
Love, Simply

Why is it him? I don’t even know why it’s him. You’re not him, you don’t have the right to ask. Mina broke up with Cyrus because he was too poor. Then came a beautiful, dazzling, rich woman to pick up the pieces. “I love you! Why is it so hard for you to believe that my love for you is sincere. Let me love you. I will make up for all the times you were not loved.” Does love have to be tragic and forbidden to be beautiful? It can be as simple as it is but still is beautiful. Because love itself is beauty.

chellayi · Urban
Not enough ratings
27 Chs


**Warning** Mature

"There is no room in my body for anything but you. My arms love you, my ears adore you, my knees shake with blind affection," William Goldman, The Princess Bride.


Alain didn't know what to do. He didn't want to make any choice that would hurt anybody.

"C'est quoi ton decision?" Louise asked. She didn't want to force Alain, but he was here long enough to know how he would handle the situation at home. (What is your decision)?

"Je ne sais pas quoi faire," he sighed. (I don't know what to do).


"Sienna wants to break up with me. What am I supposed to do when we had planned to get married in two months?"Alain said in a frustrated tone. "She's never going to forgive me."

"How would you know? You ran away after knowing that the other woman was pregnant."

"You both were drunk. So, you go home. Explain it to your fiance and the other woman," Cyrus proposed. "Hiding here and avoiding it is only going to make matters worse," he continued.

"Let me get this correct," Louise said, "You don't remember what happened?"

"I don't! I just woke up at that party in bed with a strange woman. I was exhausted from all the planning and house haunting, so I went to relax at a party a friend invited me."

"Are you stupid?" Louise shook her head in disbelief. "Anyone can tell that this was a setup."

"What do you mean?"

"He doesn't get drunk! Alain, you never get drunk."

"I must have reached my limit—"

"Go home and look into this. You can say I am paranoid or something, but something isn't right about this," Louise said. "Do you want me to have Uncle Claude look into it for you?"

"Please, but I don't want Sienna to know about this."

Sienna! Why would he not want his fiance to know about this?

"Well, Sienna and I registered our marriage four months ago," Alain said. "She's pregnant; I don't want anything to affect her."

"Congratulations!" Louise smiled.


"Bro, Je sais que ce n'est pas facile, mais vous devez parler à tous les deux. Sienna mérite une explication, et l'autre femme pourrait avoir quelque chose à dire," Louise sighed. (Bro, I know it isn't easy, but you have to talk to both of them. Sienna deserves an explanation, and the other woman might have something to say).

"J'irai. J'irai," Alain said frowning. (I'll go. I'll go).

"Everything's going to be fine," Cyrus comforted.

"Thank you, guys. I appreciate you letting me stay here too, Cah."

"Come on! You're family."


"I am leaving with Alain," Jacques informed Louise. "I need to get back to work."

"Mmh! What about Bertrand?"

"He's leaving too. He has to fly to Germany next week."

"Oh! I thought you'd stay for a few more days. I'll visit when I have time."

"Okay! It was nice meeting you, guys," Cyrus said. Jacques and Bertrand nodded at him.


"You have such amazing friends," Cyrus said to Louise.

"I have such an amazing 'man," Louise moved her palm and rested it against Cyrus's cheek. "Sometimes, I ask myself, 'Does he even know how much I love him? Does he believe me?' Do you believe me, do you trust me?" She asked, starring into his eyes.

'How did we even get to this subject?'

She waited for him to respond.

"I do!" He kissed her hand. "I do!"

"Sometimes, I ask myself, 'What does this woman see in me? How can she bore her way into my life like this, bothering me so much that I can't spend a day without thinking about her? Does she even know what she's doing to me?"

Louise gave a soft laugh and her usual grin. "What am I doing to you?" She poked the tip of his nose.

"I didn't know someone could make falling in love feels so damn 'amazing. You're—no, I am insanely and madly in love with you day by day, and I can't help falling in love each day that I see you."

"If one day—"

Louise hushed him, taking Cyrus into her arms. "I love you," she whispered.

"I know. I know," Cyrus smiled.


"I know you love Jamaican coffee, so I bought some for you," Kate said, attempting to bribe Louise into keeping Willa for few more days.

"What else did you bring?" Louise asked, authoritatively crossing her legs. Kate laughed awkwardly. She waved her hand, "What do you want?"

"Can you keep your god-daughter for a few more days?" Kate smiled politely.


"Really!" She shouted in joy. "Oh! You are an angel. Baby, I love you."

"I hope I have twins," Louise randomly said.


"No reason," She smirked.



"What is it, Loulou?"

"Don't I dote on my best friend too much?"

"No! She's your cousin-in-law to be," Cyrus said without a thought, not knowing that behind those words held so much importance and value.

Louise went silent. "Loulou, cherie!" He switched the phone to his left ear. "Darling!"

"Huh, yeah!" She shook it off.

"I'll pick you up," Cyrus informed. "I know your house is heavily secured and all, but I'd feel unrest leaving you and Willa there alone."

"Okay—your mom," Louise yelled. "Not yet."

"She's visiting her family," he chuckled. "Wait for me, okay. I love you."

"I love you."


"Hi, Marie," Louise greeted the older woman.

"Miss, it's been a while," Marie smiled.

"What miss, call me Louise like everyone else," she smiled. "You live here?"

"I do. Let me take Willa," Marie offered. "It's nice seeing you again."

"You too."

"Do you—"

"Hey, you're here," Tara' jogged down the stairs, seeing Louise, her tiny frame, hugging her. "I haven't seen you."

"Tar!" Tyler tried to hold his sister back, but he was seconds too late.

"Let her!" Tim mouthed.

"Me too. Well, I've subscribed to your channel," Louise smiled brightly.

"I know," Tara laughed. "Your name's so peculiar."

"It's a fact, right?" Louise whispered. "Hey, guys!" She turned to the twins.

"Hi!" They said together. Tim and Tyler liked Louise, but they were afraid that she would turn to be like Mina, so they kept a distance.


"I like your kids," Louise jumped forward to kiss Cyrus cheek.

"Do you want me to become addicted?" Cyrus asked in a serious yet amusing voice.

"To what?" Louise asked unsurely, "What are you talking about?"

"Your kiss—"

She smiled. "That was the plan," she grinned.

"I can't win against you," he flicked her forehead lightly. "I am going to shower."



"Darling, I am going to—" Louise stopped midway, seeing Cyrus bare body in front of her. Water dripped down from his hair to his chest, down to his stomach. 'Oh Seigneur, don't let me be a sinner today. Louise gulped.

'Those abs! How can he be so fit?' She marched forward, running a hand down—

"Halt!" Cyrus stepped backward. "What are you doing?"

"Sorry, they look so good. You look yummy. How can I resist this?" Louise groaned.

"Don't make me forget how—"

"Forget what?" Louise asked and ran a hand down his abs to his waist, slowly loosened the towel.

"Stop, please!" Cyrus caught Louise's hand. "Stop!"

"Let's have sex!"

"What?" Cyrus sighed deeply. How could he forget who he was dating? "Loulou!" This woman, what am I going to do with her?

"I want to have sex. We both want it. Did I say something wrong?" She asked innocently.

"How can you—" Heaven! What should I do with her?

"Less talking more actions!" Louise aggressively captured his lips, sliding a hand down to stroke his manhood. She gave it a slight rub then gently squeeze it.


Cyrus pulled away from the kiss, staring at her. "Lou!"

"It's fine, trust me," Louise assured him. "Do you not want—"

"No, It's not that. I do, but I don't want you to feel like you have to do this. No pressure."

"I know," Louise said, her hand caressing Cyrus's cheek. "I want this. No pressure," she smiled as she hesitantly kissed him.

Cyrus slowly moved his arm around her and, pulling them to the bed, before she could act, Louise was sitting on his lap. His arms were securely around her waist, holding Louise in place. "Why do you do this to me?" Cyrus asked her in between kisses. He brushed his thumb over her lips, and she felt her body shiver.

He bent back Louise's head and kissed her. Softly and gently. Then, Cyrus slowly slipped his tongue inside Louise's mouth. The kiss was tender yet, demanding.

Louise couldn't think. She wanted all of him. His body to be closer to cool down the burning desires. Her hands were on his hair, pulling him closer.

They were kissing—like crazy. Cyrus's hands were everywhere, but Louise didn't mind. It didn't matter.

Louise inhaled his shaving cream, loving the way he smelled. She pushed Cyrus down, pinning his hands above his head.

Cyrus gave her a questioning look. "Let me!" He watched her go down; her eyes never left his, taking his member and put it in her mouth.

"Loulou!" He tried to stop her, but she pushed him down. Her tongue felt hot and soft around him. Cyrus could tell by her movements that it was her first time.

His mind was in a frenzy, thinking how her gentle tongue could take him to heaven. Louise did her actions mild but accurately, making the man inside her moaned and groaned in pleasure. Cyrus felt himself growing big and hard inside her; as he was about to come, Louise removed herself and began to undress.

She stood in front of him, naked, and stared at Cyrus. It's fine. Everything is alright! I want this!

"It's okay," Cyrus sat up and pulled Louise onto the bed. "Are you feeling shy?" He teased Louise. "You are beautiful, " he whispered, then he was kissing her.

His hands began to touch Louise, his lips, his tongue. He was gentle. Careful. Cyrus nibbled on her neck, startling her.

"Relax, it will be alright. I won't hurt you." He said, laying Louise down on her back.

"I'd kill you!"

Cyrus smiled. "Please, don't!" He parted her legs and moved in between them. He kissed the tip of her nose, her eyes— "I am going now," he said and captured Louise's lips.

Louise gasped as he penetrated her.

"I am sorry," Cyrus whispered, slowly moving.

Fuck! Why the hell this shit hurt some damn much? Damn, damn!

The sharp pain she felt began to fade into something else—pleasure. "Cyrus!" Louise cried as she dug her nails into his back. "Cyrus!"

"Does it hurt a lot? I am sorry," He asked, loving the way Louise's voice sounded like a melody to his ear.

"More," she demanded. "Faster." Louise couldn't describe that strange sensation she felt.

Cyrus moved carefully, afraid that he'd hurt her. "Don't hold back! It's alright!"

His hands kneaded her breast as he moved back and forth back and forth. Louise grabbed at him desperately, arms around his head. "Ah!" She arched her back, ready to dive in pleasure. Her body began to quiver and shudder in response to her climax.

Cyrus grabbed hold of Louise's back, pressing her body close to his chest. He didn't make any sound, but she felt his muscles collapsed as he pressed down on her, then he came. Louise looked at him and smiled.

He rolled down on his back and hugged Louise, "I love you," he kissed her cheek.

"I love you."


"I have to get Willa," Louise said as she moved to get out of bed, but Cyrus held her back.

"It's fine. There's a crib in Ms. Marie's room. She'll take good care of her."

"Oh, okay," said Louise, laying down, staring at Cyrus.


"Let's do it one more time!"

"What! How many more times have we done it already? Aren't you tired?" Cyrus chuckled.

In a swift move, Louise flipped Cyrus and got on top of him. "My turn!"

Cyrus laughed, "Well, go ahead, your highness!" This woman never ceases to amaze me!


Willa and Louise's laughter woke Cyrus up. Louise was sitting by the window with the little one on her lap. Willa would laugh every time she stroke her cheek. Her short chubby arms reached up to touch Louise's face as she smiled down at Willa.

"You should call me mom. I take better care of you," Louise said, while Willa gleefully clapped her hands.

"I agree," Cyrus said, after watching them.

"You're awake," Louise smiled in ecstasy, seeing his face. "Hey!"

"Hey!" He got up off the bed and kissed her cheek. "How did you sleep?"

"Well, I slept well; what about you?"

"Same," Cyrus grinned.

Louise smiled as they stared at each other.

"I live for your smile."


"Your smile—it's everything. I am sure you know how elegantly charming you are. A lot of men must have told you that before."

"Only you! It's only for you. I don't care about other men's comments, compliments. Only yours, everything. "

Smooth talker. "Thank you!"

"Why?" Louise asked, entwining their fingers together. "What did I do?"

"A lot," Cyrus said and kissed her hand. "I got you flowers yesterday, but they died; I am sorry."

"I don't need flowers."


"I need love, sincerity, honesty, communication, and commitment above everything else. It's nice to get flowers, gifts and all, don't worry about it. A simple gesture here and there to express your love is enough. It doesn't have to be flowers."

"I love you."

"And, I love you," Louise kissed his forehead. "Kate came back early. She told me to leave Willa here."

"I'll take care of her."

"I fed and bathed her already—"

"Brother!" The door swung open. "You bought me the makeup kit?" Tara inquired in delight.


"Oh! I'll come back." She mouthed forgive me, immediately closing the door.

"I'll go shower. Look after Willa."


"Cyrus," Mrs.Smith knocked on the door.


"Well, you don't look happy—"

"That's not it. You're back early. Is something wrong?"

"There's someone here to see you."

"Who is it?"

"Your girlfriend," Mrs.Smith, giving her son a questioning look.

"Mom, you know who my girlfriend is," he cried in defense.

"I didn't meet her yet. You could have already—"

"What's her name?"

"She didn't say. Come down and talk to her."

"Thanks, mom, I am coming," he said, closing the door.

"What's wrong?" Louise asked, coming out with a towel wrapped around her.

"Nothing! There's someone downstairs, claiming to be my girlfriend."

"Okay!" Louise said, putting her clothes on.

"You're not asking—"

"I should have that much trust in you, right? Darling, it's not like I caught you cheating."

"How do you get home?" Cyrus asked, realizing that his mother came back unexpectedly.

"Aunt Diane is waiting for me outside."

"My mom's here. How do you go out?"

"The window."


"Seriously! Do you think you're Bruce Lee?" Cyrus asked restlessly. "Don't do it, please!"

"Shh! I do not want your mother seeing me like this today," Louise said, jumping out of the window. Darling!"

"Tell me, you landed safely," he said, a hand covering his eyes.

"Yeah!" She laughed.

"Ah, don't do that again," he breathed out in relief. "How do you get past the gate now?"

"There's another way out. Don't worry. I won't climb the wall," she whispered. "I love you."

"I love you."


Mina! What is she doing—

"We've been dating for a while. We argued. We decided to take a break from each other. I told Cyrus I'd come to find him when I was ready."

The nerve of this woman.

Mrs. Smith thought, then why didn't she come to find him when his father passed away.

"Little Willa is here," Mrs. Smith's face lighted up, seeing her niece. "Where's her mother?"

"She's picking her up later," Cyrus said.

"I'll take her for you," Marie said, taking Willa from him.

"Thanks, Ms. Marie!"

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Cyrus asked as if he were talking to someone he met for the first time.

"Baby, I missed you," Mina said, walking forward to hug him. He moved aside, dodging her.

"Mom, can you give us a second?"

"Hey, didn't your mother die? Isn't she the kids' nanny?"

Oh! How did I not know that she was such an inconsiderate woman? How!

Even if Mrs.Smith was the nanny, he didn't like her tone.

"I'm going out to Gloria's. Call me if you need something," Mrs.Smith smiled at her son while she ignored Mina.


"How did you know where I live?"

"Blake told me."

"Why are you here?"

"I missed you. I was wrong for breaking up with you. Let's get back together. You were going to propose to me. Let's get married. I'll never say anything—"

"Stop!" Cyrus frowned.




"What do I look like to you?" He asked, his eyes cold and indifferent. "Even when we were dating back then, you always did that. You left as you pleased and came back when you wanted."

"I realized that I love you," Mina said, batting her lashes.

"You love me, ha," he laughed. Or did he? "You loved me? What nonsense—"

"I am sorry."

"No, I am sorry," Cyrus smiled heartily. "I don't love you anymore."

"How can that be? We were together for over five years. How can you give up on our love so easily?" Mina cried.

"Our love, Mina?" Cyrus shut his eyes and exhaled. Why am I having this conversation with her? "Stop abusing and taking advantage of the word. I didn't give up. You gave upon us."

"I can make you love me again. We dated for six years. I don't believe that I can't make you love me again," Mina said, gently pulling at his shirt.

"You can't. There's only that woman in here," he smiled.

"What? You have someone else?"

"Yes. She loves me so much that sometimes—you wouldn't understand."


"You don't love me. You're only here because you've heard that my biological father left me an inheritance."

"No, I love you. Give me a chance to prove it to you."

"You can keep coming, but my woman—"

"Cyrus," Mina screamed. "Why are you doing this?"

"Well, Get out!"


"Mina!" He breathed, "I loved you. I did. Now, I am in love with a woman—I am happy—I don't have to pretend with her. I respect you. I never blame you for what you did. You deserve your happiness. But, don't make me forget the good memories. Even if we're not together anymore, there was a time that we were happy."

"Don't do this. Please!"

"Richard, walk the lady out, please. You can even drop her home; I don't care; just get her out of my damn house."

Thanks for reading!

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