
She's Weird

Everyone had already introduced themselves, and so they were asked by their professor to settle down. The professor gave her initial instructions for the activity.

"Everyone listen up, people sitting on these columns will be paired up with the person on their right." said the professor.

"But prof, can't I just choose my own partner?" said Kate, who happens to be sitting on James' left.

"Sorry Kate, but that's the rule, and that is final." replied the professor.

"Aaawww...ahahahaha" teased her classmates.

Unfortunately for James, the person on his right is Diana. He looked at her, however she isn't looking at him. Her head is bent down, looking at her fidgeting hands on her lap.

"Ehem2x" James faked a cough to get Diana's attention. Diana turned to look at James still timidly.

"Hi, I am James, James Brax." said James politely to her, extending his arm for a handshake.

"I know, Uhm-cough2x-I mean I heard you earlier when I was outside." replied Diana without bothering to take James' hand.

"Oh okay. Diana right?" asked James.

"Correct" Diana answered.

"Uhm, by the way, I would like to apologize about earlier, you know in the hallway..." said James, while gently scratching the back of his head. Nervousness apparent in his voice.

"oh, it was nothing. Just forget about it." said Diana, while still avoiding eye contact with James.

But James can't seem to take his eyes away from the girl in front of him. Something about her is bothering him.

"So about this activity, do you have any idea in mind, that might be of help?" James said, but Diana kept ignoring him.

"Is she just shy, or is she that angry at me that she couldn't bear to look at me or even talk to me?" James thought.

The class was over and some went to their next classes while the others went to do their own things. Diana hurriedly fixed her things and dashed out of the room, not giving James any chance to even say a word.

"That girl is weird." said James aloud.

"Yeah, she has always been like that since she transferred to our school on her second year." said Kate suddenly, surprising James.

"So you were schoolmates?" asked James.

"Yeah...and classmates, but we were really never close, because she's weird and boring." answered Kate, rolling her eyes.

-dear readers, this is still not complete...I am still going to continue thia part. I just have to go do something.