webs inside the tunnel. He went down in a rough way. The speed caused him back pain. At last, he saw the light at the end of the tunnel. He tightly gripped the dagger and ready the rope to attack. Then, he saw someone in front of the tunnel. That thing was dragging him out from the tunnel to the light. The leader was teleporting to contact his fellow. But he lost his contact now. The leader is confused about what's happening to Damon.