
Love royalty

When love toxicity shows its actual face and you realize, love? Is this what love wants? Is love want sacrifice? Royalty or love? What you think who wins? Story of magic and curse Prince, the results you never thought before.

Aysh_Aysh · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 34

"I really like your decision, I mean when you said he gonna marry her I can't control my laugh" both laughing.

"what I did? Commander said he rapped her in front of everyone, he put stain on her character too, if she went village then villagers too watching her with bad sight. I know he didn't do anything but she wasn't okay, when guards bring her she look like victim means Commander did wrong with her "

" exactly, and he put his crime on Jungkook, now what you gonna do? "

" nothing let's finish this castle politics"



Everyone waiting for cara as she come conscious, her friends bring her in court, she looks Terrified. She look at Jungkook he was cage around guards, she look at Commander he gesture her to keep quite or it's not good for. But she not gonna stay quite.

"We are really sorry for what happened to you Cara, and that's why we decide to fix your marriage with Prince Jungkook" she also get shock after listening this. She look at him he glaring her. She down her lashes.

"what's happening here?" she whisper to Sofia.

"just say yes... You are agree please don't say you want justice against Prince"

"but why? What happening?"

"Commander said he rapped you" Elena whisper in her ear.

"what?? What rubbish... No i want to say truth"

"we fixed your marriage, are you agree or not?" Taehyung ask her. She look at him again he still glaring her she look down.

"just say yes" Sofia forcing her.

"but... But how can i?"

"say yes idiot"

She nod in yes. Taehyung smile, Jimin smile too.

"guards leave him" they free him he set his clothes, and come in front of King, he giving him smile transparently. He bow to him in order to accept his decision. Sofia and Elena stand her next to Prince she make a safe distance.

"any thing you want to say Cara?"



"I don't why? Why I'm the reason behind Prince bad luck, please forgive me for my every mistake" she apologize to him his sight get soft.

"I want to clear everyone that I haven't meet a person like Prince Jungkook in my life, he is most humble, brave and respectful personality ever, and I haven't meet any person who as cunning and worst man as Commander is, Prince never harass me, he did, he torcher me during my practice days he touch me intensionally, and he tried to rap me too, Prince rescue me " she turn to him her eyes were teary she join her hands in front of him.

" please... Please forgive me for my stupidity, I hurt you, he made me do, I'm sorry "she fall in his feet, he get embarrass. He confuse what to do. He make her stand.

" please forgive me, I can't sleep since that day because of my guilt " king too amaze everyone surprise when they knew truth. They all think wrong about him. He remain silent. Taehyung proudly stand up and keep out his sword and call Jungkook up towards him with cara. They both go to him he handover his sword to Jungkook.

"do whatever you want, punish your wife culprit it's your right" he handed his sword and see Robert he is about to run but guards caught him they bend him in front of Jungkook he put his sword on his shoulder.

" my silence was enough for your questions Robert" he turn round and cut his head off in just a moment, Lucy hide her face in his brother chest, His blood splash over his white dress his face, Cara too color with his blood. Taehyung put his hand on Jungkook shoulder.

"and this case is close here, ever remember that before blaming someone think about your results too, my family is my proud and I can't bear a single word against them, respect your king respect their decisions and trust their believes too. I knew that Commander was culprit but I did this drama cause I want to show you all truth. I trust my Brothers more than anyone. If you ever try to exploit us your result will be same "he says in his strong and heavy voice. Everyone agree and learn the lesson.



" Sofia I think we should leave now, mother seeking for me "

" Ohh don't worry, actually I wrote letter to Robin yesterday "

" Ohh thank you so much Sofia"

"I knew that he would bother for you"

"yeah you are right... But wait still i dont have black roses"

"Hmmm you are right... Hey in palace garden there is black roses I saw them, first let me take permission from prince"

"ok then we will left for home"

"yeah" Sofia left.

Cara enter in room, Elena go to her.

"hey dear are you okay?" Cara still laming.

"hhhhh... Yeah... I'm... I'm not fine... I don't know what's happening here, I'm not in my senses"

"Ohh you talking about your marriage?"

"is it real?"

"yes... And I'm excited"

"what... No.... I'm not excited... I'm afraid... You hadn't seen his eyes he is like he gonna eat me at once"

"Ohh come on he is not a monster"

"he is.... I mean... Please save me"

"I can't help you"

Sofia return.

"I got them," she shows them black roses it's beautiful.

"Ohh they are still beautiful" Cara says.

"yes... And soon we collect them for you too" she teasing her.

"aahhhh don't say that... I'm afraid of him"

Jimin enter they stand straight.

"hope you like it" he says while seeing those flowers.

"thank you so much Prince"

"your welcome... Btw Cara send us your cloth size"

"what? Why?"

"uhhh we don't know your size, after all you are going to be Prince bride so we need to prepare your clothes too"

"wait... Prince say this a prank.. That was a drama?"

"are you deaf? Didn't you heard your King? He announce his final decision" she wide her eyes.

"BTW, you both are invited, I mention you girls cause I don't want you both later say that I didn't invite you, and yes Elena visit king before you leave. " he smile and leave the room. Cara sit down in shock.

Elena go to visit King. She knock on door he allow, she enter in his room.

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