

The group arrived at the restaurant, their anticipation growing as the aroma of delicious food wafted through the air. However, a cloud of uncertainty settled over the boys' faces, their expressions a mixture of excitement and concern.

Krish scratched his head, eyeing the entrance skeptically. "Are you sure this is a good idea, Ryan? Sneaking out for food sounds fun, but what if we get caught?"

Pande nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I mean, we've got a reputation to uphold. Breaking curfew is risky business."

Ryan exchanged a glance with Viraj, a hint of doubt in his eyes. "Guys, we've come this far. Let's not back down now."

Nikunj chimed in, his voice hesitant. "But what if we get into trouble?"

Isika's friends exchanged amused glances, Shreena raising an eyebrow. "Trouble? You guys sound like a bunch of nervous cats."

Aditi chuckled, her tone teasing. "Come on, where's your spirit of adventure?"

Navya joined in with a mischievous grin. "You've got to live a little, boys."

Ryan looked at Isika, a mixture of determination and apprehension in his eyes. "Alright, let's hear it. What's the grand plan, ladies?"

Isika exchanged a knowing smile with her friends. "We've got an insider connection. We know the owner, and she owes us a favor."

As the group settled into the cozy atmosphere of the restaurant, the playful banter continued. Isika's friends couldn't resist the opportunity to tease the boys, their laughter mingling with the ambient chatter.

Shreena leaned back in her chair, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "So, boys, trading your reputation as daredevils for a meal? Deadbeat or just hungry?"

Aditi added with a grin, "I must say, this is a whole new level of sneaky."

Navya playfully nudged Ryan's shoulder. "Ryan, I always thought you were the enigmatic, mysterious type. Who knew you were a softy for a midnight snack?"

"no we will go to another ones" Isika said

As the evening wore on and the laughter flowed freely, Isika found herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions. The easy camaraderie between Ryan and her friends sparked a twinge of jealousy within her, a feeling she hadn't quite expected. She watched as the teasing and banter continued, her smile slightly strained as she tried to shake off the unease.

Shreena, seated next to Ryan, leaned in to share a story, her laughter filling the air. Isika's gaze flickered towards them, her brow furrowing ever so slightly. Aditi's playful nudges and Navya's easy banter seemed to draw Ryan into their orbit, and Isika couldn't help but feel a pang of insecurity.

Attempting to push aside her feelings, Isika engaged in the conversation, joining the banter with forced enthusiasm. However, her attempts at laughter felt hollow, and her heart raced as her mind conjured scenarios that fueled her jealousy further.

Ryan turned towards Isika, a genuine smile on his lips. "Hey, Isika, did I tell you about the time these guys tried to pull off a prank in the hostel? It was epic."

Isika's heart skipped a beat, a mixture of relief and warmth washing over her. She offered a small smile, her unease easing slightly. "No, you haven't. Do tell."

As Ryan launched into the tale, Isika couldn't help but notice the way he included her in the conversation, his eyes meeting hers as he recounted the humorous mishaps. The pang of jealousy began to dissipate as she realized that despite the playful interactions between Ryan and her friends, he was still very much present in the moment with her.

With each shared laugh and exchanged glance, Isika felt her earlier jealousy morph into a sense of gratitude. She understood that friendship had a way of bridging gaps and creating connections, and she was reminded that her bond with Ryan was unique and strong in its own right.

As the night continued, Isika found herself enjoying the camaraderie that had formed between their two groups. The initial sting of jealousy had transformed into a deeper appreciation for the connections they all shared. And in the midst of their laughter and storytelling, Isika realized that the strength of her bond with Ryan was something that couldn't be overshadowed by fleeting feelings of jealousy.

As the evening progressed with laughter and delight, the time inevitably arrived for the anticipated settling of accounts – the bill. Placed unassumingly on the table, the innocent piece of paper carried the memory of their delightful feast. Amidst the jovial banter, a momentary hush descended, all eyes converging on the unspoken question of who would bear the financial burden.

Ryan exchanged a fleeting glance with his comrades, a tacit comprehension passing between them. Their carefree camaraderie now morphed into a transient suspense, acutely aware that their wallets held nothing but emptiness. However, concealed beneath their amused expressions lay a clandestine knowledge that was exclusively theirs.

Krish cleared his throat, a playful smile gracing his lips. "Ladies and gentlemen, it appears that we've reached the zenith of our culinary escapade."

Pande chuckled, seamlessly participating in the unfolding theatrics. "Ah, the grand finale of this gastronomic journey – embodied in the form of the bill."

Nikunj joined in, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Undoubtedly, this bill shall serve as the arbiter of our wallets' endurance."

Ryan maintained a composed demeanor, even as a trace of excitement simmered within him. "It's a narrative as ancient as time itself – the clash between voracious appetites and finite budgets."

Across the table, Isika's confidantes exchanged knowing glances, their expressions a medley of intrigue and anticipation. Shreena raised an eyebrow, a subtle grin playing on her lips. "So, gentlemen, are you prepared to unveil the crowning twist of your grand adventure?"

Aditi's grin was both conspiratorial and playful. "Have you masterminded this caper with an astute awareness of the impending fiscal climax?"

Navya's laughter was infectious, her tone infused with light amusement. "It seems our intrepid adventurers might be in for an unexpected twist."

Amidst the camaraderie, Isika felt an undercurrent of mystery. She exchanged an amused glance with her companions, her inquisitiveness piqued. "What intrigue have you all been brewing?"

As the bill was laid out and the boys enacted their staged shock, Isika's friends joined in the amusement. Yet, their expressions transformed upon glimpsing the unspoken challenge on the boys' faces. A cunning smile graced Ryan's lips, mirrored by smirks from his comrades.

Krish dramatically slapped his forehead, his tone exaggerated. "Oh dear, it seems we've plunged headlong into the abyss of fiscal constraints."

Pande's laughter was accompanied by a theatrical sigh. "Our wallets are currently enduring an unforeseen drought."

Nikunj adopted a posture of feigned defeat, his eyes twinkling with suppressed excitement. "Our valor was evidently confined to the realm of culinary encounters, not fiscal realities."

Amidst the shared laughter, Shreena's amusement gradually transformed into a mild exasperation. "Hold on a second, are you implying that we need to foot the bill?"

Aditi's tone oscillated between astonishment and jest. "So this entire escapade was a carefully orchestrated scheme? You've maneuvered us into this scenario?"

Navya shook her head, her tone a blend of mock indignation and amusement. "We were under the impression that you gentlemen were fearless adventurers. As it turns out, you're skilled tricksters in disguise."