
chapter two

Unable to sleep at night, Oliver tossed and turned in his bed, his mind consumed by thoughts of Sophia. He replayed their conversations over and over again in his head, searching for any signs that she might feel the same way about him. But the more he analyzed, the more confused he became.Days turned into weeks, and still, Oliver couldn't shake the feeling of lovesickness that had taken hold of him. His friends noticed the change in him, commenting on how distracted and distant he had become. But try as he might, Oliver couldn't bring himself to confide in them about his feelings for Sophia. He feared that they would laugh at him or, worse, tell him that he was being foolish.Finally, unable to bear the weight of his emotions any longer, Oliver decided to take a leap of faith and confess his love to Sophia. With trembling hands and a racing heart, he poured his heart out to her, telling her how she had captured his heart from the moment they met. To his surprise and relief, Sophia's eyes filled with tears as she confessed that she felt the same way about him