
Love royalty

When love toxicity shows its actual face and you realize, love? Is this what love wants? Is love want sacrifice? Royalty or love? What you think who wins? Story of magic and curse Prince, the results you never thought before.

Aysh_Aysh · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 20

Lucy and Taehyung goes in corner.

"what was that?" she looks angry.


"you know what I'm talking about?"

"ohhh.... Elena?"

"Hmmm.... Whatever her name is"

"I can smell jealousy"

"I'm serious"

"OK fine, what? We were dancing"

"Ohh really, you was continuously looking at her"

"this is rule of ball dance, look at your partner first, hadn't you took dance class in your university?" he joking with her, she hit his arm.

"fine you chilling here, I'm going" she turn, he hold her hand to stop her.

"OK, fine I'm sorry, I have no idea this hurt you."

"you are mine"

"how much you love me?"

"more than anything" she says, he smile and forward his face towards her he press his lips on her lips and both start kissing.

"Cara I think we should leave" Elena said.

"yes you are right let's go"

They looking here and there searching Sofia she wasn't there, they separate in two different sides and finding her in palace, after some time they meet each other.

"did you find?"

"no, where did she went?"

They, see shadow of two persons they, secretly hide behind the wall and peep, Elena gasp she is shook her breath stops cara shake her body.


"its Prince Taehyung and Princess Lucy here" she whisper.

"Ohh... We should leave"

"yes, they are busy"

"what you mean?"

"aahhhh nothing"

"no let me see" Cara peep she found them kissing each other she too in shock now she cover her eyes.

"what I saw just before shit shit... Oh god forgive me let's go Elena"

They were about to move, when they listen Lucy giggle, they stop again and their ears sets to them.

"My Prince, look tonight is beautiful"

"Hmmm" he humming.

"let's go in ground, we can see moon from there"

"aahhhh... No, what need?"

"Ohh come on Taehyung, let's go"

"ummm... Ohh actually i remember a work"

"no, tonight you spend time with me, after a long time we meet now, and we never watched moon together let's go" she forcing him and he keep denying.

"why Prince denying?" Elena ask.

"I don't know... May be he don't like nights?" Cara observing.

"Hmmm... Wait he is wolf?"

"aahhhh... No"


"may be something we missing but there is something that bother him"

"so what do we do?"

"let's go from here"

"no, we should help him what if his health gets worse again like that night?" Elena worry about him.

"Ohh yes, that day was night"

"what do we do now?"

"Ohh... Think think... Think Elena... Yes wait call Prince Jungkook and Jimin"

"how? If we call them then they knew we know about prince curse"

"but only they can stop Lucy... I mean princess Lucy"

"Ohh Elena do something"

"wait and watch"

Elena and Cara come to mazzanine and she scream, all look up to her, in fact Taehyung and Lucy too pay attention to her they also come out from corner.

"Ohh a mouse"

"mouse?" King amaze.

"Ohh under Prince Jimin legs" Jimin jump, but he couldn't find anything.

"Ohh there" she pointing with finger and girls running in hall like madly. Everyone get disturb.

"guards find that mouse" King order guards.

Taehyung and Lucy confuse how a mouse enter in Palace.

Jungkook and Jimin come to them on mazzanine.

"where is mouse miss Rox?" Jimin ask.

"ohhh, I don't know... It disappeared"

"are you kidding with us?" Jungkook looks angry cause they thought it's her prank.

"no... Ummm I saw actually"

"then where is the mouse?"

"what's wrong with them?" Lucy is angry with her behaviour.

"nothing Princess Lucy may be she have some misunderstanding"

"villagers are better in village they shouldn't palace" she was harsh with her.

Elena bend in front of them and apologize to them, meanwhile Sofia reach to them as she heard noise.


"and now who are you?"

"my name is Sofia sink she is my friend"

"get your friend out from here" she insults her. But Elena don't care about that cause she doesn't care what's royal people think of her she knows her live is with Robin and her wish is already fulfilled to visit palace once.

"forgive me my Prince" she apologizes again specially Jimin cause they were invited by him. Sofia and Cara too apologize. They trio individually say sorry to three prince.

"And what about me?" Lucy abject. Elena look at cara. Sofia about to bow but Elena hit her leg to stop her.

"we are really ashamed on our act and I promised to never encounter you my prince cause I don't want to be shameful Mark on you, this was wonderful night thank you so much for inviting me here, you are a real Prince giving us respect and call us in your happiness, Thank you so much Prince Kim Taehyung for dance with me, you fulfill my dream to dance with a prince that I was just imagining (chuckle) I'm so ashamed on my act, I'm so sorry, and I think I should leave thank you, I apologize to my Kings and that's it "she indirectly slap on Lucy face by her words. This is first time Princes realize she is quite intelligent in answering and she knows how to give a perfect speech her childish and awkward behaviour vanished suddenly. She smile on Jimin and leave the place with Sofia and Cara.

Rest of them still concentrating on her words.

"woah... I hadn't expect that"

"is... Is she say... She never meet us again?" Jimin ask to Jungkook.


He see his face for some seconds and then run.

"why he run?" Lucy confuse.

"Well I don't know my lady"

"BTW she is manner less, Taehyung why don't you say anything?" she angry on Taehyung silence. He looks still confuse.

"you was harsh" he said.

"what.. What you mean? I was harsh... And what she says just before? I mean for a villager you objecting on my behaviour?"

"Princess Lucy a real queen never insults people"

"what you mean Taehyung that I'm not ready to be queen?"

"I didn't meant that"

"fine..." she left his hand and move down.

"Brother" Jungkook go close to Taehyung.

"Jungkook I don't why but i feel like someone just took my breath off before some minutes"


"actually... Actually Lucy forcing me to went in garden, and was denying her and i was stuck in if she knew my reality would she love me or not, like I can't imagine my life without her, the fear just born in my head during this I heard her scream and we both distract from that topic... I'm thank ful to God that he save me "

" Ohh... Yes... We don't have idea about this, but this would be better, if you tell her about your curse before marriage "

" you are right, but whenever I think about this my heart start bumping like hell, I'm too scares to lost her "

" no why she will left you I know she will understand you "

Meanwhile Jimin reach the palace gate, he panting, he feel bad for her, somewhere he feel that there is something wrong, they understood them wrong, her words actually works on him and he is feel guilty now.

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