
Love royalty

When love toxicity shows its actual face and you realize, love? Is this what love wants? Is love want sacrifice? Royalty or love? What you think who wins? Story of magic and curse Prince, the results you never thought before.

Aysh_Aysh · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 18


"Ohh look he is looking at you Sofia" Elena notice.

"Ohh my god who is he?"

"he is handsome, hey fairy god mother listen you" Elena hit her shoulder.

"Ohh please don't tell me I'm not interested, and as he knew I'm a villager he will ditch me first"

"Ohh be positive, love is pure and who knows he is your Prince"

"no, no means no" she keep her quite.

"Ohh this gown irritates me"

"Cara please stop behaving like kids"

"btw, where the Prince are?" Elena question.

Meanwhile Jimin attendant inform him that he done his work.


"wait, who" Jungkook listen him.

"ummm no one"

"Hmmm you hiding something?"

"OKayyy... I invite your enemy"

"she" he respond quickly.

"OK fine jungkook everything is ok, how could you forget that they gave us berries"

"I'm not joking"

"same here, listen, I just invite them here cause they are... Funny"

"so you gonna make fun of them"

"no way, I mean they make me laugh I don't know how? They behave stupid when you stand in front. They lost their senses cause they don't know what to do next and that's cute"

"Ohh so now they are cute, huh"

"Jungkook please clean your heart, they are our people, they are not different from us, respect them too. And i knew that Taehyung will be happy if he notice them"

"are you sure i don't think so, cause today someone gonna lost in Princess Lucy beauty" he winks, JIMIN laugh.

They come to their huge balcony, from there view is best, they looking down to people when they see them in crowd.

"there they are" Jimin point his finger towards them.

"Ohh... They... Are they..." Jungkook surprise by their changed look, they looks more pretty.

"Ohh yes... Yeah... Hmmm" he humming. They go down to visits their guests.

The Boy come to Sofia, she turn to Elena.

"aahhhhmmm" he coughing to attract her, but she looking at Elena.

"ummm excuse me miss" she turn to him.

"hello, my name is shawn... Shawn buyers"

"Ohh nice name" she smile.

"ummm what's your name?"

"Ohh my name... My name is Sofia sink" she replies politely.

"my father is one of the biggest merchant from Sapphire Kingdom, what's your father do?"

"ohhh... My.. My father"

"he a writer..." Elena lie. Sofia look at him shockingly.

"Ohh, what's his name, I'm sure I had read his book"

"Ohh his name is... Ummm... What's in name?, he is just a normal writer"


"no, she belongs to a good family actually her grandparents were too a merchant but his father decide to choose writing"

"Ohh... Sink family"

"aahhhh..." Sofia speech less.

Meanwhile Jimin and Jungkook meeting with Other Prince and Royal family members far from them, during this Jimin saw Sofia talking to Shawn he shrink his eyes that's she looks happy while talking to him.

After sometime, Taehyung come out with his father and mother, and other side Lucy too come out with her father and brother.


Taehyung smiles over her she smile back, they stand next to stand each other and the engagement ceremony start, they putting rings into each other fingers all clap.

"ohhh they look so beautiful together" Elena says.

"yes, hope she will OK with him in future too"


"you forgot about curse" Cara remind her.

"Ohh yes... Ohh cross fingers for Princess Lucy," she cross her fingers.

After that, music start and all start dancing with each other just randomly pair couples. Shawn ask Sofia for dance, she look at Elena she nod, she give her hand in his hand and go to dance floor, actually his soft behavior and his love for books impress her that's why she is now comfortable.

Taehyung and Lucy sitting together on chairs they talking to each other, their parents also busy with other Kings and Queen, Jungkook and Jimin separately standing in corner silently, they are reserve type persons so they don't talk to other Prince and Princess that much.

"so what do we do?"

"let's dance"

"whit whom?"

"with me" Jimin forward his hand towards Jungkook he laugh.

"you gone mad"

"no seriously i can't ask someone for dance"

"come on you are a prince"

"Ohh so you too why don't you go first, my brave brother"

"aahmmm ahhhmmm just watching me" he walk to princesses where they standing with their other friends, he stop when he approach close he sigh and close his eyes, he fist his finger and turn back to jimin he thumbs up for him he turn to princess she smiling at him.

"Prince Jungkook any question?" she asks.

"Aammm... Ummm had you seen my brother?" he question nonsensical.

"Prince Kim Taehyung?"


"there he is" she point over him and he sitting exact front of him he smile at her and thank her.

"thank you" he walk to Taehyung and stand behind him. Jimin laughing in corner so bad, when he see Sofia with Shawn, he join his brows he walk to Elena and Cara. He decide to ask them to dance with them as they easy task for him, he approach them but before him Prince Lucus (Lucy elder brother) ask Elena to dance with him, she freeze he ask again she can't refuse him so she go to dance platform with him. Jimin sigh he go to Cara before someone call her too.

"aahmmm" he coughing she turn to him, she directly bow.

"Aammm it's ok, you can stand properly" she stand straight.

"are you alone?"

"no, Elena and Sofia too come with me there" she pointing them.

"Ohh... I see, BTW your clothes looks too good" she blush little and thank him.

"and you look gorgeous" she blush more hard that a prince praise her. Jimin knows how to blush her girl.

"you too my Prince, you trio in fact and congratulations for engagement"

"this is not my engagement" she hit her head.

"Ohh yess... I'm sorry, I mean congrats to Prince Taehyung"

"Hmmm... You congrats him by yourself soon" she smiles.

"BTW, wanna dance with me" he sure that she can't refuse him, the fact that not even any Princess gonna refuse they three ever but they feel shy to face princess but villagers are like their family.

"yes... Sure, but I wanna say that I can't dance"

"it's ok, just follow my steps" he forward his hand she put her hand on her and both come to dance platform.

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