
Love Story : Our Love

Love is very pure for Su Jianan,something unreachable... In others eyes,she is cold,rich,smart,ruthless,dominant. Lu Sicheng known as the Emperor of the Underworld while Su Jianan is a connected in army . They both were forced to marry..... They both were forced to have this life Will they be able to connect this whole life together or will their life be separate... Happiness,love,sad,tears,family ......Which one will follow them together in this journey???

Nigesharita_Nair · Fantasy
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32 Chs


"They are a match, there is no question on it."Elder Lu turned his head towards Elder Su , waiting for his questions.

"The marriage of her father gave Su Jianan the impression that love Is just a weakness for people in power. "Love make people blind but at the same time it makes them an idiot" This is what I heard from a teenager who is 18 years. When everyone was dating or should I say experiencing the first love she was making a path for her revenge and also company.

"You know what I heard from her as an answer when I asked, what will you do when you meet an opponent who can't be defeated with your tactics?" Elder Lu was held back… He thought that Su Jianan is impressive but he didn't expect for her to be this tremendous. He suddenly felt curious …. what it might be???

"Grandpa human have brain to work, to strategize but they also have heart which make them weak, they say once bitten twice shy, but how about the one who was never bitten?" "But don't worry granda, I won't use myself, they are plenty of people under me who is interested in working for me anyway"

Elder Lu snapped back to reality when Elder asked "Lu do you remember the day I met Su Jianan who is 4 years old."

"Yah ….you were talking about how cute and obedient she was and blah blah blah.

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