
Shake it of dude.

John's friends look at him with amused expressions.

"Oh, really? And where did you meet this mysterious girl?" asks one of them, a sly grin on his face.

John rolls his eyes, knowing his friends are enjoying his predicament.

"I met her outside my apartment building," he says. "She's this gorgeous girl with long black hair and the most captivating brown eyes I've ever seen."

John's friends start to make kissy faces and catcalling sounds.

"Sounds like someone's got a crush," one of them teases.

John smacks his friend on the shoulder and shushes them.

"Guys, come on. I'm trying to be serious here," he says, trying to hide the redness that's crept onto his cheeks.

His friends laugh and pat him on the back.

"Alright, alright. We're just busting your chops, man. But seriously, this girl you met, you really think you know her from somewhere?"

John nods, his curiosity still piqued.

"Yeah, I'm almost positive I've seen her somewhere before. It's just on the tip of my tongue, but I just can't remember where."

John looks from one friend to the other, frustrated.

"You guys believe me, right? I'm not going crazy, am I?"

His friends exchange amused glances.

"Of course we believe you, man. But are you sure you're not just remembering some dream or something? You do have some pretty wild dreams sometimes."

John rolls his eyes again, knowing they're just messing with him.

"No, it's not a dream, I'm sure of it. I just can't remember where I've seen her. But it's driving me crazy, I tell you."

John's friends start laughing again, enjoying his predicament.

"Maybe you met her in a past life," suggests one of them, still cracking up.

John can't help but chuckle at their relentless teasing.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, guys. But I'm telling you, this girl looks so familiar, I just can't put my finger on it."

His friends grin, clearly enjoying themselves.

"Well, maybe you should go back outside and ask her if she has a twin," suggests one of them slyly.

John shakes his head, but then a thought occurs to him.

"Wait, that's not a bad idea. Maybe I should go ask her."

he goes but he dosent find

John quickly says goodbye to his friends and exits the 7-11, scanning the area for the girl. But she's nowhere to be seen.

"Damn it," John mutters under his breath, feeling frustrated and a little puzzled.

John stands there for a moment, wondering where the girl could have gone. He looks around, but the streets are starting to clear out as people head home for the night.

With a sigh, he begins to walk back towards his apartment building, feeling a strange sense of disappointment.

As John walks, he can't shake the feeling that he missed his chance to talk to the girl again. He starts to wonder why she seemed so familiar to him, and where he could have possibly seen her before.

But no matter how hard he thinks, the answer stubbornly eludes him.

he has a backstory where she was her girlfriend

As John continues to walk, distant memories start to come back to him. He remembers his childhood in Korea, playing with a girl in kindergarten.

And suddenly, it hits him like a lightning bolt.

The girl with the flowing black hair and captivating brown eyes - it was her. The girl from kindergarten, the one he used to play with all the time.

but she moved out

John's heart sinks as he remembers that the girl from kindergarten moved away when they were just kids.

"Damn it," he mutters under his breath. "All this time, I never forgot her."

John continues to walk, his mind racing as memories of the girl flood back to him. He can picture her face clearly now, as if it was yesterday.

He wonders what she's doing now, where she is, if she even remembers him at all.

John reaches his apartment building and climbs the stairs to his door, feeling a mix of nostalgia and frustration.

He opens the door and steps inside, still thinking about the girl from kindergarten.

Inside his apartment, John is surprised to see his roommate, Alex, lounging on the couch in the living room.

"Hey man," Alex says, looking up from his phone. "You look like you've seen a ghost. Everything all right?"

John closes the door behind him and sinks onto the couch next to Alex.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he says, sighing heavily. "Just met a girl outside and it kinda threw me for a loop."

Alex raises an eyebrow at John's cryptic reply.

"What do you mean it threw you for a loop? Who was this girl?"

John leans back against the couch cushions and lets out a frustrated groan.

"I don't know, man. It's this girl I just met. She looks really familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen her before. It's driving me crazy."

Alex looks at John incredulously.

"Wait, so you met a girl that looks familiar, but you don't know why or where? And you're freaking out about it?"

John throws his hands up in the air, exasperated.

"Yeah, pretty much. I know it sounds crazy, but it's like I'm missing something, some key piece of information. And it's annoying me that I can't figure it out."

he remebers she was in a lambo

As John thinks back on the encounter with the girl outside, a memory suddenly comes to him: she was sitting in a red Lamborghini.

John sits up straighter, his eyes narrowing in thought.

"Whoa, wait a minute. I just remembered something," John says, his voice rising with excitement.

"The girl, she was sitting in a red Lamborghini outside my building. That's why she looked familiar. She was in a high-end sports car."

John rubs his chin, deep in thought now.

"But who the hell is she? And how did she end up sitting in a Lambo outside my place?"

he remebers she was shy

As John tries to recall more about the girl, another memory surfaces in his mind.

He recalls that she was shy, standing nervously by the Lamborghini as if she was waiting for something or someone.

John furrows his brow, trying to make sense of everything.

"She seemed shy, like she was waiting for someone," he says, more to himself than to Alex. "But she was in a high-end sports car, so she must come from money."

John turns to Alex, who has been listening silently to his musings.

"What do you think, man? What kind of person drives around in a Lamborghini and hangs out outside a normal apartment

Alex laughs, clearly amused by John's fixation on the girl.

"Man, you need to get that girl out of your head. You've got it bad for a total stranger."

John sighs, realizing that Alex has a point.

"Yeah, I know. It's just...I don't know. She looked so familiar, and the fact that she was sitting in that car just adds to the mystery."

Alex just shakes his head and returns to his phone.

"You're impossible, man. You're probably just remembering her from somewhere random, like a movie or something."

John scowls, knowing that's a logical possibility.

"Maybe you're right," he admits grudgingly. "But it just feels like there's more to it than that."

john says okay ima go to sleep

John stands up and stretches his arms above his head.

"Alright, I'm gonna hit the hay. I need to stop thinking about this girl before I drive myself crazy."

sleeps and gets a nightmare

That night, John goes to bed and falls asleep. But his sleep is restless and plagued by nightmares.

In his dream, he is back at kindergarten, playing with the girl with the black hair. They are laughing and having a good time, before the scene suddenly shifts to a dark and menacing alleyway.

he rememberd how he protected her

In the dream alleyway, John sees the girl cowering in fear as a group of bullies approach her menacingly.

Feeling a surge of protectiveness, John steps in front of the girl, shielding her from the bullies. He stands his ground, determined to defend her from harm.

wakes up

John bolts upright in bed, awake with a jolt. His heart is racing and he is panting heavily.

He looks around the room, disoriented and shaken by the vividness of the nightmare.

sleeps again

John lies back down and tries to calm himself, but his mind is still reeling from the nightmare. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.

Soon enough, he falls back into a restless sleep. This time, his dreams are a jumbled mix of memories and strange, surreal imagery.

morning says the rommate

John groans as he wakes up, feeling sluggish and weary from the nightmare-filled night.

"Morning," he mutters to his roommate, rubbing his eyes groggily.

Alex looks at John with concern, noticing his tired appearance.

"You look like hell, man. Did you sleep badly?"


John nods, rubbing his eyes again.

"I had some weird dreams, man. Couldn't shake them." he says.