


As this thought was going on in his mind the door to their class was pushed open as the principal entered, everyone quickly sat on their seat, and Alex also removed his headphone and adjusted his sitting posture.

Following the principal closely was a teenager about their age, she was clad in a white shirt and black trousers her hair was flowing down her back like a river peacefully flowing down the mountain, her looks were so mesmerizing, coupled with the clothes she wore which brought out her perfect figure, all attention was focused on her, the boys were drooling except for Alex who only threw her a glance and averted his gaze, while the girls were feeling jealous, although they've been informed that she was beautiful they were still jealous, her looks had even surpassed Lydia's.

Rachael frowned as her face swept around the class as she noticed the drooling gaze of the boys, this was the reaction of all the boys she had ever met, so she thought of them as repulsive.

The principal coughed making all the boys who were drooling quickly averted their gaze as he said "this is your new classmate a transferred student from sky-high school in London, I hope you would all treat her well, and also her name is Rachael".

While the principal was talking Rachael suddenly glanced at a corner in the classroom she then noticed that it was only Alex's gaze that was not intensifying as he had only taken a glace at her and averted his eyes, she was filled with curiosity as she looked at him, suddenly Alex turned his head and their gaze met, her emotions suddenly became chaotic as her heart fluttered, some kind of strange feeling welled up in her heart, she that the eye she was looking at was not cold anymore but filled with warmth, love, and care, her emotions continued to swirl up as she had no control over it, her heart started beating very fast.

"What kind of feeling is this," she asked herself.

"Is this what they call love at first sight?" she thought again.

"How stupid am I, let me just focus," she said to herself averting her gaze from him.

Although their gaze only met and lasted for not more than two seconds it was what caused Rachael to become chaotic.

Alex on the other hand had no ripples in his black eyes as he calmly averted his gaze again.

"Go and have your seat," the Principal said to Rachael interrupting her thoughts as he pointed to a seat near Alex.

A trace of shock appeared in Rachael's eyes as she was asked to seat near Alex, she could only nod her head, while the others looked at Alex with a hint of jealousy in their eyes Alex could be less concerned about it as he did not care.

When the Principal left the class Rachael walked slowly to the seat beside Alex as she sat down.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Rachael Fernando, what's yours," she said to Alex immediately after she sat down.

"Alex", Alex replied stiffly as he turned around and was about to put on his headphone.

"Alex what's wrong with you, can't you just reply more nicely, even if you're not interested in talking" Elizabeth suddenly said as her seat was right in front of Alex so she heard the conversation between them.

She then pulled Alex's ear as she apologized to Rachael "he's very sorry, by the way, am Elizabeth his childhood friend and also his best friend" she said as she stretched her hands towards her for a handshake.

Rachael smiled at Elizabeth as they shook hands "I don't mind, can we be friends" she said as she thought that Elizabeth was an easygoing person and was her type.

"Sure, am sure you would soon be able to make a lot of friends" Elizabeth replied.

Soon the teacher came in, they were already informed by the Principal about the transfer student in this particular class so none of them disturbed her and just continued with their classes as per normal.

Some hours later, the school had already ended for the day, and everyone was going home either in their private cars or in a taxi.

Elizabeth approached Rachael and she said "mind if we go home together," she asked.

"Thanks for your concern, but I don't know where I will be living, am new in Cambridge I just moved here from London so I don't know where I would be staying, but my mom would soon come and pick me up as she would have already prepared a place I would be living" Rachael replied.

Elizabeth nodded as she changed the topic as the two were conversing happily the two had gone along well.

While they were talking a blue car came to halt in their front as it honked loudly "oops I would have to go or that blockhead would leave me here" Elizabeth said to Rachael when she saw the car naturally she was referring to Alex.

Immediately Elizabeth got into the car Alex drove off not giving her a chance to bid Rachael goodbye.

"What an asshole are you, you wouldn't even wait for me to greet her goodbye" Elizabeth pouted when after the car had driven away.

Alex just shrugged his shoulders and did not reply.

After the car had left another car pulled up in front of Rachael, it was her mother.

Hop in, let's get to your new apartment" her mother said from the car.

"Mum where is the apartment located," she asked curiously immediately after she entered the car.

"It's at Harvard square, not too far from your school, the houses there aren't too bad either" her mother replied.

Rachael nodded as she looked through the window of the car as it moved admiring the beauty of Cambridge, it was way more beautiful than London, the tall building, and the others.

Soon they arrived at a street after driving for over ten minutes, the houses in this particular street were a little more beautiful and bigger than the streets they had passed through, although the houses here were more dispersed within the area.

"Here we are, this is Harvard square and this is the apartment where you would be staying for the time being," Rachael's mother said after she had stopped the car in front of a building, next to it was another building like it.

"Mum isn't this apartment too large for me," Rachael said as she observed the building.

"No it's not too large, I think you would like it in here", her mother replied.

"Come on let's get into the house, I have all your luggage moved in before we arrived, am sure you would like the interior design more", she continued. The I

On getting into the house Rachael looked around in amazement, her mother truly knows what she likes, everything was to her liking.

"I hope you like everything in here, I would take your silence as yes, I have already looked for someone who would come here every morning to clean the house and also cook your meals, if you don't want them to cook your meals you could just ask them to leave it, by the way, I have already transferred enough money to your account to make sure you do not lack anything, don't forget to tell me once it's finished, I need to go now, duty calls", her mum said not giving Rachael a chance to reply.

As her mum was about to go out she turned around and pulled Rachael into a hug as she said "be good to everyone, ohh by the way I have already informed the neighbors about you so they would soon come to visit and make sure you don't give them a cold shoulder", she then turned around and left the house.

In the house next to Rachael's "Alex we have a new neighbor" his aunt Maddy yelled from the kitchen.

"Is our neighbor he or she" Alex yelled back from the dining as he was having his lunch.

Ever since his parents had lost their lives in a car accident as he was told, he had been living with his aunt Maddy since then.

"What's your business about the neighbors being he or she, coke and take this meal am preparing after you've finished your lunch" his aunt replied.

She knew about his attitude of indifference and being cold and mean toward girls since the incident with Lydia.

Rachael who was in the next house to theirs lay down on the bed as she gazed at the ceiling her mind drifted to when her gaze met Alex in the class since then she had been trying to remove him from her mind but it seemed impossible.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, she quickly got up to open the door for the visitor but she froze on opening the door as it was Alex.

Alex too froze when he saw her, since the time he had laid his eyes on her his emotions had become chaotic as he kept thinking of her, he had been trying to get her out of his mind but it just seemed impossible.

"My aunt said I should give this topic to you," Alex said with a straight face without any introduction when he saw it was her, handling a lunch box.

Rachael stretched her hands as she collected the lunch box from him and thanked him, she could only smile bitterly when she saw his cold attitude towards her she wondered what she had done to offend him, she longed to know the reason behind his cold attitude.